Reality vs Expectation 5 Steps to Self Awareness



how many of you have ever had that


that feeling you’re about to post on

social media

so you start to look on facebook


snapchat and tick tock for the older

people in the room

so you’re about to post something you

look at your picture you start thinking

to yourself

did i filter this right does the caption

look good

do all these hashtags make me look needy

unfortunately that’s the world that we

live in today

this is the world that social media has

built for us

so what do i mean by that exactly a

world that social media has built for us

let’s go through some numbers according

to a recent study

that took a sample of people who use

social media they say that

about four hours of our day is spent on

our phones

so for four hours we’re constantly going

through our phones scrolling through all

these different platforms

and seeing images of things that people

put out there to show the best

online versions of themselves but

remember it’s only the highlights

never the story sometimes not even the


can you imagine the type of effect

seeing those images can have on

somebody’s self-esteem

a little confused let’s go into the

numbers a little bit deeper

so on this study they took a survey and

they found out

that about sixty percent of the people

who go on social media platforms

say their self-esteem is affected uh

negatively uh another survey said

that about fifty percent of the people

who use social media

found that their relationships are

affected negatively

so that’s their friendships

relationships with their parents

relationships with their friends

and then another question came up 80

of the people who use social media admit

that the

easiest way to be deceived by people is

through the platforms

so what does that say about us exactly

human insecurity tends to get triggered

by what we see out there

social media is this platform where

everybody’s putting out those best

online versions of the self

and it causes our anxieties our social

pressures to kind of affect the way that

we are

let me tell you a story about this one


let’s call him social joke so stokes

will joey he’s on his phone 24 7.

much like myself much like a lot of the

younger people in the room i’m sure

and social joey is scrolling through

instagram all the time

he’s scrolling through tick tock all

these different platforms whatever it

may be

so he’s coming across all these

different images he sees his friends

getting married he sees

people getting promoted people travel

people going on vacations

and whatever else people like to flaunt

and put out there

on these different platforms so

how do you think social joke would feel

he actually is a hard worker

he does what he can unfortunately he

hasn’t been lucky enough to experience a

lot of these things that he’s seeing out


and that brings me to this question

so are we living lives for ourselves

or are we living life based on how


projects how we should live so take it

back to social

social joke if he wasn’t constantly


about all these images that he saw on

the platform

constantly reminded about all the

experiences that he’ll never have

would he be upset let me give you a

personal example

uh so like i mentioned i’m an

entrepreneur that means

i own a business and i’m lucky enough to

open a couple of them

i was i was just like social joke i was

scrolling through instagram

i was scrolling through the different

platforms and i see this image

of what an entrepreneur should be i

watched a lot of

shark tank i saw different things that

are out there and i saw

people showing off their fancy cars

private jets they got all this money all

these uh fashion

and whatnot and i thought to myself

that’s exactly what i want

that’s what i want to be that’s the

image that society projected that i

thought i wanted

so it wasn’t until i came across this

idea of being self-aware

that kind of made me understand who i

really am

what really makes me happy so

a lot of people are getting more aware

of this term social awareness

i mean uh self-awareness what does

self-awareness really mean

so being self-aware means you’re you’re

in tune with your emotions

you’re in tune with everything that

makes you you you’re in tune with your

uh your likes your desires your wants

your needs

everything that makes up the type of

person that you love

you have the ability to in the moment


why you’re reacting a certain way why

you’re feeling some type of weight and

why your actions happen the way you do

and you inside can understand that

so today i want to really focus in on

what makes

each one of you you i want you guys to

leave here today with being a little

more self-aware

and understanding why you may act a

certain way that you do

why you might not be happy about it and

what you can do to kind of change that

understand that more about yourself

helpful for me that i think will be

helpful for you that you can do right

even today

so my first tip towards self-awareness

is ask your friends

so they always say that you’re the

average of the five people you spend

most time with

so ask those five people and listen

carefully and listen

to what they have to say about you the

good things

the bad things and everything in between

that’s the best way to get a third

party third-party point of view of how

other people view you

so when you’re looking at yourself and

you try to dissect the type of person

that you are

sometimes your insecurities will hold

back on the truth

so talking to your friends and really

getting an understanding

of how they perceive you i’m sure that’s

how people who aren’t your friends

and others may perceive you as well the

second tip

i really want you guys to do is to

take a personality test this is the

easiest and most fun thing you can do

to kind of get a foundation of basic

understanding about yourself

these personality tests were designed to

ask you questions that trigger different

emotions and thoughts

and that will give you a basic

understanding of why you think this way

and what your motivations are

so use them there’s a bunch of them out

there and that’s what they’re there for

to give you more self-awareness about

the type of person that you are

the type of person you want to be and

how you can get them

the third thing i want you to do is

you’re going to look back at your past

and create a timeline you’re going to

look at all the major events in your


good and bad maybe put them down in a

piece of paper

and kind of show what type of events

have impacted you the way that you got

to today

and really narrow it down you want to

think about the good times the bad times


times with your friends maybe it’s times

in your career maybe it’s time for your


this timeline of events can really show

you what has impacted you today

and why you are the person you are today

and i’ll give you a better understanding

of what really motivates you

what has kind of made you how you are

and give you a better understanding

my fourth tip kind of takes a step


if you guys were to leave here today and

write down your goals and priorities

for the next year how would you do it

what would you write

if someone came up to you and said look

the end of the world is coming

at the end of 2020. you have 14 months

to live

what would you do for the next 14 months

that’s a decent chunk of change

that’s a life-changing amount of time

would you spend more time with your


would you spend more time with your

friends would you go for a goal that

you’ve always wanted

would you travel the world writing down

your goals and priorities and have it

staring at your face

every day will constantly remind you

what motivates you

what drives you what makes you want to

be the person that you’re trying to be

and the fifth and the most important tip

is the simplest ask yourself

why i’m not talking about once

definitely not talking about twice ask


why at least three times

it sounds a little bit redundant but

every time you ask yourself why

you’re taking a blood another layer off

from getting receiver to the true group

of what you’re looking for in every

situation every emotion

and what you’re trying to do so let’s

put this theory into practice

so i’m going to come up with an example

that i think a lot of people in the room

can relate to today

today everybody made a decision a

conscious decision

to be here at this tedx event and mind


you had the option to be here granted

it’s invite only

but you chose to be here tonight so

that brings us to the first why we’re

going to ask

why did you come to this tedx amount so

if i were to ask somebody in the room i

would imagine oh uh

i heard tedx is super inspirational um i

got invited and i want to check it out

so that’s the first why you came here to

be inspired

there’s tedx on youtube there’s tedx

everywhere else you can look up

different things that can inspire you

so is that really why you’re here let’s

take it a step further

so you want to be inspired

why do you want to be inspired uh i want

to get a good advice

i want to get advice that i can apply to

my everyday life

okay so you walked in advice

very similar to the first one you can

get good advice elsewhere

i’m sure most of you who are here today

aren’t here for a specific speaker

are here for a specific piece of advice

that you’re looking for

you’re here for some reason august night

just being at this tedx event

so let’s take it one more layer deeper


do you want good advice because you’re

all here

working on becoming a better person and

a better version of yourself

and that’s exactly why we’re here tedx

is just a platform

for why you’re becoming inspired why

you’re getting good advice

you guys are constantly working on

becoming a better person and you made a

conscious decision

to be here on a friday night the best

night of the week right

so and now that you know that you’re

self-aware you guys took the time out of

your day

to be here to be motivated to be


to get good advice what can your

self-awareness take away from you today

you need to be able to keep that train

going stay motivated stay inspired

and make sure you’re constantly doing

that in your everyday life

so let’s go back to social joke

social media was never the issue social

media was never the problem with him

self-awareness is the problem

this is a topic that’s getting very big

like i mentioned with mental health

people need to be more self-aware so

they can understand what really what

makes them happy and what makes them


so with self-awareness most people


are on better on social media they get

triggered by the different images and


that they see unfortunately some people

aren’t self-aware enough

to protect them from some of the things

that they might see out there

constant reminders of things that

they’ll never get and it just makes them

feel upset

and sometimes in a loop that they can’t

get out

self-awareness is a state that most

people never really get to experience

maybe not even too late in their lives

some people not at all

so had i not been self-aware

maybe i’d still be working for somebody


had i not been self-aware maybe i would

have never started any of my businesses

or my companies

had i not been self-aware maybe i would

have never found the true happiness that

i found

working for myself and my freedom

so for me it was never about the money i

thought about the money

until i became more self-aware and

understood that i just love being my own

boss and that’s truly what makes me


the easiest person to deceive is


so i challenge you today to really start

living for yourself

not for anybody else and understanding

how to become more self-aware

my name is jeff asquillo and thank you

for your time
