What entrepreneurs can learn from children with clubfoot


over the years

i’ve learned that children teach us some

of the most valuable lessons in life

right like how you can tear something

apart to find out what it’s made of and

know how it works

how to pick yourself up when you fall

they even teach us life’s critical

lessons like how to genuinely be happy

sometimes however the lessons that

children teach us are unexpected

like the lesson i’m going to share with

you today that i learned from a child

named chebo

sichevo is a smart wonderful young man

that likes to smile and make funny faces

but there’s something else that cheryl

likes in that school but until he was 15

years old

chewa was uncomfortable being in school

because he was born with a condition

called club foot

now with club foot children are born

with feet that are curved inwards

they’re shaped like golf clubs which

makes it increasingly difficult for them

to walk

or to run long distances if you neglect

a club foot

the feet become permanently deformed

which makes which is a source of further

discomfort later on in life and

unfortunately for chebo

it earned him a nickname in his

community the cursed child

today i’m going to tell you what

children like chebo can teach

entrepreneurs i will show you the

benefits of learning these lessons

and i’ll even show you what you can

apply in your own life that you cheo

applied to his club foot recovery


but first let’s talk about club foot you

see one

in 1 000 children worldwide is born with

the condition

now while its causes are idiopathic it’s

been linked to genetics

and skeletal abnormalities a club foot

won’t just go away because you’ve chosen

to ignore it like chewa’s parents did

it needs treatment and without treatment

the feet become permanently deformed and

you need surgery to correct it

now what that surgery looks like is that

they’ll need to cut the foot

and try and straighten it back into


this can be excruciatingly painful to


and what’s much more painful is the

recovery process itself

because it can take a long time

depending on the type of surgery that is


and post-operative care among many other


you need grit to go through this

recovery process angela duckworth

defines grit

as passion and perseverance for our

long-term goals

she says grit is a better predictor of

achievement than talent

or intelligence i think entrepreneurs

are going to need a lot of great

post pandemic because since the pandemic

hit last year

startups have become an endangered


four out of every 10 startups is at a

significant risk of running out of money

72 percent of startups have as they have

a massive reduction

in their revenues and six out of every


has either laid off or reduced the

salaries of their employees because

times are indeed tough and unfortunately

about become tougher because out of

every 10 startups

nine unfortunately might not make it

this is such a dire situation

when you think about it it’s it’s sad


but this is not the time to give up

because what the pandemic has done

is that in developing countries where

people are predominantly poor

it threatens to put the lives of further

500 million people

into poverty and now more than ever

people in these vulnerable populations

will not depend on their governments or

market forces in order to survive

they will depend on the efforts of

social entrepreneurs because social

entrepreneurs have been in the forefront

of the pandemic fighting some of the

world’s wickedest problems

according to the schwab foundation

social entrepreneurs have

improved the lives of over 622 million


by providing solutions in health in


in water and sanitation environment

among many other

solutions provided and see this is why

we need social entrepreneurs

because the possibility of a world

without them post pandemic is

something that is quite simply too

ghastly for us to contemplate

but what will make the difference

between the social entrepreneurs that


and those that don’t it’s not their


it’s not their intelligence it’s their


their perseverance for their missions

it’s their

grit and chaos example is such a good

example of what it means to have grit

because it was a journey of pain it was

a journey of

patience it was a journey of

perseverance but it later on turned out

to be a journey of triumph

through grit you know and

i remember watching him recover and

thinking to myself this is such a tough


because i i wouldn’t want to go through

something like that myself

but little did i know that seeing that

recovery was preparing me for something

that i would later experience

myself well need to use grit in 2019

i decided to apply for achievement

scholarship now the thing with

achievement scholarships

is that thousands of people apply for

these scholarships

every year across the world and only

between one

to two percent awarded the scholarship

now even though i believe i put in a

brilliant application that yeah

i was one among the 98 to 99 that were


but unfortunately not good enough and i

remember that rejection stung so much

and going through it and thinking to

myself i may as well just throw my

dreams out the window

i was defeated i was distraught i

i gave up and i remember telling myself

i will not reapply because this is such

a painful process to

to enjoy but the next year

against my better judgment i decided to

throw in a fresh application

and out of the over 60 000 people that

applied that year

and the over 600 local applicants in


i became one of only 13 zambians

that were awarded the scholarship in

fact i’m the only zombie achievement

scholar standing at the university of


see that’s great great is not about

going through tough times in order to


it’s about going through tough times in

order to survive and then

to thrive in summary what i’ve been

talking about

i’ve been saying that the grit that

children like chew will show

through their recovery journey is

something that we all need

if we’re going to build back better post

pandemic because now more than ever

the world needs our solutions so we need

to re-examine the places where we failed

we need to

go back to the doors that were closed

for us and knock on them

try again and again persevere and have

passion for these goals until we achieve


because post-pandemic the world is going

to need every

solution we can get now i end this on a

good note

i’m happy to tell you that ceo did go

back to school

he can walk he can run and he can play

sports like all of the other kids in his


in fact he’s no longer the community’s

cursed child

and rightly so because his name ichibo

has such a positive meaning in bamba in

bemba it is a reference to the word of


thank you so much for listening today
