We are Space Wanderers



we are space founders

how many of you as children

dreamed of being an astronaut i was one

of those kids

i have always been fascinated by space

from my perspective space contains the

keys to so many fundamental questions

like where we come from and where we are


we human beings floating in the

immensity of the universe

and this tiny speck of dust we call


i’m curious about our future on earth

and in space

when i look at the sky i would like to

push a button on my watch like a


and deploy a backpack with a rocket belt

and small thrusters

and then a powerful flight jet pack

would cater put me into

the sky passing through the clouds as

if in a spaceship heading for the stars

yeah that was my dream as a child

i know now as an adult this is not the

most credible dream in the world

but one thing i still strongly believe

is that i would love to go to space

because space looks like amazing

let’s take the example of weightlessness

i have performed two zero gravity fly

and i can tell you i will always


my first parabolic flight in


flying without feeling weight without

any loud on your body offers a sensation

of total freedom

imagine opening your hand

and letting go of a small ball and see

just throat motionless is

absolutely unbelievable

if someone gives you a small push with a

spinning effect

you start turning around and nothing can

stop you

except the end of the public right

but still you have this new super power

to fly easier than a bird that is magic

and see all the people moving around you

effortlessly without any referential for

time and space

it’s like in a waking dream

would you like to come with me and give

it a try

yeah i can say those yes

now it’s not just about what you feel

it’s also what you see

the view of earth from space is

beautiful beyond


thanks to the astronauts working in the

international space station

we have enjoyed so many beautiful


of the earth from our beds for me

this is so inspiring it should be for

all of us

what if we were able to go up there

together and see a beautiful planet

from our own eyes

wow we will stay stuck

speechless with admiration

i remember having this sensation that

the time stops

when i watch online and see the


on space walk floating in space

and it’s so impressive to see them

orbiting our beautiful planet

i can’t even imagine the level of


the feeling of fullness we would reach

if we were able to experience this with

our five

senses this would for sure create a new


between earth and earth or earth

our beautiful planet

in addition of this new connection

looking back to us has also increased

our awareness about our fragility

carl sagan was calling our planet

or pale blue dots while giving

a vision of the future human in space

while exploring the magnificent mystery

of the universe

looking back to earth has revealed

that there are many threats the earth is


day after day typhoons

fires tornadoes tsunamis

and because some of us dared to explore


higher why others such as

engineers scientists and researchers

multiplied their efforts to develop new


to better understand the evolution of

our earth

we human beings we are getting smarter

we have expanded our knowledge

from the outside we’ve been able to


an improvement from the inside

such a journey can inspire the next


so they can get excited and curious

about space

and about earth so they can play a part

in addressing our problems creating

new solutions and develop new


and build our collective knowledge

and maybe one day they will become space

explorers themselves

become because space is for everybody

like the life on earth concerns


becoming an astronaut doesn’t need to

stay a dream

for some people it becomes

so dare to dream

i’m a rocket engineer and i can tell you

i see a huge diversity of projects

every year several nations

have their rockets um their modules

their spacecraft

satellites prods probes

rovers orbiter’s lander all kinds of


those countries develop their skills

every day even a school can send a


into space and it’s happening today

and you are using it every day whether

you know it or not

we are all part of it that’s why i want

to explore

and if i had the chance i choose to go

to mars

why mars

mars is our ancient earth

like our planet’s older sister

mars is a mirror of us on earth

three billion years ago mars and years

were very similar mars

add an atmosphere and oceans at this


and today we are looking for a trace

of this unseen coverage by oceans

we are looking at any sign

of this past beginning of life

we have orbiters and rovers working on


to find any cell any trace

of this past life on mars

can you imagine what is going to happen

one day

when we will discover the first proof of

life on mars

this will change the course of history

our history as human being on earth

forever why this is so important

because we need to understand how and


the oceans and the atmospheres

disappeared three billion years ago

living at a cold desert while somehow

the earth still has an atmosphere

and most of the surface is covered by


this would enable to create a database

and dedicated models

to predict this evolution on earth

there won’t be just some kind of

hypothetical simulations

with that may have a relation to reality

they would reflect the stages

in the life on the ren ma on the red


and how the life disappeared

and that would tell us how to prevent

this happening

on earth

this knowledge of the martian history

would definitely raise awareness with


data and tangible facts

this will make us understand where we


in the evolution in the evolution of


what is going to happen tomorrow

to predict this evolution and to take

measures to fight against the threats

slow down their causes and mitigate

their effects

and be aware that our time on earth

is not necessarily unlimited if we are


taking good care of her

let’s take the example of climate change

imagine how useful it would be if we

were able

to put on the table facts arguments

proposed mitigation proposed concrete


to prevent from disasters from happening

on earth

for instance to prevent the accelerated

ice melt

to protect our forests that provide

that are so important for us to provide

us our oxygen

to protect our habitats and our families

from the climate description that makes

us so weak

in our own environment

deep knowledge of the climate change on


would empower us to predict this


to counteract these effects

to preserve life and our human spaces

this effort we also has the power to

unite so many people

all together in a peaceful way

from every country

in addressing of fundamental issues on


and giving to all of us something

optimistic to pursue

that’s why i want to explore and i want

to go to mars

not to leave the earth but to learn

how to live here and then

give it as a legacy to my children

and to our next generation

offering the past to the future

close your eyes you’re in the middle of


no gravity nothing that constrains you

in any way total freedom

in one direction a small red dot

in the other a small blue dot

one is to understand the other

is to be saved whichever you choose to

go to

the other must be in your mind and heart

have a nice journey thank you

