Remote Work Freedom How Anyone Can Work Online

i remember the exact moment

i felt trapped by my career i was

working as an attorney

and we had an office presentation on

health insurance

the packages themselves were

underwhelming whether you picked option


b or c you were still sol

straight out of luck i made my selection

before the meeting and figured that i

could spend that time doing

other things it turns out the health

insurance presentation was

mandatory meaning that despite already

knowing what my decision would be

i was still being forced to sit through

a presentation

aim to help me reach that decision

okay no big deal i could just bring my

laptop and phone and knock out other

work during that time

no go the minute i whipped out either

one my boss

asked me to put it away it wasn’t good

enough for me to be there physically

i had to also feign interest for

benefits that i had

already reviewed and selected

i sat there for an hour not listening to

a word that was being said

but rather plotting in my mind the only

part of me not being held

hostage at that point how i would make

my great escape

because after seven years of higher

education a hundred thousand dollars in

law school loans and two different state

bar exams

i should have been well beyond the

threshold of adulthood

yet there i was being treated like a


i felt like i’d been duped being a

professional was not as it was


health insurance was just the tip of the

iceberg retirement plans

annual bonuses all of the perks we’ve

been led to believe

were waiting for us at the end of this

education and internship

rainbow we’re part of an outdated model

where people work for one company their

whole lives

have a big retirement party and go off

into the sunset with a hefty pension

that is just not the way things are


so if companies are changing why aren’t


the national institute on retirement

security reports that 66

of millennials have nothing saved for


as people start to live longer the

prospect of paying out lifetime benefits

becomes less and less appealing

such that only four percent of workers

in the private sector

rely primarily on a defined benefit

pension plan

down from 60 percent in the 1980s

moreover it’s estimated that social

security will stop

paying out full benefits by 2035

after which they’ll be cut down to 75


let me ask you do you think that you

could live off a thousand dollars a

month in old age when you have


special care needs and a restricted diet

i can’t even make that amount of money

work for me now and i only go to the

doctor when i need them to sign off on


it’s hard to convince people to

participate in the rat race

when there is no longer any cheese

so what’s the alternative well what if i

were to tell you that you could make a

full-time living online

doing something you actually enjoyed

with the flexibility to work from


and set your own schedule

no i’m not talking about an mlm i’m

talking about

good old-fashioned remote work

april 2020 saw a surge of remote work

due to coronavirus

linkedin recorded a 28 increase in

remote job listings

that month alone suddenly

people who were previously forced to be

a warm body in an office

found that they could actually work from

home without loss of productivity or


those who were let go or furloughed from

positions explored alternative means of


from freelancing to launching an online


in puerto rico for example one small

local tour provider

adopted by offering virtual coffee tours

accompanied by a box of samples mailed

directly to the customer’s house

previously tours and tastings were part

of an industry

that was thought to be restricted to

local foot traffic

after all you have to be there in person

to see the sights and taste the food


wrong not only can traditional products

and services be adapted to the digital


they can be scaled to reach

exponentially more people

so what does all of this mean for you

it means that you have options if you’re

looking for stability and job security

you can work for an established company

online there are remote positions that


all levels of expertise and experience

from customer service agents to software


you can be a freelancer basing your

career in your talent

and capitalizing off the gig economy it

doesn’t have to be a digital skill

shared ride services and delivery apps

are examples of remote work that you can

do with an asset such as a

car finally

you can start your own business online

there are no gatekeepers digital

marketing has transformed

sales think about it it wasn’t that long

ago that door-to-door salesmen were a


they made a living by canvassing

neighborhoods all day long

hoping to convert a few dozen houses

into one or two sales

we now have the ability to reach

thousands of digital doors

at the click of a button with a

customer’s email address

you have an open invitation into their

digital home

this means that whether you’re selling a

service or a product there is a market

for your business on the internet

your customers are there even if they’re


local everyone feels trapped by their


at some point the question is

will you stay that way if you have a


you can find a way to monetize it online

apply for that remote position

create your freelancing profile launch

that website you’ve been dreaming about

working online is the path less taken

for now

but trust me when i tell you it will

make all the difference

thank you