Create a Passive Income with Your Passion


i used to work

as a computer consultant and

i was driving into work one day and i

saw this billboard

and the billboard said if you love

what you do you’ll never work a day

in your life and i thought

that’s an interesting concept and then i

asked myself that question

do i love what i do

no i mean i like what i do but

i dread mondays and i’m really excited

on friday

i thought well the billboard’s there for

a reason and i wondered

if my co-workers loved

what they did and i thought

no they’re just like me we

dreaded mondays and we were oh so happy

for friday well if that billboard’s


that billboard has to be there for a

reason so i thought

well who out there loves what they do

i quickly came with the answer it’s

athletes and

actors and singers and musicians

they love what they do and we

love watching them because

they love what they do

and then i

realized that i couldn’t be an actress

i couldn’t be a singer or a musician but

i thought

i like what i do so

on my days off i did what i loved

and i had one great stream of income

and you know what my life was on cruise

control and you guessed it life happens

and then welcome to the roller coaster

the first thing that happened was


i survived that the second thing that


was the market crash

i survived that the next thing that


was 9 11. where were you

on 9 11. i know you remember that day

you remember that day because that day

impacted so many

of us i was in new york

the city that never sleeps came to a


halt it didn’t make a difference

how much you wanted to work how skilled

you were

how smart you were you weren’t working

the city was shut down

and at that point i realized that one

great stream of income

it was really challenged and then i

asked myself this empowering question


what could i do to make

money you know what i came up with


because i designed this life for this

one great stream of income

well thank god the world came back

and i went back to work

i realized though that one great stream

of income was really challenged

and i needed to do something about that

my huge challenge was that i was a

single parent

so when i got home from work i had more

work i had errands to run and laundry to

do and dinner to cook and picking up the

child from

whatever activities but i knew i had to

find something

well you know what i did

i started investing in real estate

and buying multi-family homes

i’m going to call that the untraditional

stream of income you want to know why

i’m calling it the untraditional stream

of income

because most people live in real estate


most people don’t make money off of real


took me years to walk away from my job

but once i walked away from my job

i was able to do what i

loved and that was be a full

time parent i mean i would too all my

daughter’s competitions

i participated in school activities we

had season pass to our

favorite amusement park we were living

the life and because i was open to that

untraditional stream of income i found


i have six streams of income

you see adversity will come

but in adversity is an opportunity

and you have to be open for that


my world changed so everything

in my world changed recently

everything changed for us the whole

world was hit with covid

early 2020. and you know what

it didn’t make a difference how skilled

you are

how smart you were if you wanted to work

if you had the ability work

the whole world was shut down

and i know that at that time you asked

yourself that empowering

question what could you do to make

money well you know what

i got you you see it’s right under your

nose well actually

it’s at your fingertips you could use

social media you see social media

isn’t just for play it’s for pay

have you ever noticed that when you’re

on social media

you like to follow certain people

why do you like to follow certain people

on social media

because they love what they do and we

love watching people who love what they


those people are called social media

influencers fun fact

business insider will pay

the sa business insider says that brands

will pay

the social media industry up to

15 billion dollars

in 2022.

well guess what this

isn’t like real estate you already have

everything you need

to get started you only need three

things a phone

a social media platform and a passion

yes you see

most people have these things

but most people don’t make money from


you see nothing happens

overnight let’s say

you have a seed you go to your backyard

and you go and you plant that

and then the next day you wake up and

you rush to your backyard

and then you see this amazing tree with

all these delicious apples

yes no

it takes time for that tree to go

it takes nurturing it takes weeding

it takes time to produce that phenomenal

harvest just like it does

with your social media business

so i’d like to focus on one platform

does everybody know youtube awesome

well youtube is one of the social media


but youtube is similar and different

than the social media platforms we’re

gonna focus on youtube prayer is that

okay everybody

awesome so if you’ve never noticed when

you want to watch a youtube

video that there’s an

ad that precedes the video that you want

to watch have you ever noticed that yes

did you know that that social media


is making 10 cents to 30 cents for

giving you

their two cents

yes and they’re suggesting anything

and everything

and they’re getting paid a commission

think more eyes more money

and that is what i call the


stream of income with a dash

of passion so

here’s something that i know about each

one of you

am i 100 sure about

all of you with this

you follow ted

because people follow people right

guess what ted is doing it

yep ted started

their first talk in 1984

and you could watch ted talks and tedx


on youtube

and ted realized

the world changed so ted had

to change

don’t you want to be like ted

so here’s what we need to do we need to


plant that seed from our passion

why do i say from your passion

because i remember what it looked like

to come home from work

and not want to do any more work but

when you’re doing something in your


you’re excited you lose your time in

that passion you’re like yes and you’re

like oh my gosh it’s that time already

that’s why you want to build this from

your passion

and just imagine if you were

able to build a stream of

income from your passion

what would your life look like

all you need is three things

first thing find your passion

second a social media platform

and third take consistent


and you know what you can produce

a bountiful harvest from your passion

just imagine that and then

that concept of

if you love what you do you would never

work a day in your life

is actually true

thank you