Return to the Not So New Normal Post Covid19

let’s talk about social media

which i love and at the same time

i hate it too as an undergraduate

university professor

i hate that i must battle with my

students in the classroom

against snapchat and instagram

for their attention so to turn the tide

i started to use education software in

the classroom

that has the students use their phones

to participate

so i started using kahoot and nearpod

software and now i’ve graduated to use

instagram so every class i teach

i create an instagram account so where

do you think i get the most student


instagram now i’m an avid social media


you can find me on tick tock now and see

me tick talking away

and don’t don’t do that now wait a

little bit later to do that put your

phone down

social media is a powerful tool but we

need to be careful with that

power for instance social media can make

you disappear

and its power makes you lose yourself


before covert 19 i was in a restaurant

with my girlfriend

beautiful woman and as we went into the


she had to take out her phone and video

the entrance to the restaurant for her

instagram stories

i took out my phone i did the same thing


for the ground and

as we went along with the night we had

some great conversation

when the food came she had to arrange


in just the perfect way so again she

could take a picture

for instagram stories and she loves to

have this song

from justin bieber yummy

playing in the background whenever she

makes a post

and after the date was over

into the night i thought to myself

are we here for each other are we here

so that we can have some content

to post on social media

or was it both who’s more important

than the person i’m with now

social medias allowed us to detach from


and personal interactions for years

in plain sight and with covet 19 for the

sake of minimizing the spread of the


we’ve been compelled to detach from our

fellow human beings

i went to visit my mother in chicago

during quarantine i had to talk to her

through a storm door

now i’m i was traveling from savannah

georgia where i live

and i didn’t want to risk giving her

covet 19 if i had it

so she gave me a big air hug

hello and goodbye so social media keeps


apart attention wise

and to pile it on top of that

culvert 19 keeps us apart physically too

when the time comes that we’re able to

interact socially in the workplace

and in the classroom again we’ll be will

we be able to connect with people

will we be able to to do that the same

way we did before

are we losing the ability for

traditional connection

see my mother doesn’t like facebook or


let alone snapchat but she does

love one form of social media

marco polo have you heard of marco polo

marco polo is a social media app for

people who do not like

facebook marco polo

is an app where you can easily send

video messages

you can check when you want

and however you want on your own time so

my mom sends me these marco polo


all day she loves to see faces

have you ever smiled at someone

in the grocery store and then you


you’ve got your face covered by a mask

right now the only way to see people’s


through zoom or skype or some social

media app

and social media something that we used

to love when it was new and exciting

but look at what’s happening during this


social media gives people the super

power of invisibility

you can confront anyone you want usually


with critical sometimes harmful remarks

you never say in person

are those 1190 people you’re connected

with on social media

your friends is that guy you follow on

tick tock who does the renegade dance

your friend you know the renegade dance


it it goes like like this


flap the figure eight

the wave so

you never meet that guy in person by the


but you’re connected on tick-tock

so would you invite him over for your

birthday party

maybe you would if he was going to

entertain you with renegade

but certainly not as a guest

because i don’t know

i’m really concerned i’m worried

that our ability to communicate


with one another one-on-one which is

incredibly valuable

is being lost

living in the digital age it’s easy to


face-to-face communication we can

text on social media apps video chat

and even send video messages right now

because of the pandemic

we’ve resorted to these methods more

than ever to stay connected

in most cases we can go to someone’s

social media feed

to find out what they’re doing and it

takes a lot less energy to check

someone’s feed

than to actually speak with them and

check up on

and where’s the exchange

they’re not even aware that you checked

in on

one of the hazards of this modern age is


is it any wonder aside from the apparent


of having the skills to conduct

face-to-face communication in the real


it allows you to perform active


so excellent communication is just not

about what someone says

it’s about eye contact it’s about

facial expressions it’s the way they

move their hands

where you move your arms and your feet

and the danger is

the real threat is that a dependency on

social media

and the need for social distancing is

damaging how we’ll relate to people in

the future

it’s not just a threat to people’s

communication skills

it’s a threat to the warm

thread of humanity empathy

connects us all

i believe cover 19 has awakened

us to the fact that we need real


fellow human beings for loving support

for good mental health for meaningful

and lasting

progress in making a better world for

more influential families and

meaningful discourse in the classroom

we can do this but we’re going to have

to take a break

from some nasty habits

we’re going to have to disconnect

to stay connected

make a connection make the effort

put down your device for 10 minutes

10 minutes call your mother

visit with friends and family and look

across the table with some people that

you’re with

now make sure you’re doing social

distancing you’ve got the social


but have an actual two-way conversation

disconnect to stay

connected thank you