Who are we and what is everything


i’m going to be talking about questions

curiosity and answers you know what

would happen if we did or didn’t have


it’s going to be slightly more chaotic

so try and keep up

you know i think we’ve all asked

questions it’s part of our daily lives

it’s a part of our routine about how

about a maths question what do i do

or anything that just revolves around us

you know as humans we think we’re

powerful we’re special i mean everything

around us is built for us not for

anything else

but for us and

you know questions have helped us grow

so much as humans 2

000 years ago we wouldn’t we wouldn’t be

here you know

and it’s because of things we wanted we

wanted to do more we wanted to know more

that’s helped us be where we are here


you know a simple question like what are


who what is our purpose can go such a

long way it’s like

putting a key into a door and on the

other side

it’s an answer now i don’t know if i

want those answers though because

for example let’s say after death right

we unlock those answers

we know that everything around us let’s

say would be a simulation

how would i react how would we react i

mean we would go into a state of panic

it’s like telling someone

48 hours to live good luck i mean i’d be

scared you know

though when it tends in 48 hours to be

perfectly honest

my brain would try to find a way around

it maybe you know find a way i can


or something to do with it it’s natural

it’s our instinct it’s our

survival instincts and so and so

you know i wouldn’t like to be panicked


a simple thing that i’ve discovered and

it’ll bother my head all the time i

don’t want that

i don’t want to be out under constant


that this is what i am i have to face

the truth and maybe i don’t want that

and maybe other people don’t want that

and so

why do i need questions and answers why

do i need to ask questions am i trying


compensate for something is what i have

not good enough and let’s say i do ask

these questions

but what if they’re the wrong ones what

if i’ve got everything wrong what if

we’ve got everything wrong you know

animals they live a simplistic life

eat drink sleep mate and

we do more than that we build look we’ve

built buildings technology we can go to


we couldn’t do that a long time ago but

now we can

and that’s what’s important and so

we can do that now and

and now we can do that and it’s it’s


but i don’t necessarily like if we

didn’t have those questions and answers

we’d probably be cavemen we’d be back in

the past

but is that necessarily a bad thing we

were doing pretty well i mean we’ve

evolved and now we’ve got in here

but i wouldn’t say it’s a bad thing not

having them you know

i’d like to have them maybe and also it

gives you a sense of being a god it

gives you power

you know having knowledge over when

people don’t have this and

i would have it but do i want this power

you know do i need to feel

powerful isn’t what i have enough i’m


i i can live my day without these but at

the same time they just keep bothering


and they bother me and bother me and i

don’t know what to do about it

because to face the facts i probably

won’t know if

everything around us is a simulation

probably never will

and maybe none of us will maybe the

government knows these questions

but they’re holding it like they don’t

tell us these for a reason

maybe our brain know thee knows the


but they it doesn’t tell us maybe it’s a

good thing i mean and if we had these

answers maybe we’d be like 3 000 years

in the future

flying cars being able to live on a new

planet who knows but like

isn’t what i have good enough i have

food water shelter

what why do i need more why do i feel

the need

to want to know more i don’t know

simply simple as it is so maybe

as if i had an answer let’s say

something that wouldn’t completely

destroy me as

i don’t know what is space you know if

you think about it is it a box does it

end is it

blackness who knows scientists don’t

know how am i supposed to know

but if i knew that that’d be pretty cool

i don’t need to know if i’m in a

simulation i don’t need to know that

and wouldn’t really like to know it but

there’s other things i’d like to know

and having these answers has helped us

be where we are here today

it’s important and so we need to be able


appreciate that our mind wants more

it we need to feed it not just physical

food but also questions and

knowing more so

a new world maybe could be created with

all the questions we’ve had you know if

we answer everything

maybe we wouldn’t be torn apart like i

said about giving a certain

a person a certain amount of time to

live what if it’s actually so beneficial

for us

we want this and it would help us but we

can’t know this because that itself is

another question

questions are also something we’ve

created if we’re doing this all wrong

how do we fix it that’s another question

do we need to fix it

and so i probably never will know the

answer to these questions

maybe that’s a bad thing maybe it’s not

but all i know is curiosity is a good


maybe it’s what makes us humans maybe

it’s what makes us us

and that’s important thank you
