assigned seats



hey guys how’s everyone i hope

everyone’s feeling good

so first of all before i start

everything anything

could we all take our phones outside

like this everyone hold it outside

i can’t see anybody so i hope you’re

doing what i’m saying

great now open your notes

and write down your top five closest


do it i’m not kidding do it

is everyone done

so i’ve now closed them and just

memorized it

i’m about to begin my talk

so question has anyone here been

assigned a seat

by a teacher i have


well has anyone been assigned a friend

you might not get it now it was third

preparatory stage

and i had just moved to a new school

i was feeling anxious depressed

and nervous i felt vulnerable

i had sat down on a desk on my own and

told myself

everything is going to be all right

that’s what i thought so a couple of few

days later

i had made some friends they weren’t the


but they were company at least i had

people to share my

ideas with or anyone to talk to

and then it came to my realization how

the class was distributed

on the right you had the cool kids

that everyone wanted to be and in the


you had the wannabe girls or guys

and on the left you had the losers

geeks the science lovers which i’m proud

to say

i am one of


however however

i always looked at this right side

and i saw in them confidence and how

they were powerful and they had most

importantly they had

all the attention and i always seek the

attention to be honest

so what did i do i approached them day

by day

and i even started started watching

football which i


so i just watched it to start any

conversation with them

and what do you know day after day

i became one of them i became

one of the cool kids finally


so we used to do these weird habits

or how do you call them a daily routine

really we used to skip classes

disturb the class wreck school stuff

because we’re cool no one can judge us

and there was always this voice inside


telling me is what are you doing

this is wrong this is not you

why are you doing this stop it now

i ignored it i never cared really what

it said

it was a normal session so we

sat down on our side the right side

and there was this teacher that we

always made fun of

she used to stutter a lot so we actually

counted how many times she stuttered

or did anything we disliked really

so my teacher had realized what i had


and actually before that

i felt guilty just writing everything

she said

i felt the guilt just trembled down on


but i kept quiet because

i was afraid i was going to lose them i

was afraid that they were going to judge


for not accepting accepting what we did

so the teacher took me aside and told me

i looked to her in how do you describe

i didn’t know what she meant really at


so i thought i go home and sat down

and looked through a mirror and looked

into a mirror

and just told myself

so i thought to myself i had to lose

these people

now or never so what did i do

i gradually just stepped away stepped

away stepped away

until we lost contact we no longer

talked again

they never cared to ask why really


they never actually cared about me they

just wanted to destroy me

so where did i go you might ask back to

my starting point

the left side with all the geeks nerds

you name it

the people who actually care for me

they accepted me and they let me share

my thoughts and ideas with them

and i realized this

is the place where i belong this

is my assigned seat after all this

my assigned seat so you should always

stick with your friends your real


and usually it’s you that you have to be

your own wake-up call

and whenever i’m sitting with my friends

i always look at this right side

and think to myself they’re ugly

they’re no longer cool as i thought

and if you’re ever in this in this

situation like i was in

and you don’t want to admit it and if

you’re feeling like

someone is choking you and not letting

you share your thoughts or ideas or just


anything this is not a friendship

this is a toxic friendship that you’re


which is completely wrong so guys

let’s take our phones again yes yes

let’s look at our list are these

actually your friends

think about it thank you

thank you so much

that was not me that was him