How Social Media is Affecting Modern History

it’s common knowledge that 2020 is not


any other year in history coronavirus

has already affected

millions of lives and the 20

unemployment rate has been the highest

since the great depression

91 years ago in addition to coronavirus

we have had global protests sparked by

the constant fight towards social


and freedom in the midst of all this

what was supposed to be one of the most

brutal campaign seasons of all has been

halted by the media

in just a couple of months a

presidential election is going to occur

but it has been completely overlooked

due to global-wide events

these events are causing a lot of social

and political change

and there is one common theme that is

present in all three of these events

the impact of social media

this isn’t the first time that the

nation has had a global pandemic

as the spanish flu in 1918 killed


however this is the first time that mass

media companies are distributing

everything from facts to opinions and to

guidelines on social media platforms

this also isn’t the first time that

there have been protests against police


there were large-scale protests in 1992

and in 2014 but this is the first time

that people of

all ages are able to voice their

opinions on social media platforms

thus fueling the movements that are


this is definitely not the first

presidential election

but this is the first time that the

president has taken

such advantage over personal media

accounts such as twitter

there’s no denying that social media is

affecting every major worldwide event

this year

and its effects will be unprecedented

the majority of the public see social

media as a disadvantage

and that it can control people’s lives

they become too dependent on social

media and only care about their image

and the pictures that they post some

studies have even shown

that the dependence on technology has

the same effect as the brain drug

addiction does

this has resulted from the release of

endorphins and dopamine when we are on

our phones

these hormones shift the nervous system

into a different mode

which can then result in mental and mood


additionally people are believing that

we are becoming too dependent on others

to initiate conversations

specifically in a common sense survey in


they found that 54 of the teenagers that

they had asked

had ignored who they were hanging out

with to look on their phones

teenagers resort to their phones when

they do not want to have a conversation

in person

even if they are sitting right across

from their friends

most of the time it is to check social

media or to send a snapchat streak

because teenagers cannot control

themselves once they get activated into

using social media

some use social media as a way to hide

their identity and hate on others

to spark their own confidence cyber

bullying is the main disadvantage of

social media

as many teenagers feel that they can

bully others online so they do not have

to say it to their face

some teenagers think that by cyber

bullying they will boost their own

self-esteem while demolishing others

because of cyber bullying and the fact

that teenagers depend on positive praise

from social media

social media could increase depression

rates in teenagers and cause them to

have more mental health issues

the posts that teenagers create

themselves can even affect their lives


due to societal repercussions their post

can face

social media is a record that follows

you but

if you use this platform for positive

change it can be extremely helpful

although these are true and social media

has its flaws

social media is building a platform that

allows ideas and facts

to be spread all around the world during

the months we have spent in lockdown

social media has taken over many

people’s lives and they’re becoming

invested into all types of social media


it is becoming the main way people get

their source of news and communication

taking over mass media distributors as

stated before

there’s no denying that social media

affects the way modern history plays out

with the detriment to social media

accounted for it has also done wonders

acting as a platform for social justice

movements and allowing opinions and

perspectives for a diverse range of


thus fueling the movements for social

and racial equality

every day teenagers are posting on

social media voicing their opinions and

educating themselves on recent events

especially with all these unprecedented

events happening in history

teenagers are adapting and are learning

how to use social media for the good


and not for the bad for example with all

the protests happening around the world

teenagers are using social media to

educate themselves on recent events

and mistakes that have happened in past


they are expressing their opinions daily

through social media

such as instagram stories facebook and

other social media platforms

to try to change the past and make the

future better

even if teenagers cannot attend protests

in person or events trying to change

history they are still doing their part

on social media

by educating themselves and posting for

ways other people can help

teenagers are becoming much more

involved in modern history and are

fighting to make the world a better


through the use of social media

even though coronavirus has halted

in-person interactions

teenagers are allowed to see facts and

personal experiences

through others on social media people

are still able to communicate with

others through applications like zoom

so work and school are still able to


social media allows people like

government officials to share responses

to the increase in cases

and individuals are able to use their

social media platforms to give advice

such as advocating for people to wear a

mask since social media allows people to

stay connected

people can continue their daily lives


regarding the presidential election the

current president is commenting on


every single day this is different from

past elections

as many important events in history have

happened from the president’s tweets

no matter what you believe both

political parties can agree that it is

giving a new perspective of new ideas

from the president

and is causing tensions between the

republican party

not only has social media affected the

president for the next elections but it

has also affected teenagers

teenagers are finding new information on

social media and are sharing it with

others to try to spread awareness

they are expressing their opinions daily

through social media and are showing a

new perspective on the election that

adults would not normally do

social media is providing this platform

for teenagers to voice their opinions

and mature to the degree that they can

make change to modern history

teenagers and those in their early 20s

are the main group on social media

and this medium of communication is a

main platform for giving teenagers a


in political and social issues because

teenagers are dominating social media

their opinions will be affecting the


we have so much influence on social

media and our opinions will be heard

we can generate social change and

empower others to listen to our opinions

and think how they can act to make the

world a better place

before social media was popular

teenagers couldn’t really share their

ideas with more than just their local


but now teenagers can post one picture

and it can be shared with thousands of

people within minutes

every post can have a major effect so

use your platform for

positive change this is the main goal of

tedx youth atagora hills

to give teenagers and students a

platform to share their opinions because

teenagers are normally

unappreciated or their ideas are simply

undervalued because of their age

social media outlets and platforms like

tedx youth are contributing to a growing

amount of power that is being given to

this teenage generation

social media is slowly adapting to be a

platform a foundation for the youth

to show ideas and perspectives and to

contribute to modern history

thank you