How boarding school changed my life.

hello my name is louis dayan

and today i’m going to speak about our

boarding school change my life

so it’s a really personal story about my

yearbook of my own country

which is friends to go in england so

when i was 14 years old

my parents used to be mad at me because

of my behavior at class or at home

and because of my marks so i started to

be threatened by my old middle school

and i had to change my behavior because


i will be dismissed of the school so my


were thinking about sending me into a

boarding school but where

i didn’t know yet but i was

far to imagine that i was going in


so far away of france so now our

boarding school changed my life

so at the beginning as an international

student who was speaking english like a

spanish cow

i was really worried about the language

and about to be far away of my family

and my friends

but i figured out that many people were

in my case

so it became easier to progress in

english and to meet new mates

and i was the only french student in the


so i had no choice i had to speak


so there’s three parts in your lifestyle

that is

really that are really important um

in a boarding school especially in

england so

there is time to work there is time to

do sports

and there is time to do whatever is

making you happy within certain limits

and i think that was the key of success

for school

because that actually worked a lot for


so now as a old member of the french

educational system

it’s impossible to compare them because

they’re really different

so for example the behavior of the


are different because they are way

motivated in england to learn

also sports has a really relevant role

in school’s life

and the timetable is really strict to

give you the ability

to perform those three things every day

but there is not bad things in the

french system

but i mean for example the size is

completely different

because i was in countryside so it was

much easier but

it was completely different for example

my school was like a small village like

all the sports that you can imagine off

were available to practice there

and that was amazing and that also

worked for

the key of success i think so you could

do like basketball

rugby tennis even crickets

and that was the key i think now let me

talk about a typical day

in my boning school so i started lesson

at 9 00 am

and i finished at 3 30 p.m and after

that i got

two hours of sports depending of what

you have chosen

but me it was tennis and rugby because i

was part of the school team

but you could do many things such as

squash even

table tennis or even chess after that

believe it or not but it was time to eat


at 5 30 p.m i know that sounds crazy

you come back to the boning house for a

quick roll call and here you go to the

computing room

for one hour and a half of prep yes

you were forced to be stuck in a room to

do your homework

and i think that was really useful for

me because when you finish you’re like

okay so no stress anymore just let’s


sometimes you have to do a spare like 30

minutes but

anyway that’s that’s just the day before

an exam

so now let’s talk about a universal


a really important thing for me so when

where you when you are in a in your

boarding school

you meet people and they will become

really important for you and i think

they will

become like your second family and that

is really important

i did crazy me things i did i met

noah from belgium brandon from england

linus from germany

and jeff from hong kong and this thing

was even more emotionally crazy for me


there were people from around the world

and that was

amazing now it’s completely different

but i had to do sports because

with the amount of food that i used to

consume every day

i needed to lose weight but i gained a

lot of muscle as well with my physical

activity but

i needed to do sports so now let’s come

back to the subject

now i’m gonna tell you a bit of the bad

aspects of boarding school because yes

they exist so first one

is the fear of an everyday routine if

you wanna feel free at all time

you’re gonna know that boring school are

not adapted for everyone because

you’re basically doing the same thing

every day the time you go to bed

the food the sports your friends but

that’s not all the time a bad thing

because if you find the right activities

the right friends

the right person around you it will be


the second aspect could be taken as a

bad or secure aspect for me it was

one of my favorite because i loved it

because i don’t know it’s

it’s in my personality in the english

school system

competition is everywhere and it’s

it’s really everywhere like in theater

in lessons

in sports and that was so that was so


because for example like uh every monday


i was in assembly and people were


and so like every monday morning with

the entire school

i got two prizes i got the prices of the

best tennis player

and the best international student at

speech and that could push

the students to work harder every day or

it could pass you down but for me it

paid off

and we work harder every day and some of

my friends didn’t like it but

i think it was a really useful thing for

me so now

overall i think you have to be aware

that bone in school are not adapted for


i think i explained it earlier but

that’s really important and they are

really different from each other

mine was west bucklands i think they

will recognize them

when they would watch the video and

that’s really cool but

you have to find the one that fits you

the best and that’s really important


like you’re alone and you are in front

of hundreds of people that you don’t


you gain in maturity you don’t see your

parents too often so you want to make

them proud

you want to be proud of yourself you

want to learn a new language and

you are meeting your second family


i hope those five minutes make you wish

to try it and

i remember that 14 years old boy who was

terrified to assume his mistakes in

france and now

a 17 years old boy who according to his


grew up too fast thank you for listening
