Light Recipe to Embrace Change

how do you feel into this pandemic times

bad obviously i’m not asking this

question to the ones that the bad

tragic event concerning their family and


i would never tolerate i’m asking to the

luckiest others

including myself how do we feel

bad right right but why

well if we take the time to analyze what

is really disturbing us

i’m ready to bet that having to change

many of our habits

is one of the major issues here indeed

a big part of the sickness is coming

from the fact that

we are resisting to change

one of my best picture my name is


and for the bodies the half-brained men

i got this nickname since september 2015

when an ischemic brain stroke has


50 percent of my brain since then i am

enemy plagic i didn’t even know the

meaning of the word hemiplegic

because these things happen only to

others isn’t it well

now i know it sixty percent of my body

is paralyzed after reading my biography

someone said fabrizio you look qualified

to talk about how to embrace

change everybody fully alive is

qualified to talk about embrace change

for billions of years of evolution since

life started on this planet

to 100 000 years to get homo sapiens

ready for a ted talk

and i came and i managed to give me a

broken congratulations fabrizio i know

that deserve better than a brain but in

a period of crisis

this is what you get

you said there is no evolution if you

are not intrigued by change

you certainly recognize this illustrious

sir no

he’s not gandalf the magician of the

lord of rings now

this gentleman said the sentence that

that is

very often used and will be it will

continue to be used for determinity

he said is not

the strongest knows the nor the most

intelligence that will survive

it is the most responsive

to change charles darwin of course

definitely true for business evolution

true for

species evolution of course true for our


confronted to daily hysterical issues

so true that it would have been nice

if ser darwin would have had a few lines

to explain

us what is the magic formula for


i know responding remain 100

our responsibility if now you expect

that somebody with that free brain

is coming and bringing you the universal

magic formula of responsiveness

it means you love a science fiction


some of my friends believe i have

something to say

i don’t know maybe because i have an

intense modern life like i assume the

majority of you has

graduating changing my job

12 times relocating eight times

cooperating with 14 new different bosses

including my wife

hiring 200 brilliant people of different


with the privilege to doing to visit and

doing businesses

under different nations

a good salary driving

a ferrari and now

driving a wheelchair without any job

unemployed in handicapped

however i continue to keep smiling

and overenjoy life against all

the psychology statistical expectations

my friends start questioning me fabrizio

what is wrong with you

you should be in deep depression where

is the trick

the trick the trick what is the trick

after weeks and months of reasoning

raised on insertion for the trick

i finally landed with absolutely nothing


nothing they can make money with

just some basic cuisine just a reminder

of what we already know

because the issue is not that we don’t

know what to do

the issue is that we don’t do what we do

isn’t it

but i miss i love cooking

as a most of chemists

so here is my attempt to structure a


to how to embrace change simple and


three dishes starter

main dish in a dessert

simple in basics now as my compatriot

leonardo da vinci said

simplicity is the ultimate

sophistication let me try to go through

the main dishes and going into the

ingredient of the main dishes

enhance perception started perception

home perception our perception

perception of what

perception of the now of the present


you all believe to have a perfect

perception of the present moment

yeah well they want to believe yes

without hesitation

they should try to compete with my 90

years old grandfather

to look for mushrooms in the same floor

spot be ready for a humiliating


if you want a more suitable example how

many times happened to you

that the understanding from a


was totally different from the


of the same presentation followed by one

of your colleagues

to the point that you wondered if you

were at the ending exact to the same


well the what probably happened

is that at a certain moment you or your


switch it to what we’re going to call

the automatic flying mode

our mind often without asking our


switch to an autopilot flying into past


start imagining future options

and we lose the present moment isn’t it

right this recipe strongly recommend to

stop the automatic frame mode

when a change is approaching

we cannot respond properly if we don’t

have a super clear understanding

of what is happening all around us

in case you have some doubt about your


slow down and start asking short

questions to yourself

and to anybody that can be of any help

be vocal

accept help

and now the main dish joy testing

joy is an insurance of success i hope

that everybody agree

many prestigious authors have already

addressed the importance

of joy for our mind and body

including the magic biochemistry that

our brain

generates when we are joyful well

for these reasons this recipe

recommend to measure

our joy level every day

at least five minutes a day

as a joy meter does not exist yet

we should com we might compare our

happiness of today

with yesterday and

visualize ourselves into the following


if we feel that our joy is to be damaged

we need to go immediately back to the

drawing board

and remove or

compensate counterbalance or

the recurring damaging foundations

this requires some analysis followed by


to redesign or to reorganize some

creativity might be involved

if you never try to be creative when you

are upset or sad

good luck

furthermore this recipe is recommending


focus on the upside ah another one to

talk about outside

yes there is always always

enough glass are full in any

darkest situation always the upside

sometimes are small

tiny and funny sometimes they are huge

and very serious it is our job

to take the time and to find them

in case tomorrow morning you wake up


60 of your body paralyzed

it’s not my wish but i have some

experience on that so i can share it

the list of upside is so long

that we do not have the time to talk

about all of them you want some example

of the funnest one for example my seat

is certainly more comfortable than yours


and i’m available to testing if you are


if you love traveling i have dedicated

jack king gate dedicated austin stewart

dedicating security line

no cue and passport control a dedicated

boarding bus with private elevator

i’m always first on plane all the

frequent flyer

silver gold platinum all behind me

the nd card is by far better than any



and now let’s move to the more serious


now i’m traveling with my two sisters


by the way my bodyguards they’re in the

room of course because they have to

secure everything where i go

i have time for their standard family

their asthma and their prodigious keys

i finally time for my wife sarah

to share my love and to receive her love

i have time for friends

i have time to ask the full rescue team

they put me they put me back

in a new life expressing

a new different full potential

i was in paradise

together with you and i have neglected

not any longer

and now you believe you could finish no

and now

the desert respond well the desert is a

very very traditional cuisine

we take our goals we prioritize them

the two large goals or issues we

break it down in very little objectives

one by one always in one direction to

achieve the goal

but maybe one of the ingredients that

often even the

largest famous chef forget is

celebration yes celebration

celebration of what celebration of

any minor progress to achieve the goal

if we do not remember in seconds last

time we have celebrated

it means we are on the wrong path

try to make this exercise what is the

last time you celebrate

birthday christmas no

too far me the last time i’ve celebrated

is um

this morning first because i woke up

that is not a given to everybody

especially during this time

second because i’ve been able to go to

the toilet by myself

and i’ve been able to put my underwear

and my trousers back

let me check yeah free or any help

isn’t it all this to do what to have

breakfast with my sister and to come to

meet you

for a tennis talk but it’s not this


this morning i’ve celebrated already

minimum three times to be on the

conservative side

now i promise to my doctor and to saint


to add a warning to the recipe

this recipe should help us to become

more adaptable in other words

more successful and happy however

is not making us invulnerable so please

please i know you are still you are

young but maybe at home there is

somebody that has already passed this

please add to your

duty a basic

maintenance program for that masterpiece

of a chemical engineer

your body is

we do not we don’t need to meet saint


to realize that we are already in


and now a real mediterranean limoncello

quoting a phrase from the famous novel

elgato pardo of giuseppe tomas di


se vogliamo que tuto rimanga

if we want everything remain as it is


must change

head spinning is normal it’s the article

of the limoncello

in other words

let me rephrase it and maybe is helping


if we want to continue to our life


as we have believed it so far everything

must change in other words resisting to


is resisting to life but if all this

start to make sense let’s embrace change

exploding or our energy to realize

dream and passions we are in evolving


but in case you know a better place

please please send me an email

thank you