Wance Revolution no thats not a typo






thank you thank you

so what did you just witness

you may have had a few thoughts running

through your brain like

is she okay

is she in the wrong place

she crazy

maybe but in a highly functional and fun

sort of way what you just witnessed is

what i have deemed as vance

it’s a combination of dancing while you


putting a little extra pep in that step

it’s the subtle art of not giving a hoot

while also spreading good vibrations

and it really is that simple you

literally just have to dance

as you walk

walk plus dance equals wins

i’ve been wanting and spreading it to

local communities for over a year now

and i haven’t looked back

so i gave you a nice visual voice as i

found my way onto this very prominent

red circle but there’s a lot that you

couldn’t see that’s really at the core

of wands

the cardiovascular the cardiovascular

effects or the smiles that emerged in

the audience or the energy that filled

the room

but more than anything

it was the release of shame and judgment

that i had to experience before coming

onto the stage and performing such an


it’s amazing what happens in your life

after you’re able to eradicate yourself

from fear and opening yourself up to


so wan says nothing new per se i’m sure

most of you have wants without even

realizing it

i for one can’t help but groove along to

my favorite tunes if i hear it pop on

which is exactly how this initiative


so travel back to 2020. oh i know i know

i know

many of us do not want to go back there

it was very dark and heavy for a lot of


but as i reflect on that time i also see

the beauty and potential that can come

with those darker phases

as per

so here i was april 2020 furloughed and

sequestered to the home front adjusting

to the far overuse phrase the new normal

and as an extrovert who gets their

energy from being around people

that first month was rough it was rough

mentally physically emotionally i saw my

screen time skyrocket week over week

my time energy

lots of fake money was getting invested

into jackpot party casino

it wasn’t good it wasn’t it wasn’t a

good use of time at all

but finally the facebook algorithms gave

me something productive to do with my


it was a class for free from yale

university called the science of

well-being i was like all right let’s do


so i started hitting the books and

stopped hitting the fake slats

my stint as a yale student

if you will

was quite a catalyst

okay so i didn’t actually finish the

class but man did i get a lot from it it

really started changing my previous

perceptions on what it meant to obtain

happiness and what that really meant

at this point i was going down a rabbit

hole on my quest for true authentic

happiness and the meaning of life i was

reading book after book doing the

homework from class

i joined some really amazing

transformative community online

communities and met some just incredible

people through those means

i was basically information hoarding

from absolutely any perspective i could

learn from

it finally made a real impact

when i put these in with the information

i was hoarding and these self-care tools

to practice

and when i stopped absorbing external

information perspectives and opinions as

my own

and started creating my own standards

one of the things i started to do more

was go into nature more go into walks

often listening to my favorite music

and previously indicated can’t really

help but not want to groove along to my

favorite music as i’m going on this

block so here i was having the time of

my life on these nature walks just

grooving along


i would stop every single time a person

would walk by a car would drive by or

i’d walk by a neighbor’s house

it was the day i stopped caring if

anybody saw me that i experienced the

biggest sleep in self-growth

i mean why stop the joy with me imagine

spotting someone on the side of the road

just grooving along with the utmost

enthusiasm and expression let me tell

you i’m pretty enthusiastic

wouldn’t that make your day

yeah at the very least make you smile

with the assumption i was getting some

smiles out of this i never stopped

dancing on my walks and i never felt

better or more sure about myself in my


on one of those walks that really hit me

i just found the most amazing way to

consolidate radical self-love

and the ability to spread an abundance

of joy all into one experience

and it’s exercised

what kind of impact could that have on a

larger scale

from those really exciting thoughts

lance was born

so by july august 2020 i really started

devoting more of my time to wants and

starting it in a group fashion in local


the more i lanced the more benefits i


so let’s start with the internal


i mean we all know exercise is good for

you i’m no health expert but i’m pretty

sure there’s a long list of benefits to

exercise but i won’t go in it go through

it i’m not the expert

but i know it’s like really really

really good for you but it’s not

necessarily everyone’s cup of tea

especially if it’s not something you’re

looking forward to

but wants

it seriously feels more like you’re

doing the cupid shuffle at your favorite

cousin’s wedding more than it does a

full body workout but it is

you’ll end up profusely sweating well at

least i do

working muscles through your entire body

all while going at your own pace

and it’s so fun and it’s so rejuvenating

and what’s even cooler than that

it starts to

rewire your brain and brain and thoughts

on exercise

and then what was even cooler it started

rewiring my thoughts and perceptions on

other more mundane repetitive boring

aspects of life too

i mean

if you can turn a walk into a dance

party you can make anything fun

and i think it’s time we learn to have a

little fun again

so channel that inner child and make fun

a high priority on that list of


because i’d be willing to bet the

happiness that most of us are searching


are right in those moments

another theory i developed on this

venture is that if you can rance on a

busy street

you can do anything

i mean it if you can land on a busy

street a plus good for you because that

means you have a much higher propensity

to not care what anyone thinks of you

and those thoughts hold us back so much

more than we ever realize

so if you find yourself kind of in that

cycle of thoughts being paranoid about

other people’s thoughts judgments or

perceptions of you i have a secret and

you’re going to hate it

it’s not that it’s you

those are your thoughts that’s your

imagination being negative it’s your

brain creating false stories and

narratives of situations you have no

idea whether whether or not it’s true

and with the smallest small small small

small small chance that it is true one

you’re probably way over inflating it in

your head to who cares

who cares what people think of you at

the end of the day big picture

who cares what anyone thinks of you

besides yourself

so if you find yourself in the cycle

those cycle of thoughts i have some tips

first of all figure out where it’s

rooted from because i promise you it’s

rooted somewhere

tend to it

and then cut out the crap because it’s

only keeping you playing small

another tip that i have for that is from


i highly encourage you all to get out

there and vance on your own because it’s

an amazing experience in itself but i

created these group based events so that

people wouldn’t have to do it by

themselves so it could be a collective


so that those feelings those fears that

naturally arise when you put yourself

out there

you don’t have to do it alone

it’s as much of a social and creative

outlet as much as it is a tool for

improving your health

self-care and

learning to have fun again

so we know how wands can impact you as

the individual

but you know what i think is one of the

coolest parts about wands

the potential it has to impact our local

communities and future generations

one of the first reasons i started wands

at the time i did as a free and public

option was because

the world needed it the world needed

lightness positivity fun playfulness

positive yeah

the world was basically begging for

someone to start something like this if

you ask me honestly so i did

like i said i probably got a few smiles

out of you as i came out of this stage


but imagine a group of us

there is power in numbers my friends

sure we get some weird looks on our

wednesday wants us but more than

anything we make a heck of a lot of

people’s days

we get people grooving on the street

with us people from all the crap from

across the street people are honking by

as they fist pump past us

it’s absolutely incredible to see that

visual impact that we’re making

but i hope that there’s an impact that i

don’t see too

that those children that i always notice

observing these grown humans as they’re

pronouncing on the sidewalks

that when they see that

it gives them the courage to always be


that when they see these grown humans

prancing away

that they know that there’s no reason in

the world to have shame for any any


we can preach these things all day long


i think what’s most important

is that we lead by example and create a

space space safe space for the next

generation to be themselves

so the invitation to join me in rants

revolution is out there to all of you

here today as i’d really like some help

in making this a thing because i think

it’s got a lot of potential i really do

right now we’re lancing on everyone’s

wednesday on wednesdays because mid get

over the midweek hump and alliteration

makes it a little bit more fun makes a

good hashtag too

there’s anywhere between five and 20 of

us spreading joy through that town

so that invitation helped me make this a

thing is out there to everyone

but what i’m really here to do is to see

how you can integrate those basic

elements of wants into your everyday


where can you spread a little bit more

light into this world

where do you let fear or anything

outside of yourself pave your own path

where do you need to let go of fear

and let in a little bit more fun

how can you live in each moment and turn

each moment into an adventure

how can you turn exercise or anything

more mundane

into an expression that lights you up

where do you need to just let go

and let lance


