Unlocking the Secrets of your Face



that on a screen is me

me when i was 20 years old and now when

i’m 40

i’ve changed we all changed that is a


we changed so much that in some cases we

can’t even recognize ourselves

why do we change why do we go through

this metamorphosis

there are some phase keys that are

hidden in plain sight

that can solve personality trait puzzles

can you spot differences between me and

my younger self

you can that’s the easy part but can you


what i’ve lived what i like how is most

likely to behave

what are my passions not so easy

but you still can do that and not only

with me but with anybody

we are all face readers since birth

i’m full of emotions right now

do you ever have emotions

of course everybody has emotions for

quite a while

i asked myself what these emotions are


eventually i found out that they are

just reactions

reactions of our bodies they are the way

our body

is telling us that we live

and you probably heard about emotional

intelligence right

danielle goldman described it very well

the secret is that

nobody is born intelligent we gain

this intelligence by emotional practice

and through this emotional practice we

gain emotional growth

nobody is born intelligent

you can see actually on someone’s face

how emotionally mature

he or she is and just by looking

at the inner corners of that person’s


the lower the inner corners of someone

eyes come

the less mature that person is that is

because when we express emotions

we use a lot our facial muscles you

probably heard that like

that eyes are like windows to our soul

or the gates to one’s heart

we use a lot the muscles around

our eyes not only for receiving


but also for giving information we use

them a lot in our non-verbal


so the more the inner corners

are kept by the tension caused

by the emotional express that shows me

that that person didn’t have time to go


all his emotions to process them to

integrate them

so he’s less mature from that point of


as we mature the tension around these

muscles disappear

and our eyes start to become leveled

you may be wondering how this

information can be of any help

well you can predict one’s behavior

based on how

much emotional practice that person had


if he’s immature from an emotional point

of view he will tend to be more

reactive he will be more emotionally


the more mature that person is

the less reactive the more controlled he

will be

we will not expect a certain behavior

from that from that person

you heard again about positive and

negative emotions right

there’s no such thing all emotions can

be positive or negative

it is only up to us to give them that


for instance happiness is an emotion

sought by many

but it’s also an emotion in in which if

we stay too long

we become euphoric and we can lose

contact with our reality

fear on the other hand is an emotion

blamed seen as negative

but remember that fear is the emotion

that is keeping us alive

and kept us alive for billions and

billions of years

from a biochemical point of view an

emotion in my body

means an hormonal imbalance

when i have the so-called positive


the happiness hormones in my body arises

and when i have a so-called

negative emotions or less pleasant


the level of stress hormones arises

these hormones which we all have

are the words that our body uses

us uses to tell us things facial muscles

are like all the other muscles in the

human body

the more we use them the stronger they

become the stronger they become

a bigger volume they will have that

they can be linked to our personality

traits puzzles

because nothing that happens on our face

is by chance we mold each muscles

each muscle through hundreds and


of micro expressions whenever we have an


we’ll have immediately after an

emotional adjustment mechanism

that can be goosebumps that can be


laughing cold shivers down the spine

palm sweating

but also facial expressions and micro


micro expressions for the facial muscles

are what

going to the gym is for the other body


physical exercise the more i display my


the stronger my muscles will will become

and they

can be linked to my personality traits


facial feature on its own will reveal a

personality but only

a small fracture of someone’s

personality how that person

is using the muscle or the

muscle group in order to display


and to behave

have you ever looked in the mirror and

see how different the two sides of your

face are

how on the left side for instance the

eyebrow sits lower

or one ear is bigger than the other or

on one side of the face

the lips are less full or one cheeks

it’s higher than the other

have you ever wondered why that thing

has happened

i assure you it’s not due to the way we

put the head on the pillow at night

so the facial muscles again are

responsible for these differences

but they are controlled by those two

hemispheres of our brain

which in fact are not that different one

from the other

they tend to become different when

they are influenced when we are

influenced by

different factors

one become more active and send stronger


to our body when we are in a emotional


situation and the other one becomes more


when we are in a rational stress

what’s emotional and rational depends on

whatever we are doing but when i’m

talking about

emotional most of the time we understand

stress provoked by

by our relationship our family our


our passions all those things that we

value the most and when i talk about

rational stress i i mean stress provoked

by our jobs

our social life

so when i whenever i am in an emotional

stress let’s say in all my non-verbal

communication i will keep my

left side which is my emotional part of

the body and face

retracted i will have the tendency to

use more my right hand to put my

right foot in front and to to expose

more of my right face keeping the stress

part retracted because i want to protect

that part of my body

on the other hand when i go through a

rough time in my job

life in my rational life

i will retract the rational part of my


finding my everyday balance in my

emotional life

so i will use my left hand more i will

display emotions more strongly on my


on my left side of the face

the more i balance between these two

lives that i have my emotional life and

my rational life

the higher uh the level of facial

asymmetry will be

that’s why we don’t have um

a perfectly balanced face even though we

looked for it

because it’s important when we

when we are attracted to someone we look

unconsciously to that

high facial asymmetry in fact nobody has


symmetrical face you may be wondering

again why is this

information relevance or how can it help

me well it helps me in communication


if i see a friend if i see

a colleague who is going through a rough

period of

emotional stress let’s say his life and

his family is not going so well so

he will retract his left part his

muscles on the left side of the face

will be lowered

and i want to have a good communication

with that person i will keep the

communication only

on a rational base i will talk about the

weather the president

anything that doesn’t matter to that

person because

i don’t want to deepen the pain on the

other hand if i see a colleague

which has the rational part of the face

lowered it looks tired

i want to raise him from that

suffering that he has so i will talk

about emotional subjects

i will ask him about his wife i will ask

him about his hobbies his

pet and so on

the theory states that

emotion most of the emotions are

displayed symmetrically

on our face actually in face reading

this is the first

way to divide the face right will always


rational part of the face we’ll show how

that the rational stress affects that


and their left side of the face will be

the emotional part of the face

showing how that person is affected by

this type of stress the second way

in which we can divide the face in phase

reading is in facial levels

we have three levels the upper part

middle and lower part

before going any further i want you to

understand that no personality

trait is better than the other

we cannot judge and through face reading

we tend to understand more what that

person went through

in order to for to form a personality

trait like that

nothing is good nothing is bad in when

it comes to

human personality okay

so regardless the race

regardless the point in the world in

which we

are born regardless our nationality we


all born with the same facial ratio

meaning that

the upper part and the middle parts have

the same height

and the lower part is roughly

half of any of those two

up until we reach sexual maturity or the


the head bones are soft and can be

easily molded

by the tensions from the facial muscles

up until this age the personality trait

that forms our personality engine

are forming after that we can become

either a mental person

a practical person or a lustful person

nothing that happens on a face is by


everything is molded through thousands

and thousands of muscle movements

what does it mean to be a mental person

it means

to be a person who will solve the


problems using the least energy


possible a practical person means

a person of the here and now will solve

everyday problems not thinking too much

about it but

by putting his hands on

and the lustful person will be a person

who will seek

to fulfill his pleasures his passions uh

a more sensitive person if you like

okay again you may be wondering how this

information can be of any help i have


three people in front of me and how can

it help me well it helps again

in communication and let’s say

we work in sales and as a matter of fact

we are all

marketers even if we are aware of it or

not even when we go to a job interview

we try to sell ourselves let’s say

for the sake of an argument that we work

in sales we

want to sell a car would you sell

your car to these three clients in the

same way

no they will not be interested in what

you have to say

unless you speak their personality


you we have to sell the car in three the

same car in three different ways

to the first client we will sell the car


the design the company values and

standards we will mention the

low impact on the environment he will

not be impressed by brands

we have to give space and time to a


like that in order to allow him to

process the information through all his

mental filters

he will not rush into buying

to the second type of the client the

mental person and by the way

three quarters of all human beings are

in this

category we have to sell the car


the utility of the vehicle the cost of

the maintenance how easy his life will


once he he bought that car

we have to mention the space luggage we

we will mention

details that this guy will use in his

everyday life

in order to solve his tiny problems

to the third type of the client we’ll

sell the car by mentioning

the big rims the leather seats the audio


brands are very important to this type

of client

we have to talk about the gadgets of the

car even though he will not understand

at first

what those gadgets are used for we can

mention feelings too to that this type

of client we can

talk about the envy and the jealousy

that everybody will

feel once he’s seeing driving his new


not everybody is interested in what i

have to say

or anybody else has to say

unless we speak on their personality


each muscle each feature is molded

in time and nothing that happens on the

face is by chance

each face tells a story everything that

is on anybody’s face is telling a story

is showing how that person will behave

in a certain

moment we are all a we are all face


since birth let’s use face reading in


to become better versions of ourselves

face reading is a method that enhances


communication with your partners not

everybody is the same

not everybody wants to receive attention

in the way we do

and we have the tendency to give

attention to give

to talk to others in the way we like

to do it surprise our partner is a

different person

face reading enhances your communication

with your friends

communication with your colleagues

you heard about the battle between

generation there is no battle

it’s only a communication problem we


talk the language of our of our parents

and our kids will not talk our language


from a social point of view and

technological point of view we evolve

much faster than we do

from the emotional point of view of or


point of view face reading

enhances your communication when it

comes to your clients

or in your company between departments

face reading is also

a tool when it comes to self-knowing

society teaches us how to lie

how to build a different reality

there is one part in us that we cannot

lie to and that’s our subconscious mind

and luckily for us our subconscious mind

is responsible for more than 90 percent

of the volume of our facial muscles

is not what i want to show with my face

that it will affect

my face shape but is how i feel how i


are those those tiny micro expressions

that i do again and again and again and


long periods of years my journey when it

comes to phase reading started more

than six years ago but

four months is an average period in

which anybody can learn how to read

faces i mean if

i could do it anybody can do it

most of the time i am asked what’s

stopping me to go on the dark side

to benefit from others by

using face reading and the answer to

that question is

morals we can buy a knife from a lot of

stores but

that doesn’t mean that we are going to

stop somebody with it

face reading proposing offers

a level of understanding that no

communication method

offers when you use

face reading we we can have less


more understanding more cooperation

face reading not only that makes you

more adaptable

to our ever-changing social life

but makes you so much better on a

personal level

thank you