Social Media is Not the Enemy



are scared of change and there is a good

reason for it

research in neuroscience says that


and change is registered in our brain in

the same way

as error is so if you think about it the

natural tendency

that we have is to eliminate the error

to eliminate the uncertainty

now technology has always been a huge

driver of change if you think about

cars modern medicine antibiotics

in the beginning people weren’t that

keen on these changes

but eventually in hindsight i think we

can all agree that they’ve largely been


for our society now right now

as i stand here the situation is

completely different when it comes to

social media

and the script was kind of flipped here

because initially we welcome social

media because it’s this force that is

connecting people around the globe

everyone’s going to be friends

everyone’s going to know what we are up

to it’s great

right but not so much rigged elections

distorted beauty standards privacy


the monopolistic tendencies of the big

tech ruined relationships

social media has gone from friend to foe

in a finger click

and i wasn’t sent here by facebook or

tick tock to say hey social media is


but i just disagree with the way that we

respond to it because i think that

we treat social as this uncertainty that

we want to eliminate

right because we don’t know how these

algorithms work we don’t know where they

come from

but to me the response that we have is

just to close our eyes and pretend that

social media is not happening

it’s just wrong and it’s going to set

you back and i have an example of how

this is happening and this comes from my


i’m an older brother and i have a

teenage sister right and

every time she misbehaves like i don’t

know doesn’t clean her room

does badly at school or does some

teenage stuff that i don’t know

my mom takes away my sister’s smartphone

taking away her social media

and the thing is she takes it away with

the same face that she used to make

when she wouldn’t let me go out with my

friends back in ukraine where i was

growing up

but even though for her it’s the same


the result is completely different

because right now if you take the phone


from a person from generation zed then

you don’t just take away

their connectivity with their friends

you take away everything

because social media has entered pretty

much every sector of their lives just

think about it

on pinterest is where you go to find

inspiration for your homework or just

for yourself

facebook is where you go to check in

with friends right twitter is where you

go to find out what’s happening

in the world tick tock is where you go

to have fun and then uh something like


is where you go to grow your network and

further your career

so taking away the smartphone is taking

away everything from these kids

as they’ll be quick to tell you and i

think it’s not just about kids

because the way we have built this


with social media i don’t think it works

for us

because people are scared of uncertainty

that it brings

this is why we have the screen time

right this is why we take digital

detoxes this is why we’re proud of being

off the grid of being offline

right because we’re not controlled by

these algorithms that that way we regain

control by eliminating this this

uncertainty but to me this is wrong

and if you do this then this is going to

cost you

now i’m not going to stand here and tell

you that there is money in social media

that conversation was

had five years ago right we all know

that jeffree star has a 14 million

dollar mansion we all know that david

dobrik has given away teslas every day

to his followers all of that stuff right

there is money there

but that’s just the tip of the iceberg i

don’t want to tell you about the

demilious or the kardashians i can talk

about myself

right i moved from ukraine 10 years ago

went to law school i was working as a

corporate consultant

and then suddenly i have developed this

interest in social media and


so i started a podcast uh that no one

listened to aside from my grandma who

was just viewing it so that i feel good

about my views and then i discovered

this platform called tick tock where i

thought i’d be making videos about how

it’s good to read books

and i brought this to my teenage sister

who thought

that it was a horrible idea who thought

that i was too old and too boring to be

on the platform

now in hindsight i guess she was wrong

because right now i have 2 million

followers on the platform and more than

1 billion

times my videos have been viewed and

since then

uh a few months ago i kind of had a

realization looking at my

bank account statement that i’m making

three times my corporate salary

through my work in social media so then

i quit my job

and started an agency that helps

businesses and organizations

reach gen z now i know what you’re

thinking there’s still

a lot of racism on social media there’s

still classes there’s still the pretty


that my grandma think applies to me

although not everyone agrees but

this is the representation of our

society right but my story

of finding myself on social finding a

part of myself on social media

is actually much more common than you


and there is real money there there is


billion valuation that influencer

economy is expected to reach by 2022

this number increasing to 25 billion by


making it one of the largest sectors in

our economy in the us

and in europe and of course there is

many professions that

earn money private equity banking all of

that stuff

but they aren’t as desired as a career

in social media is

latest research conducted conducted in

the us

shows that in the us for the teens there

video blogger is their dream

job and it’s a similar situation here in


so people well kids and teenagers dream

of making social media their career and

this dream

is actually beaten the dream of becoming

an athlete

the dream of becoming an actor or an

actress or an astronaut

the moonshot careers of the past and the

good news is that

it’s much more attainable than the other

ones right if you think about becoming

an athlete

that’s years of tough brutal training

uh when you’re a kid and then an element

of luck to get drafted

to become an astronaut you need a

certain lung capacity so there are some

kind of dna

limitations right when it comes to

social media i’m not saying that it’s a

walk in the park to become an influencer

and of course you’re competing with

pretty much everyone

with barriers to entry being super low

but it’s definitely more doable

than me becoming an nba player right and

just to put it in perspective for you

there are 568 people

who have gone to space in the history of


  1. right now

just on instagram there are 500 000

influencers right this minute so this is

much more doable and more desirable at

the same time

of course some people still want to be

lawyers engineers doctors

sometimes to please their immigrant

parents sometimes for their own kind of

internal and innate drivers and my point

is that even if you’re going for a

traditional career

you can’t escape social media and if you


that puts you at a disadvantage because

there are lawyers

and doctors and engineers who are making

videos on tech talk furthering their

career opportunities building their

network increasing their media presence

and charging their clients more even

elon musk if you think about it

the richest person on the planet is

using his account on

twitter to make nation state level plays

in the market right so everyone from

elon musk

to grand fluencers who are kind of

grandmas and grandpas who are having fun

on the internet and sustaining their


make social media part of their life

part of their job

right and then to me i think that if you

don’t do that

you’re just missing out and the other

day i was working on

helping scientists who actually have

created the kobit vaccine

understand tik tok and understand how to

fight misinformation

on this platform and when i was doing

that i thought how ubiquitous

social media has become and i think the

pandemic has only accelerated this


now we all remember the stories of the

first lockdowns when

the chefs whose restaurants have shut

down went on instagram live streams

to show people their recipes and show

their work when airbnb

hosts who couldn’t rent out their

apartments had to do virtual tours of

their place

on instagram live on tech talk live so

right now the society is moving towards

this virtual

commercial model right and if you think

about the

revolution in virtual work that was

supposed to be taking place for

years it was achieved in just a matter

of months online schooling

none of this is going back okay and i

think right now

as far as your skill set goes it’s very

important to stand out

right in the crowd and i think that

crafting a perfect dm

on instagram or any other social media

platform addressing the person you

admire professionally is a more

important skill than having a great

cover letter or a polished resume

so i’m not saying that social media is

good i’m not saying that everyone should

be on it

i’m just asking a question next time

when you take

away the smartphone of your kid or if

you just open your screen time to limit


further ask yourself a question why are

you doing this

and if you’re doing this because you’re

scared of the uncertainty that it brings

i implore you to get over that because

we all

need to learn to live and thrive with

social media

and we need you there thank you