Swipe Right on Yourself


namaste bonjour before we begin

i’d like you to do a little exercise

with me i promise you it’s going to be a

very quick one

close your eyes take a deep breath

and think about a moment when you were

really sad

when you felt dejected just close your



slowly open your eyes again i know that

was a bit cruel that was harsh

so i’m going to improve your mood by

asking you to repeat this exercise

but this time we’re going to think all

happy things

close your eyes take a deep breath and

think about a moment when you were over


a day you’d like to live over and over


i assure you there’s a very good reason

why we’re doing these exercises

so just bear with me

open your eyes want you to now reflect

on these two or several memories that

popped in your head

were you the hero of these memories

were your emotions a direct result of


own actions or was there somebody else


somebody else who made you feel the way

you felt

in case it was all you bravo my friend


have the key to a successful and happy


however if there’s even a slightest

chance that there was somebody

else who influenced your emotions or

your experiences

then sit tight and stick to the end

because i’m sure you’re going to enjoy

what i have to say to you

who can tell me what’s on the screen

right now

anybody it’s a phoenix

that’s right and what are the

characteristics of a phoenix

what is a phoenix known for

it rises from its own ashes

you’re probably thinking right now why

is she talking about this extraordinary


well the question is going to get

answered in the next

10 minutes of us being together

we’ve talked about this amazing bird

we’ve done these reflection exercises

so let me get down to business and talk

about something

you all will relate to the swipe

culture twiddling our thumbs left and


sometimes brainlessly and many a times

in vanity

this makes me come down to one


and only one conclusion about our


we are the quick generation

we want everything quickly we want quick


quick success quick relationships quick


and unfortunately for us we’ve forgotten

what it’s like to live in the here and


we’ve forgotten what it’s like to commit


one person or one thing and not here my


i’m not saying it’s you i’m saying it’s


because we’re all a part of it and this

just makes me come down

to one question i ask myself

what if i had the chance to be committed

to just

one thing or one person in life

who should that be or what should that

be with

my two cents on that my friends

swipe right on yourself applaud

for yourself appreciate yourself

hype up yourself why because

nobody else is gonna do it for you and

i’m sure you’re probably thinking right


what is all this talk about

self-interest why is this goal telling


to be selfish well i won’t be surprised

if this is what you’re thinking right

now because

all our lives we’ve been conditioned to


that if we think about ourselves above

anybody else

we are doomed we are to be labeled as

narcissistic egoistic or self-obsessed

but today i ask you to

challenge this very year-long


i ask you to challenge this thought


and move out of your comfort zone and

how can you do that

the month rise right there in front of

you my friends me

myself and i you got to believe in


because like i said nobody else is gonna

do it for you

and even if people call you narcissistic

or self-obsessed

i assure you putting yourself first is


it’s in fact the best thing that you can

do for yourself

but how did i ever come about realizing


i me myself was a great mantra

it’s been a very personal journey for me

and i’d like you to

now walk that journey with me what you

see on screen is me a couple of years


a complete school nerd my friends i was

laden with trophies achievements


i was good at studies i was getting

amazing grades i was also part of the

student council i was participating in

dramas debates

all that jazz if you were to look from

the outside

you would say this girl is totally

winning at school life

however the sad part is

that my need to be an achiever my

drive to be a high flyer

was unfortunately not mine

it stemmed from a very deep

and dark bias of proving myself

there was a constant need i felt

i had to prove myself to the people out


and it began with a lot of insecurities

that had been drilled in my head

when i was only a child and by none


than the people who surrounded me

you see when i was barely a toddler a

relative of mine

quipped to my parents that you’d never

be able to step out in world unashamed

with a daughter who looks like that

i wasn’t born with fair skin

or as they say in my country blessed

with fair skin

an apparent qualification you need to

prove your worth

or to achieve anything in life and the

lack of

witch was supposed to be the doom of my

beautiful family and i

whatever followed in the years ahead of

that was a constant reminder for me

that only fair is lovely

and i was not fair enough to achieve

things that i rightfully deserved

on many occasions as a child i was

thrown out of competitions

i was not given roles in dramas and


opportunities were snatched away from me


only because i did not fit in the box

of ideal beauty standards

and trust me there were lots of people

around me who would comment on how i

could improve my skin tone

if only i improved my skin color i would


so many things and the more it happened

with me

the angrier i got the angrier i got

and worked hard worked hard to prove

myself to these people

that i was so much more than just what i

looked like there was so much more to me

than just what’s visible on the outside

it was only years later my friends i


how toxic it all was my

actions were stemmed out of

a reaction to the thoughts and opinions

of other people

i had developed myself in a way

which was based on judgments biases

taunts and jibes of other people

had the life i’d been living then truly


and the question haunted me

i’m sorry i’m a bit overwhelmed right


because this is the first time i’m


the ghost of my past publicly

but what happened ironically that helped


was joining fashion school you would say

what a risky decision for a girl who all

her life had associated her worth

to be related to her looks right

entering a domain entering an industry

which is

infamous for causing body image issues


ironically for me this is exactly where

i found out

who i truly was i was participating in

fashion shows i was part of fashion


i also got casted in a tv ad my friends

and this all made me fall in love with


for the first time in life i was

truly truly in love with myself and what

i was doing

i was being me and not the meme the

society wanted me to be

but who i truly was i went on to


the immense joy and poise that came with

walking the ramp

and it just liberated me in a sense

which i had never

expected it to what you will probably be

questioning right now is

the ticket to confidence entering a

fashion school well no my friends

in fashion school i had three important


the first one being my parents were


bothered by what the world said or that

one remark that relative had said that

they’d be ashamed of me

they were anything but ashamed of me for

they supported me in

every action i ever took be it modeling


the unconventional decision of going to

fashion school beer traveling abroad

they had my back and i have to take a

moment here to say

it’s an unusually rare blessing for a

girl who comes from a typical

indian household the second realization

a very important one all the

insecurities i’d

ever felt in life were never even mine

to begin with all the taunts

jibes they all began and belonged to


who had spoken them or acted on them

and it was not my responsibility to

carry them

or to fix them or to prove them wrong

and the third most important one being

the sole responsibility of how i feel

about myself

lies on my shoulders and not on somebody


and these were the three or three

realizations that finally made me fall

in love with myself

and made me understand how important it


for every one of us to be truly in love

with ourselves if you do if you would

have told the younger me that

ananya you would one day be in paris

working in the luxury

fashion and beauty industry i would have

laughed at you and called it hogwash

i would have told you that’s definitely

not possible

but here i am my friends standing right

in front of you

being associated with brands like

christopher couture

because i decided one day to take charge

of my own life

and live it how i wanted to live it so

why am i talking about this today

why is it so important well it’s

important because most of us today stand

on a similar

threshold of entering the job market as

young graduates

and it’s important for us to realize


our worth is not associated with the

many rejections we get

each day when we apply for new jobs our

worth is not associated with what others

think of us

so remember my friends remember to


self-applaud self-advocate because once

you’re out there in the job market

nobody can talk about you like you can

about yourself and if you cannot present

the person in front of you

the value you add or things that you

bring to the table

you’re doing yourself a big disservice

it’s also very imperative for me to talk

about this today and

implore you to love yourself

for a reason and the reason being

if today you decide to love yourself be

comfortable in your

own shoes tackle or your all your


if we were to meet tomorrow or in the

future we’d be kind to each other

most importantly we wouldn’t be

projecting our insecurities

onto each other and we wouldn’t shy away

from throwing in a helping hand if the

other is drowning

if only today we decide that we’re happy

and satisfied with where we are and who

we are

so my friends are you ready are you

ready to be your own cheerleader

are you ready to be your own cheerleader

an unapologetic

so take space my friend take space and

own it

because there isn’t a room full of

people waiting with pom-poms in their


or confetti in their hand to throw at


to celebrate you your journey your

achievements it’s you

who has to do that

and you’re probably thinking it’s very

easy to stand on this stage and see all

of these things

and you’re right it’s going to be very

difficult once you start this journey of


but let me give you a tip which has

helped me

start with the most basic step the step


never belittle your own self there are

so many

unkind experiences and people in the

world who are ready to do it for you

but you shouldn’t be the one doing it

remember never speak badly of yourself

for the warrior within hears it and is

lessened by them

today may not be good my friend but

tomorrow will be

tomorrow may not be good but day after

will be it’s not over

tell your inner samurai it’s not over


i win you see i’m talking about all of

these things but the journey for me

hasn’t been easy either

till today i s i find myself knee-deep

in worries

asking myself this ridiculous question

why not me he has an incredible job

why not me she has a loving boyfriend

why not me oh my god they did such an

amazing project

why not me and you see this why not me


sounds so self-depreciating but what if

i switched it around

just by the means of tone what if i said

he has an incredible job why not me

she is in a loving relationship why not


if they can then why not

me you see in a matter of seconds just

by training my brain and mind to believe

in myself

i switch the whole situation around in

my own favor

if i can then you can my friends

you remember the phoenix we talked about

it has

an amazing lesson to give to all of us

we all fall we all falter we

all fail but it’s about

getting back up and heading and facing

life head

on by believing in ourselves being that

phoenix that rises from its own ashes

so as i leave you today my friends

i really really hope the next time

you close your eyes to reflect on your

emotions and experiences

you are the hero of your own story

because remember

the true love story was is

and will always be between you

and only you thank you

merci shukria this is ananya rajputs

signing off with today’s

censoring thought aham brahmasmi

true love begins with me