Every marriage can avoid divorce

a man

runs to the coast desperately and has

his employee

where the vote is he replaced him as

soon as he finished painting

it the children went sailing the almost

crazy father

bursted into crying and shouting that

these children were drunk

that they would not be able to swim back

from far away

he had forgotten to tell the painter

to repair the call in the queue

to which the painter replied come down

sir i saw that

poll and reported your children

will be fine they will return so

it was just a small detail

in this situation departure rapture

and separation were strongly felt

pain and suffering preceded the thought

of loneliness

of not having that someone we once loved

and promised everything to the shocking


of losing someone dear to us have a


how many details do we set aside normal

pay attention to we take so many things

for granted

we enter into the rollercoaster every


competition find the house a better

car luxury we stop

listening actively we no longer

compliment our prayers

no sweet talk nor smiles or spontaneous


flowers just for the anniversary

our eyes breathe very easily to others

and now the distance really established

at this point we mistakenly attribute

everything to a lack of communication

this is only a consequence of our

struggles not acknowledging the other

controlling and disrespecting

criticizing and

judging accusing always being on the


despising underestimating our partner

unlike many couples that remain in a

state of

arrest development with its forces

it is a very dangerous and deadly game

i think that the painter must have been

a therapist in this case

surely we are doing something very wrong


there will not be so many separations

and divorces

i invite you to take the following

information to understand

what level of your relationship you are

and how you can work for a beautiful


they want dreams one time

a warning the list i will talk about

could be overwhelming just prioritize

together the elements you want to work

and enjoy you will experience that the


are rewarding today is about

avoiding a divorce and creating a manual

for everlasting relations

and pay attention that i said create

not writing manual creating means taking

action and working

a couple must create with synergy

both should enhance their mutual work

no matter what has the initiative or a

stronger willpower in this case

you should turn it in a collaborative

action remember jfk

this is not worthy and gay is what we

can do for

from a place of responsibility

once and for all our original love

and family plans we are co-articulates

of our own destiny we shape

our relationships in order to shape our


and in turn our future it is more than


we are blessed with so many things when

we are

when our expectations are somewhat

unrealistic or when we

demand things in the way we want them it

is very difficult for our partner to


and participate when we constantly work

on a marriage

on our marriage with love determination

desires dreams creativity

and innovation always keep us

at the forefront of our bodies

now there is a very important aspect

that i want to clarify before

in matters of life there is no


rather imperfect people who come


out of life to build their perfect


we must find ways in which two different


perhaps of different cultural

backgrounds can contribute

to a healthy happy and lasting way

some common grounds should be conceived

first loving with freedom this means

being clear

that your partner does not belong to you

that the other is a person who freely


to maintain a relationship with you

loving with freedom means accepting that

the other person has the right

to make decisions and to choose what it

what to do with his or her life

second everyone should have a private


it means that if we want to share our

life with another person

we are accepting that we are two

different people

and not two in one time putting our

insecurities aside

and getting our partner with us because

he or she wants

after all our partner knows

thousands of people but still prefer

third share quality time with your


share all your time you can never stop


taking care of the relationship never

stop it

and when you want the other to change


love flows depending on how we act

acting in new ways will bring new


the list and strategy begin

with my favorite work commitment

that is to go live with one common goal

never threaten to live the relationship

don’t even

think about it learn to laugh even in

difficult times

always be there for each

other create channels of reciprocity

always validate that what is correct

favor autonomy and individuals

build confidence and trust if

constant affection have empathy to

understand the conflicts of

your partner and give rise to the soul

of the other person

listen intently use all your senses

how different would it be if at someone

who really listens

who really pays attention to us and is


adding something or giving advice

arrogance and superiority

should not have a place in our


ask questions don’t assume things that

are only in your mind

we should be like a child who has a

never-ending curiosity

there’s some quest to learn and discover

your feelings never assume that your

partner knows

all the ways in which you love them


they need to hear it clarify doubts

immediately do not postpone them

never assume we are not fortunate


don’t take anything personal we all have

bad days

work to maintain closeness people grow


when they are distant from each other

break your own limitations and talk

about everything

you know there are couples who never

talk about sex much

and then there are surprises especially

in this age

where monogamy has a different

definition than

at a generation angle

negotiate with your partner in order to

reach agreements

and balance interdependence in


do it with total respect it is easy but

costly to live a life of dependency

dependency destroys both people

the ideal is the balance we create with


it is like a dance of giving and


without ignoring avoiding or forgetting

be vulnerable it means and shows that

you’re authentic and honest

be very careful with your words

especially during arguments they can

only be forgiven

not forgotten pay attention to what it

is said

in anger many things are said because

they were

kept inside for a long time

creative collaboration sensuality

and intimacy constantly build a loving


every relationship has those nonsense

that only the two of you understand

those things that you can both laugh at

without having to say a word they can be

gestures or details that appear at some


and if you don’t have them yet try

creating them

always invest time in sexual activity

as if you are learning something new

every moment

may passion grow not only at intimate


but also when we make the other feel bad

make plans for for the future since

marriage is a covenant for life

you both have to review and adjust


very early and

you know that sex is good having

conversation in bed

is better have your partner for the

inner beauty and all the simple things

he she has

and quickly forgive and do not hold


forgiveness is if you give to yourself

holding your

grudge impacts your health and stress


we all cherish and harbor the fantasy of

the perfect family

emotions and biology play always an

important role

in the as it relationships you are

really determined to

recreate if you must accept and

understand the true reasons for

which it got to this situation otherwise

we continue the connection with the past

to the former spouse

or in the other case is looking for them

or projecting them

on the new part and approach

sincerely apologize and ask for


don’t even try to control or manipulate

your partner

means don’t demand that things be

your way only everybody wants to win


it does not really matter what the

beginning or end of the fight

is the important thing to consider is to


accept that the error was done

and move on how we end the fight

will be a starting point of something


strengthen the religious relationship by

shifting the mood

empathy and unconditional given will

reinforce the partnership

bring back all your skills and


this is part of the creative effort that

will bring dignity and happiness to your


and minds of course it is necessary to


have a broad sense of reality create

individual spaces and enjoy them during

leisure time

visit your friends family etc outside

the relationship

do not stop doing what you liked before

starting the relationship

love is reinforced 100 percent of

each one is given and accepted

the happiest couple share a feeling of

deep friendship

they know each other intimately they

know what their

tastes are their hopes and fears

that is the secret ingredient and the

support of which

a stable healthy and happy relationship

is built

those who come together through

friendship show great

consideration and two concern

for their partner express their life

their love beautiful gestures and also

small details

remember the first tip or breaks to

start building your manual

ask yourself what and how do i begin to

add and contribute how can i help you

to do better and to develop as a person

what should we do always to keep our

emotions and desires positive be aware

of the importance of

everyday moments and remember what i

mentioned earlier

that in matters of life there is no


but two imperfect people who come


out of love to build their perfect


not to worry they say

if the extraordinary sequence of

elements that

created and were present when we met our


one cannot bring two people back

together again

what will those things are still present

buried by bread at present

there are a couple of my favorite quotes

that i want to share with you

the first is from a latin american


called julio cortazar and it says

come sleep with me we will not make


love will make us

and the other one is love you

not only for what you are but for

when i’m with you the author is

thank you very much