Lead with grace Evaluate Self image


when my daughter was 12

she said something that maybe changed my

entire theory

about parenting and educating kids

when i left my full-time position as

assistant professor in applied

linguistics and ventured into a position

in management

i was quickly humbled by the experience

and had to shed

layers of my personality when i started

getting the first hunches

about opening my side hustle the

transformative education consulting

my ego kept standing in my way and


how are you going to do this you don’t

have the skills the resources the funds

to do it who do you think you are

how dare you claim the business world

you are a teacher

and teachers stay in the classroom

you see change is inevitable but

personal growth is a choice

that’s what my mentor bob proctor would

always say it’s his mantra

but you know the point i want to drive

home today is that change is inevitable

but adapting and adjusting to the

requirements of change

is no longer a choice it is a must

why because the only constant in a

constantly changing word

is change itself now let me share with

you some of the drivers of change

as the fourth industrial revolution

people would call it

the first driver is technology today

there are 5.9 billion users of


and um and 91 percent

ask a question while doing a task and

ask it

on google jobs are being replaced by


53 percent of people of all ages

are afraid of being replaced by


around 34 percent of the workforce

today according to the elast survey

do not want to take fixed jobs the


jobs and prefer freelancing and working

on projects now according to the word

economic forum

report of 2018 an average of

71 of total task hours

across several industries are performed

by humans

compared to 29 percent performed by

machines now by 2020 this average is

expected to have shifted to

58 percent performed by humans

and 42 percent by machines

the second driver is the impact of


on the skills needed according to

research in linkedin

the top five skills companies need most

in 2019 and beyond are

creativity persuasion collaboration

adaptability and time management

again according to the word economic

forum among the top 10 skills

needed are emotional intelligence


and adaptability now what does this mean

for the young people who are watching us


most of the young people present in here

today will be assessed on

emotional intelligence when they sit or

by the time they sit for an interview

for a job more than for their

iq so it’s the their eq rather than

iq that is uh important

now why one might say okay this is great

now that we know which skills are needed

for the next

5-10 years the next thing is to go in

there at schools

and teach them easier said than done

why when my daughter told me

my friends had cool parents

i envy her i knew something deep deep

inside shattered

had to go and be replaced by something


it’s my self-image as a mom and as a


it was time for me to explore what cool


do and change and replace

that chip in my software i had to take


of my thoughts my feelings my beliefs my


and keep what was working for me and my


and leave all the rest it was like


there was a time before and a time after

that incident when i stepped into my new

job in educational management

i had to let go of some of my old


as assistant professor in applied

linguistics inherent to

lecturing researching working with the


and data and mainly into the word of

interpersonal communication into

exploring the amaze and intricacies of

the human mind

of my colleagues to be able to better

understand them

and better help them and serve them

radical empathy

as seth gordon calls it was huge for me

to make this happen

i was no longer the same my self-image


yet another upgrade

when i started my consultancy business

everything in me

my logic my reasoning my memory my


were siding with the impostor syndrome

and the loud voice in my

head imploring me not to do it

and to stay in the comfort of the nine

to five job

except one flash thought of me enjoying


doing what i love and living life on my

own terms

that one single thought where

i fused with my desire was enough to


a whole change in my self-image by

facing my self-sabotaging beliefs

with a simple but powerful question is

it true

i guess the idea i want to impress upon


is that skills and skills training is

great but it is not enough

why because those skills listed in the

world economic forum

do not require a changing skill set they

require a change at

mindset level take for instance


how do you teach someone to be creative

in a

60 or 90 minute or even a two-day

workshop or seminar

doesn’t it require first the person

seeing himself

as creative i am creative a change in


and in particular our self-image

is the name of the game maxwell moles in

his book psycho cybernetics says


sets the boundaries of individual


and that we can never outperform our


why because our self-image is our

control mechanism

our autopilot system that is controlling

the way

we think the way what we believe who we

are and what we are capable of doing

any change operated at the surface level

and that does not take into account a


at the deep root cause of that behavior

as human beings

is merely wishful thinking

now steve brazile america’s leading

strategist founder of

hitman inc and ceo of

fulbridge states that the skills we

currently have will take us

between three to five years so the main

characteristic of

the upcoming era is change

meaning constantly refining updating

upgrading our mental programs

our mental model our self-image by

bringing the future into the present

and preparing ourselves for it

buckminster fuller america’s 20th


avant-garde engineer and educator says

you never change

things by fighting reality to change


build a new model that will make the

existing one

obsolete so while creativity

emotional intelligence adaptability are

coming high on the list of priority


all of which demanding a self-image


what would be the ramifications of these

new requirements for educational systems

and teachers

how is this going to impact parents and

the way they educate kids

at home and how are comfort companies

going to plan

training for their staff for example

for those of us who are doing the school


are we providing the dedicated expertise


facilities to hold our students and

train them in the skills that are needed

in the future

for the best part i would say overall we


now the question that remains is

are we willing to make of our homes

our schools and our classrooms a safer

space a safe space for our children

and students to take risks to allow


to hit and fail try and fail to be messy

in projecting themselves in the future

until they develop

clarity in their mind and create the


they aspire to have in three five or

ten years down the road

in a nutshell for me the answer

remains in our ability to reinvent


to learn as we go and to be always

two steps ahead of change to lead it

with grace

and that’s by being ready willing

and able to shed the old self-image of

ourselves and embrace the new one the


that will help us navigate the new wave

of change

with grace thank you