Why we Need Social Impact Education to Change the World

if you could change

one thing in the world what would it be

i want you all to really take a moment

and think hard

about this question the answer to this


defines many things it defines our


our values our jobs

and our livelihoods but more importantly

it defines the world we live in and the

world our future generations

will live in now imagine that anything

is possible

allow your mind to dream let go of


and think big start with what if

and fill in the blanks

the truth of the matter is that most

people go through life

without ever thinking about this

profound question

now more than ever our world is facing

an incredibly tough reality

we’re dealing with a global pandemic


obesity social injustice

inequality poverty

climate change to name just a few

my name is misha and as an adjunct


at ucla extension i’ve asked hundreds of


representing more than 50 countries

around the world

the same question if you could change

one thing in the world what would it be

when i share the statistics about 1

billion people

being hungry in the world and 2 billion


eating too much wrong food the

staggering rate of

childhood obesity that i reported on as

a consultant at the world health


or the story of a five-year-old girl

called cheru

from kenya who needs to walk four miles

for three and a half hours with her

mother to get clean water

i see my students faces filled with


and grief but i also see hope

ideas courage and a sense

of pursuing justice

at the end of the quarter each and every

one of my students

had found a problem in the world that

not only would better their own life if

they solved it

but also the lives of individuals


communities and the environment around


and that’s when i realized that their

youth is aware

of relevant issues that affect them and

the world around them but they wonder

how to go about

solving those issues

this talk is not about generating

immediate solutions for these problems

nor do i want to undermine the

complexity of these matters

i am simply here today because i want to

do my part

in empowering you our youth our change

makers of the future

to solve the world’s most pressing


that’s where social impact comes in

social impact is defined as any

significant positive change

that addresses a pressing social


this can be in any shape or form whether

it’s a business

a government a non-governmental


a non-profit or even a school project

if you’ve ever been involved in


you may have heard of the three ps also

referred to as the three e’s

or the triple bottom line framework

this framework focuses not only on

making profit

but also improving people’s lives and

improving the planet we all live on

the triple bottom line term was coined

in 1994

by john elkington a management


who used this framework to measure

performance in corporate america

today this concept is still widely used

and implemented

and many experts have actually added a

fourth p

to the equation called purpose

interestingly society has uniquely

positioned youth as the change makers of

our future

we give them the role to renew and

refresh the status of our society

and we expect them to advance the

current health situation

technology education politics

and much more let’s face it

we’re in desperate need of their ideas

their courage

their creativity innovation and their

great energy

to shape a better world luckily the

research shows

that millennials in the workplace want

to feel meaning and purpose in their


and 94 of them report that they want to

use their skills

to benefit a cause i can personally

attest to this as i packed up my bags

and moved for my home

in the netherlands to my new home in los


to pursue purpose and growth and then i

became the first student

in ucla extension sustainability program

who became an instructor

in the program because i wanted my

career to benefit the cause

and that was education and i can say

that teaching

is among the most rewarding things i do

very similarly 65 of gen z

which is the generation of teenagers and

young adults

want to personally contribute to

creating something that is world

changing they don’t want to work for

companies where the pursuit of the

almighty dollar is the only

outcome they want more

and it’s not just them 53 percent of

consumers think that brands

could be addressing more problems than

governments can

and 86 of consumers expect companies

to do something about social and

environmental problems

so our youth wants to change the world

and our society wants them to change the


so you think we’re in a win-win


well almost

although some high schools colleges and

business schools

provide community-based projects

volunteer opportunities

and social impact programs and


it has not been adopted widely yet

so here’s my question for you who is

teaching our youth the necessary


mindset and practical skills to achieve

social impact

why aren’t we providing them with the

tools they need

to feel more fulfilled with their lives

and careers

while bettering the world for all of us

why aren’t we planting the seeds earlier


are we expecting them to learn about the

united nations

sustainable development goals on their


will they magically do a google search

to find a blueprint consisting of 17

interlinked goals that are designed to

achieve a better and more sustainable

future for all by 2030

and how do we set up our youth to be

social entrepreneurs

who understand economics as well as the

science behind sustainability

and equity to empower marginalized

underserved communities

are we teaching our youth about

different types of companies

such as b corporations that not only

focus on financial profit

but also look at how the company treats

people and the planet

how are we teaching our youth about

heroes and how are we connecting them

with mentors

in the social impact space

being confronted with all these


became a turning point for me in my

career as someone

who had worked a decade at the

intersection of digital marketing

social impact and sustainability

i propose a need

to integrate social impact into the

educational system

to better prepare our future leaders

to drive social and environmental change

and i want to share my self-developed

framework with you today

this is what i call the egi curriculum


this model focuses on project-based


around a specific social or

environmental issues

that students handpick and are

passionate about

there are three pillars in the framework

the e for empower

the g4 grow and the eye for impact

let’s review the first pillar

in order to empower students we need to

create a safe

and inclusive learning space everyone

has a voice

and everyone’s voice should be heard

secondly we need to encourage critical


we want our youth to question the status


and we want to help them unleash their


to learn more about the world around


we also need to help them discover their


i suggest developing a purpose discovery


to dig deeper into their personal


as well as their future goals

last but not least we need to provide

an educational toolkit that focuses on

real life

application rather than theoretical


that won’t help them get to that next


of mastering concepts and growth

this brings us to the second pillar of

the egi model

what if you could learn how to grow into

a more powerful mindset

would you take that class dr carol dweck

of stanford university

studied human motivation and talked

about the power of

mindset nearly 30 years ago

she discusses two main mindsets we can

navigate a life with

a fixed mindset and a growth mindset

her theory of the two mindsets and the

difference they make in outcomes

is incredibly powerful

in a fixed mindset you don’t like to be


and you see failure as a limit of your


adopt a growth mindset and you will find

that challenges help you grow

and that failure is an opportunity to

grow as well

see how our view of ourselves can


everything i advocate for education

and training around the topic of mindset

having a growth mindset is essential for


not only for an individual but also for

people planet and profit

it’s a win-win-win situation

so once we’ve helped unleash the growth


we dive into the four main topics of our

growth pillar

we want our students to laser focus

on one social or environmental challenge

oftentimes i encounter students

who want to focus their projects on

solving multiple issues

in different regions unfortunately we

can’t solve

all problems for everyone instead

targeting a specific challenge will


more impactful in the long run

secondly we want to facilitate breakout

sessions we want to facilitate

peer-to-peer discussions

a scientific study showed that peer


improves student performance on in-class

concept questions

we want to make sure that students are

also able to receive and provide

constructive feedback

the benefits of feedback include

increased confidence

motivation and self-esteem and these are

all traits that are needed for someone

who leads the way to be a better future

for all

finally we want to make sure we give

them an opportunity to network and

connect with industry mentors

behind every successful person there is

a mentor

who cared i’ve been blessed with mentors

along my way

and i’m a mentor in several programs

it’s a privilege to discover our youth’s

drive for change and social impact in

the world

and help them grow

in our third and final pillar we look at


impact of our actions

first we want to empower you to present

their projects

and step outside of their comfort zone

when they’re acquiring those

communication and presentation skills

we want them to be able to effectively

persuade an audience

very similar to giving a tedx talk we

need to help them hone skills

and present to different audiences being

able to speak the language

of a business person an engineer a

sustainability expert

or members of the target population

we’re serving with our idea

is the key to getting your impact

message across

thirdly we want to raise awareness

through social media

as you all undoubtedly know social media

has become

fundamental in our lives and in the way

that billions of people

get information about the world and

connect with each other

this raises the stakes enormously

we can use the power of social media to


causes raise money and tell the stories

we can run ads for a fundraising

campaign and do so much more

the possibilities of digital marketing

are really endless

also we want to get organizations

involved with the project

there are so many organizations out

there that are doing great work

sometimes it’s not about reinventing the


but partnering up with the right


the important thing to remember is that

we’re all in this together

instead of competing we need to


we need to work together and grow


finally in order to make an impact

we need to help our youth become a

champion for the cause

you can become an internal change maker

in any type of organizational role

you’re in

cheering on others who are in it with us

and make decisions

if you’re part of the decision making


the key takeaway is that social impact


can empower grow and impact our youth

to drive change we can help our youth


and in turn they can help grow our


people planet and profit for a better


however let’s not forget that our role

as educators

as well as students it’s just the tip of

the iceberg

anyone can get involved in the social

revolution in any capacity

you can be the change

you can be the one who pursues impact

as part of your business you can be the


who shifts your business model

you can be an organization gen z wants

to work for

value their commitment to the cause

each and every one of us can create

opportunities for innovation

change and inclusion in our own lives

our workplace and our community

why now because our world needs it

why you because your growth can impact

our world

as a wise mahatma gandhi once said

in a gentle way you can shake the world

thank you