Secret Code to Breaking the CAGE How to Take Massive Action Effortlessly


thank you very much for the

wonderful introduction do you all

remember that there was this time that

you have very important things to do and

you keep delaying it

or maybe not just one time a lot of time

or how many of you like me have a to-do


but maybe it only works once a while or

it doesn’t work at all so yeah it’s

funny sometimes when we have

we know exactly what we need to do but

we keep drag and drag until

god knows when and finally gotten

ourselves into troubles

or possibly even other people into

troubles and yet we were still

pretending that nothing happened and


continue to watch drama so we failed to

complete our assignments i failed to

study for exams

get out on time uh check on our loved

ones and uh

a lot more and all these little little


keep us further and further off track i

know this

well because i failed all of them

i lost my job i lost my company couldn’t

go to college

ended up with hundred thousands of debt


if you believe it still happily


incredible i thought that i am born

failure until i discovered the two

missing elements

that has been preventing me from taking

massive action in life

so i finally found the secret code to

breaking the cage that has been locking

off us down

i realized that by managing these two

key elements you are able to

do things and take actions much easier

you no longer need to

force yourself and discipline yourself

so imagine this

you can happily you can take action

happily and effortlessly

how good can that be but is that even


yes the c a g e cage

formula is about building great clarity

and commitment towards the things that

we wanted to do

and achieve hence the c stands for


and commitment clarity means that you

have to be clear

if you are not clear of what you are

doing or why you are doing it

it’s impossible for you for you to even


so here are the things that you need to

be clear of

the two keys to action taking goals

and emotion so now

a equals to g times e means

action is equals to goal or the purpose

times the emotions towards the goal only

with the right goal and right emotions

we will all take massive action


if the goal and the emotion is not

resonating with you

you will have a very hard time forcing

yourself to get things done

now let me give you an example let’s say


you want to start a habit of waking up

early in the morning at 5am but if you

don’t have a reason or purpose

to wake up that early you won’t no


no goal no action so yeah

say it says now you we set a goal and

the goal is to

exercise before you go to work but maybe

you’re not the

fitness kind of person so your emotion

towards this goal is um

not exciting not motivating and sounds


a lot of effort so wrong emotion

equals to wrong action which is

snoozing the alarm clock that’s what we

all do it’s not

all right so how about we change the

entire goal and emotions completely all


say you’re waking up early to have

breakfast with your loved one

every morning before you go to work and

for certain reasons

you can’t have breakfast you can’t have

lunch or dinner together so breakfast is

your only option and it’s just so happen

at that time

it’s the period uh you were madly

and deeply in the you remember those

kind of period

yeah so you will probably wake up

automatically every morning cook


and send him or her off to work

then you look forward to every morning

so strong emotions build

strong actions the stronger your

emotions the bigger the actions that you

will take

well of course uh as year ago uh years

go by

the emotions wears off and the action

might becomes

weaker the only possibly possible

reasons why you’re still waking up in

the morning

early in the morning is because it has

become your habit or

other another emotion take place taking


like fear of being there every morning

so there are three lessons that i wanted

to share with you when you apply

cag cage so the first one

is uh simply watch your goal

and emotion closely

lousy one create lousy results you need

to visualize your goals be

honest with your emotion embrace them

stay true food to the with them and

strengthen them

so that’s the first lesson when i was 12

i watched my music teacher uh

competing on stage so i was very

thrilled that time i remember very


the atmospheres the excitement the music

and i can literally

picture myself playing performing on the


i was so mesmerized with performing in

front of

thousands of people since then it has

become my dream but when i was 15

i had the chance to perform in one of my

dream hall

in new york however i need to win

the national open level championship

in order for me to represent my country

and to perform that

so at that time i was only like in a

grade five

in music and i have to compete with all

these teachers

and professionals so it’s kind of like

almost impossible

but because my visions and my emotions

towards this is so strong

i actually can practice four to eight

hours every single day

after school most of the time at

midnight because i can just put on my

earphone and no one will disturb me


so every single time i practice i can

imagine myself

performing in front of thousands of


every single time so when your goal

is very clear and your emotion is so


you will enter a state of flow or some

people call it

zone okay have you ever uh

for being very focused into doing

something that you lost track of time

yeah that’s it so i can practice all the

way until sunrise

and go to school straight right after i

remember i practiced

so hard literally that i broke

the keys on my piano yes i did

so in 1999 my

team won the national championship and

we represented the

malaysia to the world music festival in

every fisher hall new york city i

remember that our performance was very

well received

then that we were invited again to los

angeles uh as an international guest


well despite when we are back despite

all these uh

perks and success i flunk

my grade six music exam i become very

late i became very lazy and practiced

very little

then i noticed i don’t understand the

reason or i don’t have a purpose

of passing my grades i didn’t even

create one i think let’s set any

so this is how i realize the huge


when you have the right goal and the

right emotions the right goal

will set you to the right direction the

clearer it is

the clearer your path the right emotions

will fill you up with positive energy

and the stronger the emotion

the stronger the energy so you need to


to constantly observe and watch your


and emotion closely all right

now the next lesson is create a goal

if you do not have any if you have

something to do and

you don’t have a reason to it you would

have two choices

one is either you scrap it don’t do it


you set a purpose or go of why you need

to do it

when i was tutoring uh last time one of

my students was doing quite badly in


especially english since english is not

his native language so he doesn’t really

like the subject

but he like playing games though so i

introduced him to an

online mmorpg games so for those

who doesn’t play online games there so

this is type of games where thousands of


will play together on the same platform


imaginary world and world and building

building their own awata

so he loved this game very much even

though it is in english

but in this kind of game you need to

interact a lot

you need to do quests trick items make

friends talk to people and

create teams so he was kind of like

struggling with it

so i have to t i taught him a few lines

for him to get about in the game but

after that ever since then you have no

idea how much you start paying attention

in class

doing homeworks and learn new words and


then now he has a reason to learn


from the game he started to enjoy

chatting with other people communicating

and slowly he built his confidence in

the language

so from failing in his exam he makes so


progress over time to getting good


and in three years three years time he

actually gotten

an a for the very first time in english


so from something that he hate to

something that he

is see how powerful it is when you

figure out

a reason and a purpose or a goal that

you can enjoy the entire process even

though if it’s something that you might

not like

if you have an excitement that you don’t

like work that you are

reluctant to do or boring routine find a

purpose that you can

achieve from there look for an outcome

that is compelling

and think of how you can enjoy the

entire process

so if it’s something that you really

need to do whether you like it or not

why not set a goal that you can enjoy

the process

so that is lesson number two

set a goal if you do not have any

now the last lesson is this change

the goal if the emotions towards the

goal is

not right if your emotion towards the

goal is

destructive changing if your emotion is

weak changing if you don’t resonate with


change it if you don’t feel like it

change it

i know you may set goal and feel happy

about it but

if you still find that you are still

progress procrastinating

you need to change the goal don’t be

afraid to change the perspective

of the things that you wanted to do the

new goal

may be different but you can still

achieve the same outcome

or if believe me you can even

get better outcome from better


so early this year i wanted to start a

new habit of

running i know i am i know the fact that


am not the type of person who is


without getting feed and having healthy

lifestyle and all

but i just want to look good i need i

wanted to get

rid of my uh lumpy tummy

uh and build a little bit muscles here

and there so that i can feel good

when i go to the beach hence i

i join a small running group together

with a few of my friends

so that we can motivate and give each


a little push so we to build a consist

consistent running habit our target was

is 688 kilometer until the end of july

so i was pretty excited about it and

started running

the first week was okay uh

we did run uh but the second and

third week uh i stopped running because

i was busy

well i was busy does that sound familiar

so in the month of january i only

managed 19.5 kilometer

which is a little bit more than half a

kilometer a day

actually that’s kind of like less than

crossing the street to buy

lunch then it comes february

which is more difficult because it was a

chinese new year period

i told myself it is okay let’s do this

for real this time

and i manage 20.8 kilometer

hardly any hardly any better from the

previous month

the only thing that i learned from all

this is

i don’t like cardio obviously it’s not


i guess looking good is not good enough

to motivate me

so i have to change my reason of running


the reason i run now is to

listen to podcasts ebook

and affirmations to rewire my mind so

i changed my focus to running to


i have always loved listening to talks

and podcasts

so since then i i i will go out

jogging almost every day because it’s

kind of like one of my favorite

time of the day well i still don’t

really like the actual

running work but i enjoy the entire

process very much

so by half the month i did

13 runs and by the end of march

i have completed 166

kilometer so don’t worry to change the

perspective on how you look at things

or the things that you wanted to achieve

you can always

change to a better

goal and emotion and by doing that you

can even gain

better outcome and results from it so

that’s lesson number three

i have been using this formula quite


and i am still a work in progress so i

learn more and more every day

not just for myself but also from the

people around me so by managing these

two cat elements you will find yourself


lesser and take more actions to be


if you wonder how some people are such

a massive action taker it is simply that

they’re just

very clear they have very good clarity

of their goals

and they have strong emotions strengthen

their commitment towards it goals and


are abundant anyone can create goals and

every human has emotion so the art of

taking action

is not exclusively only to those


and powerful people it is already

inside all of us you can do it i can do


everyone can do it it only the only

matter is

would you do it so whenever

you find yourself procrastinating look


your goal and emotion

it is just that simple

again by mastering this formula we will

be able to

we will be able to take massive action


so i hope that my sharing today here on

the cag8 cage formula

will enable all of us to break the cage

that has been

locking us down from taking action

my name is marcus and thank you very
