The birth of a word Deb Roy



imagine if you could record your life

everything you said everything you did

available in a perfect memory store at

your fingertips so you could go back and

find memorable moments and relive them

or sift through traces of time and

discover patterns in your own life that

previously had gone undiscovered well

that’s exactly the journey that my

family began five and a half years ago

this is my wife and collaborator rupal

and on this day at this moment we walked

into the house with their first child

our beautiful baby boy and we walked

into a house with a very special home

video recording system this moment and

thousands of other moments special for

us were captured in our home because in

every room in the house if you looked up

you’d see a camera and a microphone and

if you look down you get this bird’s-eye

view of the room here’s our living room

the baby bedroom kitchen dining room and

the rest of the house and all of these

fed into a disc array that was designed

for a continuous capture so here we are

flying through a day in our home as we

move from sunlit morning through

incandescent evening and finally lights

out for the day over the course of three

years we’ve recorded eight to ten hours

a day amassing roughly a quarter million

hours of multitrack audio and video so

you’re looking at a piece of what is by

far the largest home video collection

ever made

and what this data represents for our

family at a personal level the the

impact has already been immense and

we’re still learning its value countless

moments of unsolicited natural moments

not posed moments are captured there and

we’re starting to learn how to discover

them and find them but there’s also a

scientific reason that drove this

project which was to use this kind of

natural longitudinal data to understand

the process of how a child learns

language that child being my son and so

with many privacy provisions put in

place to protect everyone who’s recorded

in the data we made elements of the data

available to my trusted research team at

MIT so we could start teasing apart

patterns in this massive data set trying

to understand the influence of social

environments on language acquisition so

we’re looking here at one of the first

things we started to do this is my wife

and I cooking breakfast in the kitchen

and as we move through space and through

time a very everyday pattern of life in

the kitchen in order to convert this

opaque 90 thousand hours of video into

something we can start to see we use

motion analysis to pull out as we move

through space and through time what we

call space-time worms and this has

become a part of our toolkit for being

able to look and see where the

activities are in the data and with it

trace the patterns of in particular

where my son moved throughout the home

so we could focus our transcription

efforts all the speech environment

around my son all the words that he

heard for myself my wife our nanny and

over time the words he began to produce

so with that technology and that data

and the ability to with machine

assistants transcribe speech we’ve now

transcribed well over seven million

words of our home transcripts and with

that let me take you now for a first

tour into the data so you’ve all I’m

sure see

time-lapse videos where a flower will

blossom as you accelerate time I’d like

you to now experience the blossoming of

a speech form my son soon after his

first birthday would say Gaga to mean

water and over the course the next half

year he slowly learned to approximate

the proper adult form water so we’re

going to cruise through half a year in

about 40 seconds

no video here so you can focus on the

sound the acoustics of a new kind of



so he didn’t just learn water over the

course of the 24 months the first two

years that we really focused on this is

a map of every word he learned in

chronological order and because we have

full transcripts we’ve identified each

of the 503 words that he learned to

produce by his second birthday he was an

early talker

and so we started to analyze why why

were certain words born before others

this is one of the first results that

came out of our study a little over a

year ago that really surprised us the

way to interpret this apparently simple

graph is on the vertical is an

indication of how complex caregiver

utterances are based on the length of

utterances and the vertical axis is time

and all of the data we aligned based on

the following idea every time my son

would learn a word we would trace back

and look at all of the language he heard

that contain that word and we would plot

the relative length of the utterances

and what we found was this curious

phenomena that caregiver speech would

systematically dip to a minimum making

language as simple as possible and then

slowly ascend back up in complexity and

the amazing thing was that the that

bounce that dip lined up almost

precisely with when each word was born

word after word systematically so it

appears that all three primary

caregivers myself my wife and our nanny

were systematically and I would think

subconsciously restructuring our

language to meet him at the moment of

the birth of a word and bring him gently

into more complex language and the

implications of this there are many but

one I just want to point out is that

there must be amazing feedback loops

it’s not of course my son is learning

from his linguistic environment but the

environment is learning from him that

environment people are in these type

feedback loops and creating a kind of

scaffolding that has not been noticed

until now but that’s looking at the

speech context what about the visual

context we’re now looking at think of

this as a dollhouse cutaway of the of


we’ve taken those circular fisheye lens

cameras and we’ve done some optical

correction and then we can bring it into

a three dimensional life so welcome to

my home this is a moment one moment

captured across multiple cameras the

reason we did this is to create the

ultimate memory machine where you can go

back and interactively fly around and

then breathe video life into this system

what I’m going to do is give you an

accelerated view of 30 minutes again of

just life in the living room that’s me

and my son on the floor and there’s

video analytics that are tracking our

movements my son is leaving red ink I’m

leaving green ink we’re now on the couch

looking out through the window at cars

passing by and finally my son playing in

a walking toy by himself

now we freeze the action 30 minutes we

turn time into the vertical axis and we

open up for a view of these interaction

traces we’ve just left behind and we see

these amazing structures these little

knots of two colors of thread we call

social hotspots the spiral thread we

call a solo hotspot and we think that

these affect the way language is learned

what we’d like to do is start

understanding the interaction between

these patterns and the language that my

son is exposed to to see if we can

predict how the structure of when words

are heard affects when they’re learned

so in other words the relationship

between words and what they’re about in

the world so here’s how we’re

approaching this in this video again my

son is being traced out he’s leaving red

ink behind and there’s our nanny by the


she offers water and off go the two

worms over to the kitchen to get water

and what we’ve done is used the word

water to tag that moment that bit of

activity and now we take the power of

data and take every time my son ever

heard the word water and the context he

saw it in and we use it to penetrate

through the video and find every

activity trace that Co occurred with the

instance of water and what this data

leaves in its wake is a landscape we

call these word scapes this is the word

scape for the word water and you can see

most of the action is in the kitchen

that’s where those big Peaks are over to

the left and just for contrast we can do

this with any word we can take the word

by as a goodbye

and we’re now sumed in over the entrance

to the house and we look and we find as

you’d expect a contrast in the landscape

where the word by occurs much more in a

structured way so we’re using these

structures to start predicting the order

of language acquisition and that’s your

ongoing worth now in my lab which we’re

peering into now at MIT this is at the

Media Lab this has become my favorite

way of video graphing just about any

space three of the key people in this

project Philip the camp Ronny cubot and

Brendan Roy are pictured here Philip has

been a close collaborator and all the

visualizations you’re seeing and Michael

Fleischman was another PhD student in my

lab who worked with me on this home

video analysis and he made the following

observation that just the way that we’re

analyzing how language connects to

events which provide common ground for

language that same idea we can take out

of your home Deb and we can apply it to

the world of public media and so our

effort took an unexpected turn

think of mass media as providing common

ground and you have the recipe for

taking this idea to a whole new place

we’ve started analyzing television

content using the same principles

analyzing event structure of a TV signal

episodes of shows commercials all of the

components that make up the event

structure we’re now with satellite

dishes pulling in and analyzing a good

part of all the TV being watched in the

United States and you don’t have to now

go an instrument living rooms with

microphones to get people’s

conversations you just tuned in to

publicly available social media feeds so

we’re pulling in about 3 billion

comments a month and then the magic

happens you have the event structure the

common ground that the words are about

coming out of the television feeds

you’ve got the conversations that are

about that those topics and through

semantic analysis and this is actually

real data you’re looking at from our

data our processing each yellow line is

showing a link being made between a

comment in the wild and a piece of event

structure coming out of the television

signal and the same idea now can be

built up and we get this word scape

except now words are not assembled in my

living room instead the context the

common ground the activities are the

content on television that’s driving the

conversations and so what we’re seeing

here these skyscrapers now are

commentary that are linked to content on

television same concept but looking at

communication dynamics in a different

very different sphere so fundamentally

rather than for example measuring

content based on how many people are

watching this gives us the basic data

for looking at engagement properties of

content and just like we can look at

feedback cycles and dynamics in you know

in a family we can now open up the same

concepts and look at much larger groups

of people this is a subset of data from

our database just 50 thousand out of

several million and the social graph

that connects them through publicly

available sources and if you put them on

one plane a second plane is where the

content lives so we have the programs

and the the sporting events and the

commercials and all of the link

structures that tie them together make a

Content graph and then the important

that our dimension each of the links

that you’re seeing rendered here is an

actual connection made between something

someone said and a piece of content and

there are again now tens of millions of

these links that give us the connective

tissue of social graphs and how they

relate to content and we can now start

to probe the structure in interesting

ways so if we for example trace the path

of one piece of content that drives

someone to comment on it and then we

follower that comment goes and look at

the entire social graph that becomes

activated and then trace back to see the

relationship between that social graph

and content very interesting structure

becomes visible we call this a

co-viewing clique a virtual living room

if you will and there are fascinating

dynamics at play it’s not one-way a

piece of content an event causes someone

to talk they talk to other people that

drives TuneIn behavior back into mass

media and you have these cycles that

drive the overall behavior another

example very different another actual

person in our database and we’re finding

at least hundreds if not thousands of

these we’ve given this person a name

this is a pro amateur or pro a media

critic who has this high fan out race a

lot of people are following this person

very influential and they have a

propensity to talk about what’s on TV so

this person is a key link in connecting

mass media and social media together one

last example from this data sometimes

it’s actually the piece of content that

is special so if we go and look at this

piece of content President Obama’s State

of the Union address from just a few

weeks ago and look at what we find in in

the same data set at the same scale the

engagement properties of this piece of

content are truly remarkable a nation

exploding in conversation in real time

in response to what’s on on the

broadcast and of course through all of

these lines are flowing unstructured

language we can x-ray and get a

real-time pulse of a nation real-time


of the social reactions in the different

circuits in the social graph being

activated by content so to summarize the

idea is this as our world becomes

increasingly instrumented and we have

the capabilities to collect and connect

the dots between what people are saying

in the context they’re saying and what’s

emerging is an ability to see new social

structures and dynamics that have

previously not been seen it’s like

building a microscope or telescope and

revealing new structures about our own

behavior around communication and I

think the implications here are profound

whether it’s for science

for commerce for government or perhaps

most of all for us as individuals and so

just to return to my son when I was

preparing this talk he was looking over

my shoulder and I showed him the clips I

was gonna show to you today and I asked

him for permission granted

and and then I went on to reflect isn’t

it amazing

this entire database all these

recordings I’m gonna hand up to you and

to your sister who arrived two years

later and you guys are gonna be able to

go back and re-experience moments that

you could never with your biological

memory possibly remember the way you can

now and he was quiet for a moment I

thought what am I thinking he’s he’s

five years old he’s not gonna understand

this and just as I was having that

thought he looked up at me and said so

that when I grow up I can show this to

my kids and I thought wow this is this

is powerful stuff so I want to leave you

with one last memorable moment from our

family this is our the first time our

son took more than two steps at once

captured on film and I really want you

to focus on something as I take you

through it’s a cluttered environment its

natural life my mother’s in the kitchen

cooking and of all places in the hallway

I realize he’s about to do it about to

take more than two steps and so you hear

me encouraging him realizing what’s

happening and then the magic happens

listen very carefully about three steps

in he realizes

something magic is happening and the

most amazing feedback loop of all kicks

in and he takes a breath in and he

whispers Wow and instinctively I echo I

echo back the same

so let’s fly back in time to that

memorable moment nice walking



when I think about succeeding in

business I think there’s a couple of

considerations first and foremost is

teamwork today’s problems are just too

complicated to be solved as an

individual and the opportunity to work

with others collaboratively where you

can build on each other’s ideas I think

is particularly important I think a

second area that’s quite important is

the understanding of different

disciplines it is critical that one be

an expert in your major but it is

absolutely essential that you have the

ability to understand where other

disciplines the input from other

disciplines and be able to incorporate

that to make effective decisions and

then last but not least we are in a

global business community and so the

opportunity to understand cultures

different cultures around the world to

be able to incorporate some of the

learning from those cultures and to

incorporate that into your business

decisions is essential to success I have

three degrees from Cornell so I’d say

just about everything that has prepared

me came from Cornell and I am indebted

to the University for that experience

but as I think particularly about my

business school career I think the

exposure to a variety of disciplines the

wealth of resources across the


we’re exceptionally helpful