Racial Stereotyping


before i start my speech

i want to thank my parents my family

and miss eisen for supporting me

throughout the way

hi my name is emilia i want you all to

look at this picture

the one on the left is the original

which is located

in the louvre in france and the one on

the right

is a copy which is located in el prado

in spain

now if i do this would this be the same

i want you all to think about it

is it the same

stereotyping is a way to make

information out of someone’s appearance

that might lead to the wrong view of the


or an obstacle you simply place on other

people or a label on a picture

i am very lucky to attend to an

international school

where kids from several different

countries go to school

i’ve decided to interview several


teachers and parents from our community

to find differences and similarities

after this i’ve come to a conclusion

where yes

we all have differences

we all have differences but we have a

lot more in common

even though we all speak different

languages we all

look different we have different beliefs


perspectives and traditions we have a

lot more in common

even though we have a lot more in common

we all want to be heard we all want to

we all have fear of people rejecting us

we want people to and most importantly

we want people to see us

for who we really are not a stereotype

which is placed to our race

but when you understand these

differences it opens your mind

a power from under you rises up

a power that will take you a long way a


that not everyone has you become


and yes we all have differences

but that’s what makes us unique but

these differences

shouldn’t pull us apart from each other

they should bring us closer to each


for each of us bringing our strengths

together and making this world

a better world

my school has shown me the importance of

being open-minded

and i’ll always be grateful for this and

i can say

that me and my fellow students have all

become citizens

of the world thank you very much