The hidden opportunity for humanity behind remote work

do you know this story

of this man who’s lying on his deathbed

with his wife next to him

asking him what his last words are

the man looks into the eyes of his wife

and says

darling i wish i had spent more time

in the office

now culturally the office is not the

place where

we imagine to spend most of our lives

but why what is it that we need

but seem not to find in the office

and how is this going to unfold now that

the world is remote

because with most of the influential


announcing that they are staying remote

we’re seeing the start of a

true revolution

but this revolution is not about

deciding whether offices are a good or a

bad place to be

it’s not about deciding where people


no this remote revolution is about

rethinking redesigning

and rebuilding the way organizations


and how we lead people remotely

and that’s why i believe that this

remote revolution

is our best window of opportunity to

make a lasting

positive impact

and that’s why i am here today to change

your views on the remote work

by showing you three opportunities in

remote work that most leaders are not

yet fully aware of

and those three opportunities will not

only be part of shaping the future of


it will also reconnect the remote

workplace to what we people need

and those three things are trust

purpose and strength

now let us start with trust shall we

who have you ever experienced the need

to clock in and clock out in

the workplace you know to track your


how did you feel

right well my friend last year told me

that she had quit her job

when i asked her why she told me that on

one afternoon she went to the doctor

with her little child

when she came back home she got a phone


it was her supervisor he asked her

why she wasn’t working that afternoon

when she later found out that his

company was tracking the activity on all

the remote laptops

she felt so untrusted as a person that

she left this job on literally on the

same day

now she’s okay now but with this story

we probably all of us remember

situations in which we felt untrusted in

the workplace

and i do for sure and i also remember


how bad i felt as a human being not

being trusted

but this remote revolution gives us new


opportunities to build new organizations

new company cultures

where we have real trust at the core

because when the world went remote you

would expect

automatically that the supervisory

aspects of an office place would fall


and that trust would increase but the

opposite is true

because in 2020 79 of people reported

some level of micromanagement

in the remote workplace

micromanagement is the opposite of trust

it’s the number one killer of

psychological safety in the workplace

and when we people feel untrusted

we are unhappier we perform less

and we leave companies faster

and that is a real problem because

trust has value for human satisfaction

in the workplace

and for businesses because in a study


by watson wyatt a large hr company

they found that high trust organizations

have a three times

higher output to shareholders compared

to low trust organizations

so when we people feel trusted in the

workplace we excel

but we have forgotten to give freedom

and autonomy to people in the workplace

and we can prove it with this high level

of micromanagement that was reported

in 2020

this relates to remote work because

trust has always been important

it’s not now that trust is more

important than in the past

but this remote revolution does more

than changing the way we work

this remote revolution also exposes

companies and leaders

suddenly we are able to see whether it

was real trust or fake trust back in

those office days

now remote rev this world revolution

gives us the opportunity to build new

company cultures

with real trust at the core how

leaders must design the organization

around giving autonomy and freedom to


in the company it is essential to

succeed at remote work

and that is the possibility the

opportunity that we have right now

but what if you do give trust to people

in the organization

how do you then make sure that you get

the best out of them even when they’re

sitting at their kitchen table

well to do that people need to really


why their work matters and this leads me

to point

number two purpose

because when we are sitting in an office


it is easy to feel like you’re in it

together you know we’re aiming for the

same thing

but when you’re sitting at home it

becomes very difficult to feel like you

belong to a team

and working on something meaningful

and that is where purpose comes in and

i’ve seen the value of purpose

in my management career because at age

24 i got promoted to a warehouse


and i was very inexperienced i struggled

a lot as a matter of fact

but thankfully i had a colleague steve

he was 40 years older than me and he

decided to mentor me

and so we would go on a trip through the


to observe people working

and he would ask me leon what do you

see here and i would look around and i

would say

well i see people working

all good and he would say

no you’re wrong what you see here is


they are tired i said

tired they started working an hour ago

how can they be tired already

he said no they are not tired because of


they are tired because they lack energy

enthusiasm and motivation in their job

i said okay you got my attention

why is that

he then told me something

which still today is deeply in my belief


he told me that day

what they need here is to understand

why it matters to spend here most of

their lifetime

picking up pellets and putting them in

trucks what they need is

purpose as your job as a leader to give

it to them

i was blown away by those words

i even didn’t really understand them

back in those days

but throughout my 20 years of leading

people and teams

i got to see the value of purpose in the

workplace for both

people and the business

and there’s data too to prove that


a large management consulting company

did research

towards purpose in organizations and

they found that

83 of people want a purpose

in their job to find a deeper meaning in

day-to-day work life

but in the same study only 21

of people said that they actually find


and this is this is too low because

just like with trust purpose motivates

us to show up and makes us feel good

about what we do

and when people in the workplace feel

good about what they do

they’re more engaged and when people are

more engaged

it’s not only good for satisfaction in

the workplace it always leads to better

business results

how does this relate to remote work then

well imagine you’re sitting at home at

your kitchen table

not understanding why it matters

to today do that work what is the

importance of your work

the risk is that work becomes very


lonely there’s even a risk that people

become commodities

just being paid for a to-do list

and we must avoid that because


with trust purpose has value for people

and businesses

in the workplace and what leaders must

realize is that for people to succeed at

their kitchen table

they really need to understand why their

work matters

how can leaders do that by designing the


around an articulate mission and vision


having powerful company values with

which people really resonate

so that they feel they belong to a team

with a meaning

even when they’re sitting at home that

is the opportunity we have right now

with this remote revolution

but what if you do give trust and

purpose to the people in organization

how do you make sure that they stay

engaged and stay

motivated well to do that people need to

work within their

intrinsic strengths and that leads me to

point number three

because we all of us have this


computer program defining our traits our


and our strengths and when we know our

own strengths

and those of our colleagues it opens


knock knock for interpersonal coaching


and that is a good thing because the

gallup institute who does a lot of

research towards human engagement in the


found that among a dozen of large


their highly talented engaged people had

something in common

93 of them said my manager coaches me

on my strengths when people work within

their intrinsic strengths

they get intrinsic motivation and

intrinsic energy

and it increases engagement and we know

by now what

engagement does but

we have learned to choose jobs based on

whether it’s close to home or it pays


or it’s in line with the studies

and we forget too often that we must

choose also jobs

with which we can really maximize the

use of our strengths

and i saw the value of using strengths

in my management career

because last year i met erica

and she’s my business partner before i

met eric i was working for two years


and i’m not a strong executor from

nature i’m a

strong communicator i’m strong in

strategy and comm and and futurism

and not being strong in execution made

me lose time and energy in those two


erica on the other hand is a strong

executor strong in achievement strong in

intellection competition she gets things

done way faster than i do

but ever since we both work together

we’re both happier more productive

and moreover our business results have

been ever better ever since

working within your strengths and

complementing yourself with people

gives value to people satisfaction in

the workplace

and gives business value and this


to remote work because now we have the

chance to choose jobs wherever it is in

the world

to really maximize our strengths how can

new leaders use this

by designing the future organization

around what

strengths are why they matter and how to

work with them

essential for people to succeed at the

kitchen table to work within their


now is the opportunity to do that

you see now

that this remote revolution is much more

than a shift from an office to a kitchen


it is a shift in our work culture

and what leaders must realize is that

in order to succeed at this remote work


they need to design organizations that

reconnect the workplace to what we

people need

and those three things are trust

getting freedom and autonomy in our work

purpose really understanding why

our work matters belonging to a team

with the same meaning

and working within our strengths so we

feel good about what we do we’re

motivated to show up

and be at our best even when we’re

sitting at a kitchen table

those three things are the real

opportunities in this remote work


and it doesn’t matter whether you

are an employee or a freelancer

or a leader because these three

opportunities are for everyone

everyone has the inequality to step up

as a leader

and to demand these opportunities in the


because think of all the possibilities

when there would be more

trust purpose and strength through


work life we would not only increase job


we would also tackle complex problems

such as

climate change pandemics

and poverty way faster

as one global united remote

workforce this

is our time together

we have an opportunity here to make

remote work

not just a consequence of a virus

but a new start for humanity to rethink

redesign and rebuild the organizations


the future and with that

i want to inspire all the leaders out


to take this remote revolution as the


window of opportunity to make a lasting

positive impact

in the world

you know this man that story

with this man on his deathbed you know

with his wife next to him

his wife asks him what his last words


the man looks into the eyes of his wife

and this time answers

darling i am happy that i spend

most of my time with you because

i was trusted in the workplace i got

freedom and autonomy

to have a work-life balance i found

meaning in my work

and i maximize the use of my intrinsic


to serve this world

isn’t that something we all of us want

deep inside