Quantum Computing


i’m tanvika boineni and i’m currently a

junior at the south brunswick high


today i will be talking about how

quantum computing is our future

as technology continues to advance every

single day

quantum computing will have an extremely


impact on our society in multiple

different aspects

for example it can affect cryptography


and stimulation just to name a few

but first what exactly is a quantum


a quantum computer is a device that can


complex calculations that a regular

computer cannot

quantum computers utilize qubits to

perform these calculations

this means that the quantum computer can

perform calculations

based on the probability of an object

state before

it is even measured each object in a

normal computer for example

has a binary state of either a one or a


in a quantum computer these qubits can

represent both a one

and a zero at the same time and this is

called superposition

additionally the computer itself does

not look like the average computer you

have lying around at your house

it’s shaped almost like a chandelier and

consists of copper

tubes and wires these computers are also

placed in extremely cold temperatures

close to absolute zero

in order for the qubits to work for a

long period of time

at a young age i’ve always been

interested and involved in computer


and computational thinking as i grew up

i want to learn more about how exactly

these computers work and how they can be


these questions that i started to

develop helped me discover

my passion for quantum computing

i have decided to pursue quantum

computing as a career

because it can revolutionize our daily


i’m currently researching how to create

a quantum brain for medicine that can

also do predictive modeling

the purpose of this brain would be to

use predictive modeling

and statistics in order to help out


minimize the amount of invasive

surgeries that currently occur

it would be linked to bots inside the


do predictive modeling from the

information and also assess the

information gathered by the bots

as the bot is injected it collects data

as it flows through the bloodstream

and can detect anomalies in the body

such as

nerve bundles chronic pain and tumors

and then send that information back to

the quantum brain

where it can help diagnose what exactly

is happening within the body

with my quantum brain i would like to

incorporate cyberplasm

and magnetic resonance in order to make

this work

cyberplasm is a microbot that is

currently used to enter the body and

detect diseases

this microbot mimics the behavior of a

sea lamprey in order to move about the


once it has entered the body it uses an

electronic impulse to collect data

and then sends it to the brain to help


the brain then sends information back to

the microbot to help it navigate through

the body

the brain and the microbot send

information back and forth to each other

until the microbot is done with its

purpose and flushed out

magnetic resonance also uses the quantum

properties of a brain to detect diseases

in the human body

without the need for any surgery one

limitation that i must overcome for the

quantum brain to diagnose illnesses

are the parallel computations that the

brain must run

i’m currently in contact with dr brad


head of ai in r d information research

at abbey to try

and figure out a way to go about this


this project is considered an evolution

in medicine

since using a quantum brain will make

diagnosing illnesses

a faster and much more convenient way

using microbots to go into the body and

detect information

also allows anomalies in the body to be

detected without any major surgery

coordination and swarm intelligence are

also keys to having my quantum brain in

perfect sync

with the bots that i use xenobots are

small synthetic robots that are designed

by computers to perform

a specific purpose xenobots are

considered the first living creatures

that have no

brain and are controlled by a computer

nanobots could also be used to perform

certain actions

as well as collecting information

nanobots can be used to remove plaque

from veins

and inject blood clotting drugs into

vessels around

tumors the weiss institute at harvard

university is currently researching

how these nanotechnological devices can

be used for drug delivery

they state that the nanobots that they

have created will soon be used to


antigens and other biologically active

molecules in the human body

the weiss institute intends to use these

nanobots primarily to deliver

cancer vaccines for my

project i aim for these bots to be

injected into

the bloodstream by being coated with the

enzyme urease

this allows the bots to use urea from

the urine

as a source of fuel as it travels

through the body

the coordination and swarms of bots are

important because

it allows the bots to travel complex

paths throughout the body and treat


pathologies that cannot be treated with

just one single bot

the activity of these bots will then be

monitored by my quantum brain

my brain will be able to analyze

information given the data that the bots


this data will be stored by being

encoded into the qubits

my brain will also be able to calculate

different possibilities

on how the bots can navigate navigate

through the body and send that

information to the bots

my research shows just how impactful

quantum computing is

in just one aspect of medicine it can

change the lives of so many

additionally quantum computing can aid

the medical field in both drug


and drug discovery quantum computing can

benefit the pharmaceutical field

because it can design new drugs in a

more faster and reliable way

the computers can be used to analyze

individual molecules and come up with

the prescription

through calculations this allows

treatments for harmful diseases to be

created in a short time manner

and benefit many seeing the impact that

quantum computing has just on the

medical field

imagine how greatly it can affect other


i hope sharing my research and dreams

will help you visualize a quantum future

and make you want to journey with me as

we all together evolve

to create this new world that has just

survived thank you so much