What happens now


what happens now

what happens now when you realize that

the truth

you thought is the truth isn’t the truth

what happens now

do you know what marvels mean the fact

that it took a

foreign man to come and make you believe

in your worth what kind of joke

is that like really what kind of joke

is that you are rich

not only your skin but your f2 you’ve

got gold

diamonds silver iron but you still do

not believe in yourself i said you’ve

got gold

copper iron but you still do not believe

in yourself 50

five leaders and most of them are like

clark kent

they’re men of steel they steal

everything and anything

from houses with no owners to fire

trucks they cannot explain

what happens now what happens now when

you realize that you should have built

the school instead of the houses

what happens now what happens now when

you realize that

that manifesto you bring right before

your erection

sorry sorry been by me what happens now

that you bring the

manifesto right before the elections

what happens now

what happens now that we’ve realized

that politics is the fastest way

to get rich what happens now what

happens now that the reach

get richer and the poor just die what

happens now

what happens now that a song a song can

make you pick a government for the next

five years

what happens now what happens now that


have insulted the meaning of

independence the bones of my forefathers

the freedom fighters

are twisting and turning as they scream

for help what happens now

what happens now that the red red yellow

green on the flag has no meaning what

happens now that the ego

has no meaning what happens now what

happens now that black lives

matter but do not matter in africa do

you know what happens now


that’s the goal right that

should be the goal right

what do i think should happen

i think we should be proud of ourselves

let’s not be quick to point fingers

let’s be

proud of ourselves

what do i think should happen i feel

that we should understand that

corruption is like cancer

it feeds from us what should i

think should happen i think that we

should not always blame the government i

feel like

we should be like a blind man in the

streets and stretch out our hands

and help the economy what do i think

should happen

i think let’s change our work culture

let’s be like the russian president

and putin extra effort because that’s

the only way

we’ll make it in life what do i think

should happen i feel we should

understand that

we are the government it’s like we’re in

a math class

because every vote counts but in this


there are so many answers to the wrong


what do i think should happen let’s be


let’s be like a polygamist man let’s be


because the only way we can make it

they say together we stand

you know the rest right thank you