Validation Self Societal Standards

have you ever found yourself

pleasing others to gain improve from

those around you

rather than focusing on your personal

interests if so there’s nothing to be

worried about

because many of us have found ourselves

in similar circumstances

since the beginning of high school i

have consciously tried to prevent myself

from trying to gain approval from others

regardless of the efforts you exert i

realize that you will never be able to

please everyone that you need

some may like you and others might not

and that’s natural

validation is like medicine if you’re

feeling unwell

you may take some ibuprofen but after

its effects wear off

you may feel the need to retake it


validation can be approached with a

similar concept

during quarantine a period of

self-reflection and introspection aided

us to realize that a majority of our

time is spent constantly contemplating

on how others perceive us and whether

our time is being used

productively and efficiently an

important thing to consider is that

validation is short-lived

when you achieve an accomplishment and

are praised naturally you enjoy

but after the wave of phrase wears off

you’ll constantly feel the need to be


it hopes to feel a sense of fulfillment

for example

if you take medication too frequently

you will start to build resistance

against it and will require an

increase in dosage to attain the same


this can also be seen with the need to

gain approval both

medication and validation if taken at

the right time

with the right dosage can prove to be

beneficial the adequate amount of

medicine can aid in recovery and improve

your health

likewise sometimes all you need is a

little bit of pressure and motivation to

help you accomplish your objectives

for as long as i can remember my aunt

has called me a nickname

dr vidya which essentially means my

beloved doctor

in the hope that i would want to become

a doctor when i grow up

it was one of the factors that motivated

me to develop an interest for the

medical field

discovered my desired career and helped

the community

until recently i didn’t think too much

about becoming a pediatrician

and didn’t research about the necessary


my passions in science pediatric care

and volunteering helped strengthen my

aspiration to fulfill my objective

rather than engrossing yourself to gain

approval and recognition from others

aspire to become your ideal self and

accomplish your goals and your dreams

context is to influence as a resume is

to recognition

for example if you’re the president of

the united states

then you have both power and influence

but if you identify

with the president you have power

through association

similarly having a dignified resume can

aid in getting accepted to prestigious


therefore gaining accreditation in the


often students attempt to accumulate

credentials to include in their resume

this could include internships


sports recruitments followed by other


as 9th grade begins our transcript

starts to form

causing students to worry about taking

the right courses for their future

personally i felt that it is beneficial

to choose classes that relate to your

career choice

such as anatomy chemistry biology and


on the other hand i wanted to pursue a

career in the business field

which requires me to take classes such

as psychology

marketing business law statistics etc

after fulfilling these course

requirements we also have to consider

participating in various extracurricular


as students we are expected to go to

school for seven hours a day

five days a week engage in after school


complete our homework volunteer and

somehow get eight hours of sleep

when we try to address this struggle

adults silence us by stating that they

too had to suffer through similar


alongside other conflicts with all these


many individuals ignore blatant symptoms

that can cause irritability

fatigue burnout and a heightened

sensitivity to sickness

which can all be caused by peer pressure

poor diets and irregular sleeping habits

although adolescence has been viewed as

a period of storm and stress by many


stress can continue to surface

throughout adulthood

comparable to how careers such as

lawyers and physicians

were undervalued in the 1600s a modern

stereotype has formed

where such professions are of an

elevated status when compared to careers

such as models dancers and

teachers individuals often aspire to

venture into non-traditional careers

but often hesitate due to parental and

societal expectations to choose a

well-received career

the primary rationale behind this

reasoning is job stability and

cumulative earnings

due to this the concept of job

satisfaction is often overlooked

if they do decide to oppose the

community and choose a rather

controversial profession

people have the pressure and compulsion

to prove the validity of their career

and exhibit their success

after graduating individuals obtain

additional responsibilities that may


accountability and management


in order to adhere to societal standards

people agonize about getting married

and finding a suitable life partner in

indian culture it is common for the

parents to present a suitable

bride or groom for their child

oftentimes the parents or

matchmaker will present a suitable

partner for their child to meet

the new netflix original indian

matchmaking addresses a major and

generalized issue that is often

overlooked in the indian society

especially for women after you pass the

age of 26

you slowly begin to feel the intense

pressure of getting married and settling


you will feel like you’re surrounded by

unattainable expectations

but ultimately you should do what is

best for you

it is important to realize that you

should be living life only on your terms

not anyone else’s when conversing with

parents and referencing the assortment

of articles

we discovered that parents receive an

abundance of tips and tricks to help

them when expecting their first child

regardless of whether their advice is

helpful they effectively implement the

underlying formation

of competition parents offering advice

often gloat about their child’s

accomplishments and drug comparisons

after discoursing parents become

concerned about their child’s progress

and worry of divine in the race

this reminds us of a movie called hindi


which showcases the harsh realities of

school admissions in india

after watching the movie we realized

that gaining admission into prestigious

schools is a money-making business that

is prevalent throughout various nations

in the movie the parents were required

to attend an

interview to make sure they were of a

particular monetary and societal


before the child can be given

consideration for admission

equipment to outcry from preschoolers

parents should avoid coercing their

child into

participating in numerous activities and

straining themselves

solely to satisfy societal standards

criticizing students by comparing them

against their peers

is an example of demoralization which

depletes self-confidence and diminishes

mutual adoration between students

recognizing that every child is unique

and has their own

strengths and capabilities is an

important perspective that everyone

should possess

instead of dismaying the child with

persistent pressure in comparison

finding innovative and uplifting methods

of constructive criticism

can drastically improve self-perception

and inspire creativity

throughout one’s life they face several

complications and adversities

that influence their future and improve

their outlook on life

based on experience people may

opinionize that adolescents

suffer through more drastic changes than

adults or vice versa furthermore there

are countless similarities

among stressors when complicating

different stages of life

similar to how we were stressed during

midterms week adults face analogous


during grueling weeks in their line of


along with these stresses people face

constant character judgment

and comparison based on their actions


and accomplishments in high school there

is persistent collocation between

students regarding class rank ap awards

and other academic accolades

similarly when employed people face the

constant struggle to attain

promotions higher salaries bonuses and


with all these aspirations set in place

the need to gain approval

increases because individuals place

higher expectations on themselves

and desire to seek the validation of the


i have experiences firsthand during my

adding adigen

or dance graduation in south indian

classical dance

this taught me how to focus on my goals

and stop worrying

about fulfilling obvi’s wishes several

people would comment on the food

the decor or the attire rather than

observing the culmination of our hard


this experience helped me realize that i

should only focus on factors that i can


but the more relatable aspect the

increasing popularity

and usage of social media has caused a

majority of the population to seek some

form of validation

based on the number of likes and

comments they receive

some people unknowingly attach their

self-worth on trivial matters such as

follower count and social status

as the need for validation increases

their lives begin to revolve around

insignificant matters

which can later cause problems in their

personal and professional lives

this may later affect their mental state

and increase their vulnerability

to anxiety depression low self-esteem

and self-loathing these issues have only

recently been taken seriously

and now there are several facilities

that give individuals the help they need

many times the symptoms displayed are

disregarded until a setback causes

everyone to notice them

additionally there are various beauty

and relationship standards

that fail to portray the reality

everything that you see on social media

should be taken with a grain of salt

social media should be used as a tool

for interaction and entertainment

rather than as a source of jealousy and


for some popularity has the same

importance as maintaining

a work-life balance parenting and


ultimately the promise of our speech

revolves around validation and its

impacts on both self

and society we understand that it’s

easier to advise than to follow

but taking steps towards consciously

aiming to prevent yourself

from people pleasing can drastically

improve your quality of life and


conversely society should encourage and

empower others

to fulfill their dreams rather than

judging or discouraging them

our vision for future generations is to

realize and understand

that life is not a race there is no

finish line and that everyone is on a

different path that they must discover

for themselves

thank you