Why Music is Important to Society

Transcriber: Gracie Wu
Reviewer: Hani Eldalees

Raise your hand if you like rock music,
raise your hand if you like pop music,

raise your hand if you like jazz music,
raise your hand.

If you like any other genre of music
I haven’t mentioned yet.

Clearly, you can see the music is
significant in everyone’s lives,

even if they haven’t realized it yet.
Hello, my name is Alice and I love music.

My eighth birthday,
I was finally old enough

to see my favorite singer, Anne Marie,

perform live. Lucky enough me. My parents
got me tickets just to see her.

That very concert made me look
at the world differently.

It made me appreciate the little things.
It made me appreciate the community.

Thousand people, a sing spread.

Feel the electricity in the air.
As she was singing, I was singing on,

contributing to the magical feeling

rushing through a blood make me smile all
right. Together when writing music,

people send messages, include life
experiences and pull their emotions.

That’s what I love is if I can
identify with and I know for

a fact that other people agree with me.

I also love my friends if they like music
that they could identify with.

And the majority said that they could
be able to relate with music

and made people feel less alone.

People can communicate through music,
and I think that’s amazing.

Demi Lovato and Marshmallow made the song,

ok no to be OK and many famous
artists help me feed the world.

ok not to be OK spreading awareness
about suicide prevention and

the dual spreading awareness
about poverty in Africa.

Both those messages being amazing, though
there are so many good messages.

There are also the Rabanne messages
most commonly showing off

and being sexist with the
showing off of music.

It can make people feel self-conscious
that they don’t have the luxury

and it can also make people think that
money is everything which is wrong.

And with sexism, it can make people think
that having that gender is wrong

and they can also make people think it’s
okay to be sexist. And that’s just wrong.

Music makes me feel better and it makes
other people feel better to.

It’s great for your mental health
and there’s different groups

for different scenarios. For example,
when you’re sad,

you can listen to sad music to let you
know that you’re not the only one.

Or you can listen to happy
music to lift your mood.

Music is also great for starting
a concentration.

It can help the anxiety and compromise
as well as music being great

for your mental health. It’s also really
great for your physical health.

It can help improve physical performance.

I wish I had headphones to play
music in school running races.

I’m not the fastest person you’ll meet.

Not at all, studies have also
shown that music has an effect

on eating if it’s played softer and it can
help you eat less if you eat too much,

if it’s played while you’re eating, music
can also help your blood flow easier,

meaning it’s good for your heart
as well as your mind.

Music brings people together.

It can create communities and it might
even help you make new friends.

Let’s say it’s your first day, a new
school. You’re really nervous.

You’re not talking to anyone
and you’re really scared.

I mean, this doesn’t happen to me
because I talk a lot.

Anyway, so let’s if your favorite
song is stuck in your head,

so you’re humming it bit someone else you
likes the song that then they know

the song and they like it, they recognize
it and it can create a new friendship.

Popular musician, all my pops interviewed
artist during lockdown and

the majority said that they’re being
able to have live streams was good.

It was much better being able to live
with the crowd, with the community.

Sometimes I even write my own songs
and ask me to relieve stress,

let my emotions out and help
my creative juices flow.

That I’m sort like saying there. I’m not
sure if I’m any good at it anyway.

Singing to everyone, whether
you’re really good at it

or if you just want to have a laugh.
Though there are small downsides to music.

Clearly, you know, small downsides that
big, though there are downsides to music.

You can clearly see the music
is crucial to the world.

If you ever wondered why you didn’t
like a certain type of music

and loved together, well,
this is just my theory.

But I think he liked the music that
represents your personality. With what?

Because. Yeah, so sorry. If you know,

I know when he says that they don’t
like a certain style of music,

I think that’s just because they haven’t
found their style of music yet.

Most of my friends well,
not most of my friends,

but a lot of my friends like Pop, my
younger sister likes hard rock.

I really like I like a lot of
different types of music.

My favorites with the alternative.

Lo, fi, ki and pop, but those are
just my favorites, really,

of all music is the best. Thank you.
Thank you very much.

Elvis Presley, you know, rock and roll.