Heading Towards Utopia

Transcriber: Ebrar Batmaz
Reviewer: Shimaa Nabil

Nobody owns anything, but
everyone is rich -

for what greater wealth can there be
than cheerfulness, peace of mind

and freedom from anxiety?

Imagine a society where everyone works
only six hours a day and enjoy leisure

for the rest of the time.

Also, imagine a society where
money doesn’t exist

and everyone can take whatever they want

from the market without
having to pay for it.

A society like this seems
wealthier than any kind of improved

society of the modern times.

Surprisingly, this ideal society exists
in Thomas Moore’s book Utopia,

which was written five hundred years ago.

In this book, Moore talks about a society
where there is no such thing

as distinction in class.

Everyone is equal, people’s
preferences are respected,

and no one criticizes another
for being different.

Citizens of the utopia focus on intrinsic
value, such as happiness,

better than wealth.

This is completely
in contrast with

the modern society where extrinsic values
are at the center of everything.

Citizens of current society
give up intrinsic values.

They should be pursued in life,
such as altruism.

Instead, people are becoming
more selfish than ever,

which is now becoming more apparent in
the coronavirus pandemic.

currently, many people are packing
the medical team physically and verbally,

even though all they try to do is help.

Also, people are going out to places such
as amusement parks, clubs and bars,

despite the increase in the
number of confirmed cases.

As a result, the selfishness of humans
has evolved into a competitiveness.

People these days do not know
who lives next door to them,

they don’t even stay
at home most of the time.

Instead of spending
time with their families,

people work at the office on their
own without talking to others.

Such selfishness and indifference comes
from anxiety about survival.

Not getting a job of high social position
would lead to those with low wages,

which makes it easier to get ignored by
others and harder to maintain life.

As that prison society is full of
competition and indifference.

People are busy competing
against each other,

ignoring and blaming others rather
than respecting one another.

Such circumstances are taking
away people’s peace of mind

and taking up taking them further
away from a utopian society.

However, there is hope.

This is because our society can head
towards utopia when warmth and hospitality

take the place of anxiety, competition
and selfishness.

When this happens, people will care
about and respect each other.

Also, people will feel a sense of
belonging and open up their minds.

As a result, it will become
easier to cooperate,

leading to faster development
and progress

as people share their ideas together

and contribute to development
in their own fields.

With such changes taking place, our
society will be able to reach Utopia.

After all, the best is yet to come.

Thank you for listening.