The Benefits of Reading


some people hear this word and think uh

boring nope i am not interested

some people hear this word and think ah


i’m going to cozy up with a book and

read all night

some people hear this word and think

school and assign reading and summer

reading and papers and essays and

classes and teachers and

but when i hear this word i think of the

thing i look forward to

the most throughout my entire day i

can’t tell you the amount of times i’ve

come to school

super groggy because i was up way too

late the night before

saying just one more chapter and you’ll

go to bed just one more chapter and

you’ll go to bed

just one more chapter yeah

i say that about five times a night but

i don’t just like reading because of the


i love reading because of the things it

has done for my life

in the book to kill a mockingbird

atticus finch told scout

you never really understand a person

until you consider things from his or

her point of view

and so you climb into their skin and

crawl around in it

reading can help you practice this

reading has allowed me to consider

things from other people’s point of view

all the time catherine stockett’s novel

the help

is one of the most powerful books i’ve

ever read

but there’s this gut-wrenching moment in

the book that affected me deeply

abeleen the black house made to the

leifold family is told by her employers

that she is not allowed to use the

restroom inside the home

instead she was forced to use the

restroom constructed in the garage for

the help hence the title adeline was sad

angry disappointed and alone because i

felt so deeply for this character

it felt like i just watched one of the

most important people in my life being

told that she was less than

and it broke my heart these stories are

so important because it allows us to

walk through the character’s journey

it gives us perspective it helps us

learn what happens

and about people’s emotions and not just

facts about their life

by reading you develop empathy in a

deeper understanding of the world around


my aunt has four children two of white

skin and two of brown skin

i love my cousins equally and the color

of their skin white or brown has never

affected that but by reading the help

and learning about abilene’s journey it

pushed me to think about the challenges

that my cousins may face

just because of the color of their skin

in the book a cuban girl’s guide to t

and tomorrow i learned

so much about cuba’s culture and what’s


is it’s about a girl who lives in

florida with cuban parents

who’s visiting in london and even as

she’s walking on the old cobblestone

streets in the rain next to big ben

sipping tea

i still learned so much about cuba’s

culture through her memories

her likes and her love for cooking

traditional cuban food

reading can allow you to look at things

from other people’s point of view

and learn about their cultures than say

i don’t think

a web search could do we all want to

experience new things

right some may do this by reaching out

to the people around you

joining clubs or doing community service

but not only do you get to experience

new things

but you are almost guaranteed a better

educational career

by reading you’re guaranteed better

classroom grades

better vocabulary better and better

community skills

an article from the elite educational

institute states that people who read


are more likely to have are more likely

to have

better classroom grades and get better

sat scores

reading opens up more doors for you in

the future a quote from albert einstein


that if you want your children to be

intelligent read them fairy tales

if you want your children to be more

intelligent read them fairy tales

even one of the smartest minds in the

history of our world agrees that not

only is reading fun and enjoyable

but it’s educational and promotes

learning beaches prior is the heroine of

the divergent trilogy

and pretty early on in the books we

realize that she is an introvert

but throughout the series she made

lifelong friends and learned more about


than by jumping into a new opportunity

and not caring what other what her

family or others thought about her

as an introvert i was inspired by

beatrice’s courage and spunk to throw

away what was comfortable

to her and try something new i thought

to myself if a fictional character

character could do this and learn more

about herself

then why couldn’t i do the same i formed

new relationships

tried new extracurricular activities

like speaking in front of a camera

i learned more about myself than i ever

thought possible

i have read something of sixty thousand

pages in the span of two years

well sixty one thousand one hundred

eighty seven if you count

two am last night that means a lot of my

time is spent in the library

the kind ladies who work there are my


my daily trip to the library is greeted

with a warm ella

we just read a book that you would love

by building these relationships with the

librarians they introduced me with a

girl my age who reads just as much as me

and has become a very close friend

and we all want new friends right and

guess what

you don’t have to read 61 000 pages to

do that though it might help

not only do you make more friends but

you have fun too

you can soar over buildings like agatha

from the school of evil

or fight for your life in arena with

katniss everdeen or learn who you are

like sophrania from the etiquette and

espionage series

or live against all odds like anastasia

from romanov

reading can allow you to have so much

fun and you can do all these things by

just turning the pages of a book

reading gets you out of the confines of

your life and helps you live

no matter what holds you back whether it

be fear illness

or lack of access reading opens up the

world and puts it at your fingertips

it’s like dreaming but you get to pick

the dream even if you’re confined to a


you can still soar over buildings with

harry potter through jk rowling’s words

or even if you haven’t found love you

can fall in love through prince maxson

and america’s singer’s story in the

selection series

or even if you can’t be the person you

want to be because society deems it so

you can be that person by just reading

reading has taught me many things about

my life and i don’t think i’d be the

person i am today if i wasn’t an avid


so i encourage you that though you may

think reading is boring

give it a try i mean if it helps you at


half as much as it helps me i know you

won’t regret it

my point is though reading may be forced

and assigned

it can also be fun and enjoyable and i

find the only way you can soar over

skies fight for your life or learn who

you are

is by reading thank you