Black Lives Matter Because all Lives Matter


we find our voice through a simple

yet powerful physical gesture

for instance taking a knee

can mean dramatically different things

in different situations

starting during the nfl’s 2016 football


quarterback colin kaepernick took a knee

in support of the black lives matter

movement and

ended up getting basically blackballed

by all nfl teams

on may 25th 2020 minneapolis police

officer derek

charvin took a knee

for eight minutes and 45 seconds

to the neck of george floyd

ultimately killing him

the world has not been the same since

that fateful day

the horrific video literally spread

around the world

with people from all kinds of cultural


taken to the streets and yes

taking a knee in protest

the traumatizing impact of almost weekly

police or vigilante killings

of people like armon arbury

brianna taylor and george floyd

are recent deadly examples

of the racism that’s permeated the

united states

since it began in 1776

suddenly due to the internet

america’s long deadly history of race

related violence

had gone viral

however just because we are outraged it

does not mean

that we have to lose our minds

or our morals we can be both

rational and ethical

even though we are angry when our

rightful moral indignation causes us to

lose our intellect and ethical compass

it can lead to some very negative


when we leave with raw passion and

abandoning our logical thinking

we often end up with ideas like an

urban riot is no longer a riot

it is a quote revolution this

idea is often promoted by african

americans and their quote allies

even though the negative social and

economic damage caused by such


hurt economically stressed urban african

americans the most

for instance after more than five years

inner-city african-americans in my

hometown of baltimore maryland

have still not recovered from the fires

and vandalisms

which i call riots that happen separate

from the many peaceful protests

against the police-involved killing of

freddie gray

in april of 2015. additionally

the aftermath of these so-called


often leave all african americans in a

bad light

in a worse political position

a riot is a riot

no matter who precipitates it

or participates in it u.s history tells


that the dailiest riots in the country

have been carried out by people

identified as quote

whites against african americans

people of color and other marginalized


we we are when we are justifiably


by racially motivated killings we often

lose our minds

and our morals our rationality

and our ethics what this current

understandable frustration often leads


is an angry insistence that black lives


cannot or should not be said in


with the phrase all lives matter i

believe that ethically speaking

black lives matter because

all lives matter my connection to this

idea is very personal and painful

because of what happened

on april 14 1997.

the slide you’re about to see is my son

malik jones

on april 14th 1997 my son malik jones


at the end of what should have been a

routine traffic stop

when an east haven connecticut police

officer robert fluddquist

after a chase from suburban east haven

into inner city new haven

ran up to his car shattered the driver’s

side front window with the butt of a gun

paid for with money from taxpayers like


and shot my baby several times at close

range killing him

believe me there’s no pain

like the pain of burying one of your


within two weeks of the killing i spoke

directly by phone

separately to the then mayor of east


and afterwards to the then chair of east

haven’s police commission

i asked them both the same question and

gave them the same

very specific advice the question was

do you have any young men in your family

who are at or around 21 years of age

this was malik’s age at the time of his


they both answered yes

i then advised both of them that if they

participated in the defensive circle the

wagons mentality

that cities and police departments often

adopt in the wake of such police

involved shootings

the streets of connecticut would be less


for all citizens

sadly on july 14 1999

a little more than two years after

malik’s deadly encounter

with the east haven police officer the

headline for an article in the hartford


connecticut newspaper read quote

cop shot woman through car’s side window

google it you’ll find the story the

story was about a 40 year old white


victoria cooper who like malik ended up

dead at the end of what

should have been a routine traffic stop

on july 13 1999

in nearby north brantford connecticut

less than 10 miles less than 10

miles away from where malik

was killed the news story also discussed

malik’s killing

because of the similar circumstances of

them being shot

through the driver’s side front window

lack lives matter

because all lives matter

so when we examine the recent history of

the united states

of america three additional dates will

help us to understand

why we should use our voices to connect

black lives matter

to all lives matter the dates are may


1927 january the 10th

2005 and october 27

  1. the names of the individuals

connected to these dates are not as

well known as the names of malik jones

or george floyd however i encourage you

not to forget these people

as we strive to make the united states

and the world live

up to the words and shrine in the united


declaration of independence which was

signed on july 4

1776 it states and you’ve heard this


we hold these truths to be self-evident

that all men are created equal

that they’re endowed by their creator

with certain unalienable rights that

among these

are life liberty

and the pursuit of happiness we also

find similar inspiring words in an

autobiography that is seen by many

as one of the most insightful critiques

of how the power

of racism affects u.s society

even today near the end of his

autobiography of malcolm x

malcolm x also known as el hajj malik as


stated i am for truth

no matter who tells it i am for justice

no matter who it’s for or against

i’m a human being first and foremost

and as such i’m for whoever

and whatever benefits humanity as a


it is in the spirit of these words from

both the declaration of independence

and the order book for your malcolm x

that i urge you

not to forget these three people i’m


to tell you about

the first name we should not forget

is carrie s buck on may 2nd

1927 the frame the very famous

liberal united states supreme court

justice oliver

window holmes jr stated

in the supreme court decision that quote

three generations of imbeciles are


unquote the decision buck versus bell

was an eight to one supreme court


that helped to fuel the infamous

eugenics movement

which focused on creating a purer

white race by the way you can read all

about this case

and the huge impact of the eugenics

movement in a well-documented book which

every person in america and worldwide

should read

entitle war against the weak

eugenics in america’s campaign to create

a master race by edwin blatt

carrie s buck remember that name

this poor white teenage virginia woman

from charlottesville virginia near where

i grew up

in roanoke virginia in virginia’s jim

crow exile

was the first of more than 60 thousand


citizens who were forcibly sterilized

under the color of state laws between

1927 and the 1970s

the first targets of course were

institutionalized whites who were called

imbeciles and effective

they were trying to improve the race

after all

and then ultimately and it always

ultimately comes to this these four


including blacks and other people of


black lives matter

because all lives matter

the second name we should not forget

is jamila yasmine arshad

on january 10 2005 dr jamila yasmin

arshad died in the back seat of a police

cruiser in kenner louisiana

she died there because she stopped

she made a humanitarian effort to help a

boy hit by a car

and the officers who arrived at the


refused to believe that this black woman

could be an accomplished well-respected

medical doctor that she was

i bring her up from the medical


in this context for two reasons first

when we talk about black lives matter we

tend to focus on

young black men like my son malik jones

and we

fail to highlight how frequently black

women are victims

of such police involved killings

second according to the centers for the

disease control

of the united states black

american indian alaska native

women are two to three times

more likely to die from

pregnancy-related causes

than white women in the most

expensive health care system in the


most americans receive subpar subpar


but if you’re a woman of color you


even worse often deadly care

black lives matter

because all lives matter

the third name that we should never


is rose mallinger

on october 27 2018

97 year old rose mallinger was murdered

why she was murdered along with 10

other people why

simply for worshiping while jewish

at the pittsburgh tree of life synagogue

in pittsburgh according to the november


2018 edition of the pittsburgh gazette

robert bowers the terrorists who killed


shared material online from the

christian identity movement

by the way the christian identity

movement believes that

people of your deep european descent are

the quote chosen people

and that jews are their enemies and then

other races like mine

are meant to be exterminated or enslaved

it is a small wonder that even the

current u.s department of homeland

security secretary

sees the white supremacy movement as the


violent threat to america today

i invite and concern people of all faith

and concern people of no faith to


and act on the reality that the black

lives matter movement

is not only about race but about the


security and humanity of all of us

who inherit this land who inhabit this


let’s raise our voices and say

black lives matter because all

lives matter
