How to Get Up in the Morning


there was this one day where i fell

asleep very very late

it was almost 4 am before i realized how

much trouble i would be in

if i didn’t go to sleep so i forced


to go to bed and the next thing i saw

was the sun starting to rise

in my head i knew that i didn’t get

enough sleep

i felt like i was a zombie

i pushed myself to get into the school

building and with every step i took i

kept reminding myself that i need to go

to sleep earlier

now us teenagers love to label ourselves

as night owls and trading stories of

all nighters and sleeping away an entire


along with the more obvious hormonal

changes that

transforms a child into a teenager are

shifts in the production

of melatonin which is the sleep hormones

this is why us teenagers see more awake

at midnight rather than

in classes while staying up late at

night may sound like a blast to some of


there may be some serious repercussions

if we do not get enough sleep

according to johns hopkins pediatrician

teenagers need nine to nine and a half

hours of sleep per night

additional sleep supports our developing


as well as our physical growth spurts

it also helps protect us from depression

and addictions like drug use

we often see ourselves trying to stay

awake during classes

or like myself just giving up and going

to sleep

but the one time i tried to stay awake

and listen to what the teachers have to


i tend to lose focus and start to


some studies have shown that sleep


leaves people vulnerable to attention


reduced cognition delayed reactions and

mood shifts

insufficient sleep and all-nighters can

also lower your body’s

resistance to illnesses and infections

it has also been suggested that people

can develop a sort of

tolerance to chronic sleep deprivation

even though their brains and bodies

struggle due to the lack of sleep

they may not be aware of their

deficiencies because

less sleep feels normal to them

teenagers and students who do not

receive a sufficient amount of sleep

can implement some positive lifestyle

and sleep habits

to log in the nine to nine and a half

hours of sleep

this includes establishing better sleep


i myself am very guilty of not being

able to stay off of electronics

including going on social media for


and even playing games all night

some research indicated that the light

exposure from screens

disrupts the traditional cues sent to

the brain

to wind down so something you can do

to stop yourself from doing these things

is to charge your phone in a different


so this can reduce the temptation at


to go on your phone now

this may sound like a very difficult

thing for us smartphone addicts to do

but this is the first step into getting

a better sleep

while being on our phones may be one of

the bigger factors of

us not being able to sleep early we have

this thing that we

all love called homework although it is

easier said than done finishing our big


right after we get home from school will


us from completing important deadlines

at the end of the day

which will make it easier for us to wind

down for bed

your body’s internal clock aka the

circadian rhythm

plays a very big role in regulating your

body’s internal clock

this clock tells your body when it is

time to wind down for bed

and to wake up in the morning therefore

you should stick to the same sleep

schedule every night

so that your body can find its natural


and settle into a regular sleep wake


this way you would not have trouble

waking up in the morning

no matter how tempting you may be to

stay up late at night

we should always always prioritize

getting a good amount of sleep

so that we could live a long healthy


thank you