A Call to Action Stopping Sexual Abuse by School Employees

when i was a junior professor of


a principal came to me and asked for my


he said that he thought that one of his

male teachers was having sex with female


he wanted to know what he should do

even though i had heard of such a thing

i hadn’t really thought much about it


the truth was i had no idea what he

should do

so we looked at the research and didn’t

find a lot to help us and

we talked it through and we worked out a

plan and fast forward

the teacher was arrested was convicted

and went to prison but this incident got

me thinking

and i had some questions my first

question was

does this happen a lot or is it rare

my second question was if it does happen

a lot

why do school employees sexually abuse


so those questions prompted me to spend

the next

30 some years studying what i’ve come to


school employee sexual misconduct so the

first question does this happen a lot

yes at any one time

10 percent of elementary middle and high

school students are the

target of school employee sexual


that’s 5.7

million students at any one time

and as to the second question why do

school employees sexually abuse and

exploit students

i now know the answer to that too

because they can

because they can so that brings me to my

third question

if we know this continues to happen if

we know that

5.7 million students are being targeted

and sexually abused in schools by adults

why haven’t we stopped the sexual abuse

of students by school employees

why haven’t we to answer this question i

analyzed hundreds of cases of school

employee sexual abuse

i was trying to understand how the abuse


and why it isn’t stopped so i’m going to

give you three stories from my research

that really helped to explain why

school employee sexual abuse is still


i’m going to call the first story i

didn’t know what i was seeing

so a popular male teacher romanced a 14

year old student

he sent her notes he took her out he

bought her presents

he told her she was beautiful and smart

and that she was more mature than any of

the other girls

he also told her he was going to marry

her when she graduated from school

she was flattered and smitten

and she told her friends about her

boyfriend the teacher

when this all came out and the teacher

was arrested

this is what people said students said

everybody knows that they were dating

the teacher saw them we saw them

everybody knew that

if teachers aren’t supposed to date

students then why didn’t anybody tell us

we figured if nobody told us there was

something wrong with that

it was okay

colleagues said yeah yeah i saw them

together a lot i

i thought he was using really really bad


but hey it’s not really any of my


or i was very concerned i saw them alone

a lot

in the classroom with the door shut the

lights off and i thought about

reporting but then i thought

well what if i’m wrong and if i’m wrong

i’ll ruin the career of a very good


so i didn’t report

well predators groom students in front

of everyone

people see things people see boundary


people seeing grooming behaviors people


but maybe they don’t understand what

they’re seeing

or maybe they don’t understand that when

they see these behaviors

this is what they must report

so what i learned is that schools need

to train

staff about appropriate adult-to-student


and what grooming behaviors look like

and about bystanders responsibility to


when you see boundaries being crossed

when you see grooming happening

they need to know that if an adult who

works at a school is dating a student

you got to report it if an adult who

works at the school

is alone with the same students before

during and after school

time and time again you have to report


if an adult who works at the school asks

a student to

send a picture by text or sends a

picture to the student

you have to report it because if you

report it

somebody has to investigate and if they

investigate and there’s nothing going on

then no harm done but if they

investigate and find out that grooming

is going on they intervene and stop

the sexual abuse from happening and if

the sexual abuse is occurring

they stop it

story number two it doesn’t happen here

ann was a single professional mom she

had a

fourth grade child she took him out of

public school enrolled him in a

really tony independent school because

she wanted him to get a better education

and more attention about two months into

the semester

his teacher called and asked her if

it would be okay if he did a little

extra tutoring with her son

he said that her son was really bright

but he thought he was falling behind

maybe because the public school

hadn’t kept up with where the

independent school was but he was happy

to offer a little bit of help

well the mom was grateful first of all

this teacher had won a teacher of the

year award the last year and every

parent wanted their kids in his class

and secondly she was worried about his

his academic progress but more worried

that he didn’t have a positive male role

model in his life

and here was this outstanding teacher

who was going to

offer her child an example

of a good man a helpful man

and he was a helpful man he did tutor

her child he did

help her child learn and he also touched

her child

and he had her child touch him

after the abuse was discovered and the

teacher was arrested

here’s what was said i can’t believe

it’s true i mean

he was an outstanding teacher everybody

knows and and anyway this can’t happen

in our school

well yes it can it can happen in your


it happens in all kinds of schools to

all kinds of kids

from all kinds of school employees so it

happens to kids who love school

who come to school every day who exceed

excel who are musicians who are athletes

it happens to kids who hate school who

don’t want to come to school who maybe


aren’t do so well in school who are shy

who are extroverts

all kinds of kids it happens to

elementary kids middle school kids and

high school kids

it happens in big schools in little

schools in rural schools and urban


it happens in all kinds of schools it

could be happening in your neighborhood


after all only nine percent of students

who have

been targeted by school employees and

sexually abused

report it to anyone what i learned from

this story

is that people feel that it won’t happen

in their school or

their teachers won’t do such a thing or

their school personnel won’t do such a


and so they don’t prepare they don’t

prevent they don’t teach

they just assume it won’t happen it’s a

problem they don’t have to deal with

story three it’s not that bad

so a high school math teacher asked one

of her students

a junior in high school to stay after


and she started talking to him and

telling me he was doing a really good

job in class and that she also enjoyed

watching him play football because she

went to all the games

they were talking and she said hey you

want to just grab a cup of coffee

he said sure they went and got a cup of

coffee they talked

fat moved into more coffee dates and

more talking

that moved into riding around in a car

and that moved

to physical sexual contact

when this was disturbed when this was


here’s what was said hey

it’s not that big of a deal it’s every

male student’s dream to have sex with

his teacher

or he’ll get over it he’s in high school

it’s not that bad

it’s not really that bad well

yes it is it is that bad

because we know that without

interventions without help

child sexual abuse or abuse by someone

in a position of trust

causes harm it causes great harm

the centers for disease control identify

child sexual abuse as a

public health problem that’s public

health problem children who are sexually


often do harm to themselves they’re at

risk for drug and alcohol abuse

they sometimes commit suicide when they

grow up

they have more health problems and they

live shorter lives

than people who were not abused when

they were children

what i learned is adults don’t

understand the magnitude of the harm

that child sexual abuse does we don’t

understand the magnitude

so i’ve given you three reasons about

why we haven’t stopped it

one we don’t know what we’re seeing we

don’t know about boundaries we don’t

know about

red flags we believe it won’t happen in

our school

and we fail to comprehend just how

devastating child sexual abuse is for

the child the child’s family

and for society at large lucky for us

those aren’t such hard problems to fix

first of all we can develop policies and

procedures in school

that make it clear what are acceptable


between adults and students and then we

can enforce those policies

secondly we can teach everyone about

grooming about red flags about

bystander behavior and the


to say something we can teach

parents we can teach kids and most of

all and most importantly

we can teach every member of the

school’s staff

whether teacher custodian bus driver or

school principal

we can create a culture of if you see


say something we can reinforce that


have a responsibility to keep their eyes


and to report when boundaries are being


we can educate everybody about how

harmful child sexual abuse is

and why it’s so important to stop it

and we can enforce existing federal laws

laws which are on the books that require

every public school in this country

to have policies for prevention of


child sexual abuse that require every

public school in this country

to train on prevention train school

staff train parents

train students

we can also do something else

we can stop prioritizing the comfort of


over the safety of children for too long

we’ve left the safety of children

to children we’ve taught them good touch

bad touch and figured the job was done

not only was the job not done it isn’t a

child’s job to stop the sexual abuse of


in schools it’s our responsibility

why do school employees sexually abuse


because they can it’s

up to us to all of us

to stop it because we

can so they can’t