What Ive learnt from a Social Media Detox


i want to ask you guys one simple


the question is what was the first

social media that you use

you can answer to yourself or say it out


high five thank you so

my first social media is facebook

yeah i remember i was like about to move

to my new school

which is international school so the

environment changed and i think i was in

the latest elementary

to my first junior high school and at

that time i remember i was so addicted

to it

like i was playing society all day and

then i post status as well as

photos and i remember that there was no

messenger before

so if you want to chat with our friends

we will be like commenting

below the photos so it ends up like this


some cases or photos have like a tons of

comment with no share

so i want to ask you guys another

question what is your current

favorite social media twitter

so to me it is instagram the reason

behind this is because

instagram has story stories allow us to

tell people who we are what we eat today

what we drink today how we dress who are

we with today

and then it will disappear in 24 hours

so it allows us to

expose ourselves more as a result we

think less when we want to post


we also can absorb more information

through id story that’s why sometimes we

got influence

and i want to say that we can know other

people easier

by ig story we don’t even need to meet

them but we can know who they are

and actually everything has two sides

right i want to tell you first about the

benefits of

influences by social media so the first

thing is

i was scrolling down in the explore shed

thing in the instagram and then

i saw one picture of a girl who has a

very nice body that i dream of

the picture is like this she’s very sexy


her abs her thigh everything and then i

imagine myself

i want to have that kind of body too so

the more i scroll down to her feet i see


her breakfast lunch and dinner contains

this ingredient

avocados that’s why i started to ask my

mom and dad

mom and dad can you please buy me an

avocado i want to try

eating avocado i want to know how it


will it make my body healthier yeah so i

asked him to buy it and then i taste it

and it turned out very well it tastes

very good and then

i like maybe lie to myself that i will

be healthier

and another good example is do you know

this sport

it’s called pilates i just started

trying it

not so long ago but i want to say that i

saw this picture and then i know that

pilates is a sport that

allows us to have like increasing the


and strengthen the muscle as well as

doing dancing

so i want to try doing pilates too and

then it turned out well as

well however there are

some times that it didn’t turn out well

you can see in this picture right a girl

she was

standing on her longboard having a cab

and she’s smiling look like this

activity is so much fun

also i asked my my dad can you please

buy me this

yeah and then my brother was at korea at

that time when i want

when i want to play longboard and then

he needs to carry this gigantic

longboard all the way from korea back to

thailand especially for me

and then i like really enjoy i’m so

addicted to it for

first and second day and then guess what


it was there in front of my toilet i

didn’t touch it at all

yeah so i feel like oh sometimes

influences by social media is not really

match me this is not the only

example cassette tape i want to be like

a vintage girl you know like

carrying quesadilla walking around it

end up there as well

i didn’t touch it at all i only touched

it when i bought it

third thing you can see my hair is very

like not neat at all because i like it

this way but my career

it involved me using this kind of iron

but i didn’t touch it that much

yeah and the last thing launch pad i

want to be like edm master

and like dubstep like dj yo-yo but

in the end it was there

above my rock and i didn’t touch it that

usb never plugged into my computer

at least once yeah so i feel like when i

look at this picture

i faces too much error like trial and

error is not wrong but

to me myself personally i think when i

absorb too much

information in social media it changes

me to something i am not

yeah so that’s why i want to go back to

being me

like who i want what i am what i want to

do so i decided i want to try to do

social detox

so during the five days i was doing five

days social detox

challenge and i was

putting like an app limit so i cannot

play twitter instagram and facebook for

five days

i will tell you guys what is my three

top things that i feel

is a very good thing about social detox

so i want to ask you guys another

question that

what do you currently see in social


to me like the top 10 twitter are

probably like hashtag

this one break up with this one of that

thing right

that doesn’t occur only in social media

it also occur

in real life people talk use that topic

to talk in real life as well

like you know do you know that this one

dates with this one do you know that

they broke up

why does she dress like that anything

like that and i feel like

wouldn’t it be better if we can talk to

the people in front of you

the topic like how are you today

are you happy today are you sad are you

bored are you anything

it will make i know the people in front

of you better

so i have one example i was sitting in

the car but not this car

like it’s like a van with our member and


we’re traveling traveling somewhere and


the topic that they’re talking about is

like the thing that is going on in

social media

not to say that it is wrong because i i

am one of them too but that time i was

doing social detox

so i could not join in the conversation

at all because i don’t know what is

going on right

and i feel like nowadays the generation

have changed

people doesn’t use social media as like

a tools to communicate

to spread good news but they are now

like a world they are now

controlling us so i think it might be

better if we can talk to the people in

front of us

the thing that is related to them

another example that is not me but

just imagine that that girl is me so the

second topic

is i know more about connecting with


so i was one day like i have an

event so they even i need to put on

makeup and do my hair

so usually i will bring my phone and sit

there and just

texting someone or scrolling down my ig

feet something like that but

that day i think like i feel like i

cannot do anything with my phone my

phone is just like calculator

or like a camera thing so i decided to

put my phone behind and then

walk up straight to the hairdresser when

i went there i just

sit down and all i can do is to stare at

myself in the mirror

and then i feel like the hairdresser she

feel like i don’t have a wall

i don’t have my own rule because i

didn’t have anything to concentrate to

so she decided to ask me

what kind of hair do you like like do

you want your hair tied up or you want

to leave it curly

so i said i want my hair tied up not so

neat a bit messy

these two simple questions allow us to

have like

a very long conversation around 20

minutes because i was doing my hair

yeah and i feel like just by putting a

phone down allow us to connect with


more easily and the last thing that i


is to know myself i am a kind of person

who never asked myself

who i am what do i like what do i feel

what do i want sometimes i feel what

others want me to feel as well

so i think like it might be better if i

can feel what i want to feel

so during the time that i do social

detox it

makes me realize that what i really like

is to play guitar

yeah i know that i like to play guitar

but i never know that i like it this


during the five days of not using social

media at all

if i didn’t touch my phone for like


i will be playing guitar all day and i

feel like i really enjoy

even though i’m not very good and it is

very difficult but i did not feel that

difficulty at all because i really enjoy


and it made me realize that i liked it

because of me myself when i was young i

really want to play guitar

not because i got influence from anyone

so i can proudly say that i know myself


through social detox i can say that

i am back at the track of being me what

about you guys

social detox can be a guide to the

answer of

what you want and who you are so

let’s take a break from social media and

let’s live our truly life thank you