Harnessing Social Media for the People


good afternoon once again to all of you

is one of the biggest challenges of

human life as we can see here

whatever you do for long long time it


one of ours even if you’re doing your

dream job

for 50 20 30 years it’s bound to become

one of those

many of us go to social media to break

this monotony

we meet new people we make new friends

post our pictures learn new things and


helps us that gives us some happiness

but if you have realized

if you use social media for a long time

that also becomes more so what is the


what i have learned in my life little

bit particularly last two three years

if you are doing things for a higher

course if you are doing things which

are making people happy which are

helping people which are bringing smiles

to others

that gives you lasting happiness

that’s that happiness is more durable i

have in my life

my job particularly last two three years

as i mentioned

i have combined my social media


with my job and helped people in

certain days which i’ll be showing today

a little bit

about that and that has given me a joy

which i want to share with you all of

you today

i lost 22 years of service as an ips


i have worked in a few districts as sp

in a commando unit in intelligence


crank ranch in cbi and i have been

fortunate enough to crack some very very

good cases also

but today when i go to some crowded area

a mall

or an airport unknown people walk up to

me and

they check in with me and they sometimes

they ask for a selfie

uh because they say that they like my


and they like the way i have been

helping people

this makes me really happy not only as

an individual but as an officer

because police in india has a certain

image and i feel happy

yeah you can see the people people

laughing there

this interaction this social media

interaction has been

it has helped uh improving the image of

police in particular enrollment in

general that makes me

particularly happy i’m on social media

on twitter since 2009 but like most

people are getting people losing money

to the government kind of account

in 2018 a very small uh

kind of funny incident took place

because of that i i got into social


uh more how people begin story time

a lady officer of america is catherine


she was the council leader of us in


she came to pune and she was given a

as well because she’s a dignitary and

after going to that she posted the


she thanked the lady posted her picture

and this was retweet actually in 2018

or association so this fall is reply

as you can see that your tweet is

forwarded to bcp buddhist protecting


then he posted on the tweet by

you know social media is a very terrible

thing it’s very cruel thing

so people people started posting nasty


like uh madrid fell ahead handling movie



suggestions ideas and we were not able

to pack that before this

so i started using it to help people

that official letter and subsequently

my own handle and

these are my comments so i i


uh in in

our country

government service people really don’t

have very high opinion good government


i am a government servant but i am also

citizen i understand that

if i ask all of you what are the issues

with the government services

why people are not happy i think most

people will send smokers

more responsive it’s inefficient slow

incompetent corruption issues poor

decision making over communication

no engagement with customers these are

probably you can say these are the


which people raised and most many times


so but let me also tell you one thing

which you might not be knowing

even the government servants they have

the same complaint with people

they say that they wanted recognition

people complain people abuse them but

whatever comfort they do nobody


if they do a lot of things nobody

reminds us but if

we support something everybody starts

saying that this is easy

now i’ll give you an example of the

traffic constable on the road

a traffic constantly works for long

hours on the road

you pass by you don’t really notice that

you don’t even notice that

but the minute he is missing for five

minutes it’s nothing comfortable if you

sing from his spot what will happen

and everybody will start listening

everyone starts saying he goes

this is what happens what we found

social media gives

as a immense opportunity a very very

very very powerful opportunity to bridge

the gap

because government servants also work


have genuine requests but it is not

reaching the right place

what we do it doesn’t exist right people

social media is

is a very very powerful tool this gives

us it

there is a possibility of bridging the

gap breaking the wall

and it helps both sides i’ll give you

very few examples here

and people say it’s more responsive i’ll

tell you a very

small incident it took place last year

now i am handling

uh two three companies i was told

earlier i am mp of a company called

that is uh which runs public transport

in monash

and today we are going to start because

a student

will agree to me i took a tweet at

around 9 30 in the night

one day correctly or something

he wrote that i am studying in

coaching center in guneshwar our class


but before that five years before the

two bus meets

if you can change the time of the bus by

five minutes

students will be able to get the bus and

otherwise we have to walk one and a half


to the next stop to take the bus i

picked up the phone i called my

oppression manager is impossible can we

do it

he checked out from the internet this uh

his laptop

and he told me that it’s possible we

have 10 years back

if we change by 10 years also nothing

will be about

there will be no dislocation so i

immediately posted this tweet after say

30 minutes of history i’ll read it out

for you

dear tushar it will be changed by clear

neighbors within this week

you don’t need to work next bus or we

want to save time and use for studies

nothing is more important than

supporting students and young people

like you it will be done

blessings to you and your friends


now obviously many many people liked it

many many people

appreciated this yesterday and people

wrote a lot of things but

particularly i would say one person says

now i feel like people like lushar and i

are not always citizens our voice is


heard thank you for

the big thing is social media i gave a

chance for him to reach me

it gave a chance for me to take a

decision and communicate to him

this is the point i’m trying to make

here but there’s a story

there’s a fishbury story one lady from


she wrote the street to shah before

celebrity please confirm this man is not

a fraud

till date we have not come across



is here let me know if it works as we

will move it for further five minutes

and of course people like it and but

what happened

many many people started visiting the

lady which i felt bad and i apologize to

her later because many people say that

one person says that if you have not

seen something that doesn’t mean that

it is not existing something like that


these are if this actually was possible

through social media

in directions now it’s about

is not available he immediately sent one

from mumeshwar

i posted a tweet that on the job trying

to restore by tonight

one person says let us see how like

it was kind of challenging thanks for

the reply dates for how it works

and we posted i posted in the reply

night around 1am i believe this is a new

transfer has been installed

our response and people also really

really appreciate about everybody

because people have not seen

things working like that i think during

a span of

three to six i think four or five hours

we change the past one

accessibility now people send me

messages like

that some papers have gone up on the

transformer we post it like that we are


you for raising this then somebody says

again the same kind of thing we post

that done

it is done the work is over when it is

done like that

and people are appreciating it of course

i can’t handle those things alone only

so we have created a team now the team

takes care of the things

in both in all three companies like for


reply the bad goal was removed here i am

delighted to inform that my villagers

are very happy with your services i

really appreciate

thank you so much for the 24 hours to

work is done

these kind of messages when we get we

also get embraced and you feel like

it is said that moment soon as they

don’t work about the customers they


take care of their opinions on the other

hand we actually the day i enjoyed i

asked for the suggestions from the

people and many many people i think i

received about 150

156 messages on twitter

what actually can be done in improving

mobile services in boone

and this has helped us in improving our

services and

making the company more vital now

similarly we wanted to

give book city in the in the buses

and we ask people people give opinions

they give suggestions

and after that of course we have not

been able to put books for some reason

but we have started newspapers

we give free newspapers to people this

is our master

but we could not find a good name then

somebody said okay let’s go to social


and we kind of ask people one person


he gave the name

us i wrote one message one day

from a person that he said that 11kb

wire is going to my

close to my house please remove it this

is the footsteps electricity company

i immediately voted we could know that

he is doing an illegal construction

it is not my problem i thought i am lord

you are adding a balcony volatility and

almost this is dangerous i cannot move

my life for your

legal activity please remove the

construction for you

but one more thing people don’t buy


sometimes but then you have to take it

as a

part of the game one person because we

are giving newspapers in the buses

because we are taking free newspapers if

you want to gain more you can be more

he did not imply of course many people

elaborate it afterwards

i mean this is something i am trying to

say that if you do good work

if government sometimes they would do

good work people support them

i get a lot of support in fact if


abuses any of my countries today on

social media you can try somebody can

try for exams

there are a lot of people which i don’t

know who they are but they come to our

rescue and they start

fighting with each other and we just

watch and smile

these are the some of the samples this

quality found on social media posted his


uh he became memorable in a fancy dress

competition he

really liked the idea when he wanted

camera program

we invited him and we requested we asked

him to sit with your level cm

to motivate each other in this pulse the

other procedures you can see

many of these persons are those who

either support us from the

social media or criticize us because we

wanted our critics also to be there and

we see

in reality how it works so many


using social media for internal

customers also that also we do of course


praise our people on social media and

they feel happy about it of course

because it is showing something

pressing them in your offices

differently pressing them

publicly is of course makes all the


they are also doing great work on social

media helping people and

getting good name for the organization

and themselves thank you so much
