The Meaning of Life


the ability

to make distinctions to distinguish

between things that seem to be

alike seem to be the same is a very

important part of human intelligence

just a quick example the difference

between existing

and living is huge

the difference is this to exist

means to occupy space

to exist in the physical world you have

to occupy your space

which means you don’t allow another into

the same space

so a book on the shelf occupies its

space you can’t put another book there

air fire water earth they all

occupy space even a thought in your mind

occupies space can’t think two thoughts

at the same time

a feeling in the heart occupy space

that’s why we say the heart is full

so the definition of existence is simply

occupying its space

obviously there’s more tangible space

like the book on the shelf

and there is emotional space or mental


but they all

restrict access to their space they

don’t share it

now when it comes to a living being

there’s also the demands that existence


in order to exist a human being must eat

must drink must be protected from the


must have a roof over their head

many demands and when all of these

conditions are met

he can continue to take up space

that’s the definition of existence

everything that exists also has life

life means the affect the contribution

that you make

by existing very different

life makes no demands there are no


to living meaning whatever your

existence is

from the finest to the worst from the


to the smallest you always have a

contribution that you’re making

a difference that you’re making so

life makes no demands it’s what you do

what you bring to the world

by your existence so for example

fire has a life

it brings warmth creates light

water has a life but it’s different

water makes things grow keeps things


even a stone has a life because it


stability a house made out of stone is

more stable

than a house made out of straw

so everything exists and

lives everything

in the human being there are times when


and living are in conflict

when i have a room all to myself

large auditorium all to myself

i have all that space

good for my existence

but talking to an empty room is not a


so when the room fills up with people my

existence is diminished

but my life is enhanced i have someone

to talk to

any time there’s a conflict between

existing and living

the intelligent thing to do is give up

the existence

in favor of life now this will explain

so many things that we don’t have time

to get into

but just a few examples

what is it with teenagers

why are they angry

they live in your house for free they

get whatever they want if they

bother you long enough what are they

angry about

and everywhere in the world when you

talk to teenagers

they will tell you the same thing

they’re angry because

my mother ruined my whole life

notice that it’s always the whole life

teenagers are not good at fractions

now that’s a serious accusation my

mother ruined my whole life

but of course it’s not true for two


first of all teenagers don’t have a life

they gotta get a life so there’s nothing

for their mothers to ruin

secondly you can’t ruin life

existence comes in many flavors there

are people who have a magnificent


they’ve got place of their own they have

every need

that existence demands they have food

they have drink they have safety they

have fame they have love

they have a support system they’ve got

it all

their existence is wonderful

and then there are people whose

existence is meager

they barely exist

but life comes in only one flavor

sacred so you cannot ruin life just like

salt can’t go bad

what mothers do they humble your


because if you’re proud to exist you’re

proud of your

existence your mother simply by being

your mother

humbles your existence because you owe

it all to her

but mothers don’t ruin lives

another example

the existence of the jewish people

everyone remarks and puzzles

this strange phenomenon how is it that

other nations have come and gone

richer bigger stronger

the jew is still here

this is the distinction between existing

and living

those nations that are gone all they

wanted was to exist

to ensure their continued existence

they built huge cities fortified

developed huge armies amassed a lot of


they were going to exist and they don’t


jewish history was different we were

told before we entered

the promised land moses told us

you’re not going to have a good

existence you’re going to get scattered

you’re going to be

reduced to a fraction of your number

you’re going to be living in other

people’s countries where you may not be

welcome at all

your existence not so special

therefore you be busy living

now here’s an amazing thing

throughout our history we were most


when our existence was down to

a thread we produced the greatest

scholars the greatest

study institutions the greatest charity

charity institutions we were alive

and an interesting thing happens when

you’re fully alive

your existence kind of takes care of


a doctor in the time of a plague

everyone else gets sick the doctor

doesn’t get sick

he doesn’t even get tired because sick

and tired always come together right

he doesn’t get tired he skips meals

stays up all night superman

the explanation is when you’re so fully


when your contribution is so obvious

so urgent so real

you are fully alive

and then your existence is not so


that is the secret of jewish survival

but it needn’t be a secret if you’re

focused on life if you’re focused on

what you are needed for your own needs

kind of fade you’re not so needy

so here’s the distinction between living

and existing

existing is needs

needs you’re needy religiously speaking

for your needs you are completely

dependent on god

you got to pray to him you got to depend

on him you got to trust in him

you got to believe in him and you got to

hope he likes you

so that he will continue your existence

but a relationship with god

is life because when you conserve

when you can make a difference in god’s


when you can promote his purpose in


and bring the world to its perfection

now you

are doing what you are needed for

so it comes down to a simple question

would you rather be

needy or would you rather be needed

not such a difficult decision in fact it

turns out

the human being would rather be needed

than loved we would rather be needed

than respected in fact

when we know we’re needed we can do

without pretty much anything else

we were created with a purpose we were

created to serve

we are partners in creation all i need

to know

is what do you want me to do how can i

be of help

that’s life the rest

just existence