Spaceship Earth




spaceship earth is alive

she produces everything humanity needs


the perfect atmospheric system for us to

thrive in

she does this with no effort so long as

we don’t upset her balance

by not understanding that spaceship

earth is one integral system

we have sadly made her weaker we have

compromised our very own basis for

existing on earth we need to change that


now but how do we do that

my name is susanne hart i’m a human


caring about creating a new path for

humanity so that we can live more

fulfilling lives in harmony

with a healthy planet after being a

politician for some years

i had to find out why the system is not

working to deal with the rapid changes

we need to bring about in this time i

think i found an

answer and it has to do with how we as

humanity has

given away our power so what is


democracy means the will of the people

the real people

not companies not institutions each

person’s voice has equal weight

regardless of status or wealth in a true


people choose the governing systems and

when to change them

because the people are on the very top

of the pyramid of power

power is then decentralized through all

the population behind it

in a representative democracy like most

of us experience now

the individuals give away their power to

a few elected politicians

like me and power starts becoming


it is easier to influence a small group

of people than many

so whenever power is centralized it

becomes more vulnerable for manipulation

it lays a lot of responsibility on an

elected politician’s shoulders

to not be influenced towards directions

that are bad choices for humanity

because people are who we work for

elected politicians have some

centralized power

but the real centralized power has been

accumulated through a long

history of building society it is not

easy to detect and politicians often get

to blame for its consequences

but truth is we politicians have a

shockingly limited room for maneuver

to change paths in society we become

occupied inside the already fixed frame


like being kids in the sandbox arguing

in which direction to move that truck in

a time demanding big

change we cannot waste good people’s

enthusiasm and drive

about contributing to real change like

that we need to use

all forces in changing the frame instead

and why is this so difficult inside the

present system

the very frame around the sandbox is the


we have built together through the years

we did it in good faith

it has given us a civilized society and

lots of efficiency

it is our governing system with all its

rules of the game

we created a game which now has gained a

power of its own

it has become the biggest centralized

power of all times

and it is heading towards a place not

suitable for humans

but wait a minute in a real democracy

people can change the governing system

at any time

so why cannot our politicians do that


the answer is sadly that any institution

based on power

will work towards gaining even more

power because the system is never human

it works for its own survival not for


now we are in a situation where almost

all communication between people

including our very private messages to

nearing their ones

is gathered in huge data centers

our most intimate life has become a

product for sale

to anyone that wants to learn how to

manipulate us

this has become a huge democratic


and this gap must be closed by demanding

encryption of data in both the sender

and receiving end

so that no platforms can read and store

your personal data

centralized power in the form of data is

strong enough

to influence democratic power the same

goes for centralized

power through money religion and media

real people care about thriving and

making sure that their children and

grandchildren thrive too

into the future it’s just pure and

simple love

we have let non-human centralized power


influence the direction for too long we

can change the direction of spaceship

earth but that means taking back

a real democratic power only humanity

can feel the consequences if this goes


only we can fix it together let’s start

by becoming aware

of where we can find centralized power

in our society

today and how it works then

let’s design a better solution i

don’t have all the answers but i do

believe that rehumanizing democracy

is vitally important for us and for our


let’s find ways to rehumanise democracy

starting from today

thank you
