Inside the mind of a TikToker


yo bro who got smiling like that

like so



who got baby smile


hi everybody

i know that

many of you

may have a strong opinion about

tick-tock and tick-tockers

maybe some of you are tick-tockers maybe

your brother or sister is your son or

daughter maybe your anti-tick-tock

thinking or hoping that it will be just

a passing fad or perhaps jus you just

ate tick-tock and tick-tockers i don’t

know maybe some of you are just watching


i just hope

that with my talk

i will give you an understanding of why

i do what i do

and how to be more open to this platform

and its creators


right now

if you think of a tick talker you see a

gen z teenager

physically beautiful narcissistic

who makes cringe videos to be acclaimed

by the

public a superficial activity without

anything real or interesting and you

know many gen z

do it for fun for their friends or just

to get attention and if this is how you

think that tick tock is

you are right

i agree with you

as a tick talker i can tell you that

this is exactly how it is in most cases


as we all know

there is a group of these thick talkers

who use trends and their beauty to earn

a ton of money but then

then there is me

there are also young people like me who

have a different idea

we have a bigger plan in our minds and

we use tick tock because we realize how

important it is nowadays to have a fun

base on social media if you want to

pursue an artistic career

we are going to use tick tock

because we want something from it

something bigger so

let me introduce myself

i’m alessandra bedetti i’m 18 years old

and i wanted to be an actor for as long

as i can even remember

and in 2020 when the world shut down

i found an opportunity to work to

achieve my goals and that opportunity

for me was tick tock but let me explain

so i started making tick tocks during my

first quarantine i had a lot of time for

myself because you know i couldn’t go


and i had nothing to do all day except

for the five hours of online school so i

wanted to find a hobby and something fun

to do

yes i started just for fun but still

committing myself because i knew that

that fun thing to do

could become also something really

important for me but at the beginning it

was just a way to pass my time

so i started making three videos per day

and realized that what i was doing was

helping me with some skills that i will

need to be an actor

for example

how to be less shy and introverted

dealing with a challenge

of being more exposed to friends

classmates and others and most

importantly how to play a role and be

characters that are outside of my home


and after the first two weeks of no


something started to move

videos started to go viral and then boom

everything happened quickly

i started getting something like

5 000 followers a day then 10 000 then

15 then even 30 000 followers per day

and you know at the beginning i thought

that if i put my money to it i could get

to something like

maybe 7 000 followers by the hand of the

lockdown well

i came out of it with three hundred


and i’m telling you this because one of

the coolest aspects about tick tock is

the chances it gives users to his

algorithm for incredible visibility tied

to an easy metric like quantity so the

more you do the more you can be seen by

new people

and you know

after the first 300 000 followers that

first became 1.4 million the perception

of what i wanted from tick-tock

really changed

you know i started realizing that what i

was doing could help me realize my life

dream of being an actor and tiktok

created a real world opportunities for

me and from that moment i started making

videos that could give me more


you know because i started to see the

power of creating a follower base with

content that my followers love you see

while 1.4 million followers is just a

good number for western markets

i see my follower

not as a number

but my team

i had value for them with content that


like and they love and they are there

for me when i need them to

they are not numbers they are my team

they are my super network

so at some point i started

studying trends and new sounds in a more

technical way okay so

you see

making a tick tock sounds easy

and it is if you know how to use the

right pattern so please let me show you

right now i’m going to replicate for you

a clip that was quite successful for me

a few months ago

it is a tick tock that makes fun of tick

talkers and how they look to others

while they’re filming a clip okay it is

based on a tick tock dance that goes

like this


and so it will be good for me to show

you this sarcastic look at what my cat

sees while i’m filming a tick tock time

let’s go

so it will be cringe as i said

get ready for that it will be really

embarrassing for me

there will be

something like eight


and four of them are going to be the

funny one the cat perspective and the

others are going to be the real serious


okay so let’s start with the serious one



let’s change to cat perspective so i’m

going to

look there pretending that there is the



sorry for the cringe part of it

serious one


cringe one




okay and this one is the most cringe one

so please

help me



almost done

just a few more clips

okay last one i promise


and that’s it okay



thank you thank you

putting aside that fun

cringe and stupid part of it for a


let’s get serious for a minute okay

it is not

a new concept

to create your own business network when

you’re young by going to the right

schools having the right classmates

having going to the right dinners and

parties having the right friends and

contacts and meeting friends of friends

yes this is what a business network has

always looked like and yes this is still

valuable today

but in 2021

there is

a new way to create a business network

for gen z

a new super power in networking and this

super power is your tick tock base

the people that follow you on social

media today

are the same people that when you need

support will help you okay when you need

visibility for what you’re doing they

are the ones that will help you get it

and get seen by the world

i am going to need

the people that follow me on social

media today in my future acting career

as will any aspiring actor or actress or

musician or any other person who wants

to live an artistic life but why

because in 2021 we live in a world where

today you are somebody and tomorrow

nobody will remember you

as handy warl said

everybody will be famous for 15 minutes


therefore it’s up to you to find the

right way to prevent that from happening

and it doesn’t matter whether it’s

facebook instagram twitter tik tok or

any other social media the bottom line

is that a social following is the new


the new way the new super way to create

a business network that could help you

develop your future career and your

future itself

and now i share with you my mind

the mind of a tick-tocker now i hope

that you can see that not all

tick-tockers are created equally and

that we all have different goals agendas

and uses for our new superpower network

the idea we’re sharing

is that

a prejudice that you may feel

toward a

new social platform a new technology or

even a new generation of people is that

not everything is as it look in the


you know i’m just a guy okay a guy with

one dream only one dream being an actor

and i’m ready to do whatever it takes

to make this dream come true and thanks

to what i’m doing studying at an academy

and what i’m doing on social media and

tick talk i’m helping myself developing

my future

and even if i didn’t realize it yet my


you know

i’m living it i’m alessandra bedetti i’m

18 years old and last year i had my

first rule in a tv mini series and right

now i’m on the set of my first movie

so i just hope that next time you see me

it will be somewhere

on a bigger screen

thank you so much