Blu From Limitation to Liberation

what if i told you

that right in the very seed

of a limitation a challenge

a shadow a weak spot

hold the seed of your greatest gift

every single person in this room has a

shadow a challenge

a limitation a weak spot a part of

ourselves that we don’t really always

present to the world

and not just every single person in this


but every single person on this planet

everybody’s going through something that

we know nothing about so compassion

is key

let me start with sharing my journey of

when my greatest limitation presented


five years ago here’s me happy-go-lucky

hanging out with my dog cruising on my

bike through the venice canals

i started noticing that my hearing was

decreasing rapidly

and i spent a family meal with my with

my parents and my brother

and we were talking about it and i was

saying i i can’t pick up on words

like i used to my brother actually

started saying that he’d notice the same


so we went for a hereditary for a

hearing checkup

and i’ll never forget that day for the

rest of my life

i walked out of that doctor’s office and

he said that

our results were extremely concerning

and after extensive amount of testing

our diagnosis was that

we have a hereditary hearing disorder

which is most likely a mutated gene

between our parents

it’s progressive meaning that it’s

getting worse

and it’s incurable so essentially

we were diagnosed with a hereditary

hearing disorder that meant that we were

going deaf and there was nothing that we

could do about it

i’m 25 years old what was guaranteed

what felt like was guaranteed what my

life was

all lined up for me everything then

start being in question

the thing that actually was the the joy

of my human experience of socializing

and connecting with other people

music events community started to be

to be the very seed

of what felt like a very new phenomenon

called social anxiety

as my hearing progressively got worse it

felt like i was standing in a puppet


and all i was hearing was mm-hmm

i got really good at smiling and nodding

and have no idea what was going on in

the room

i started feeling really isolated and i

could be in a room full of people and i

never felt

more alone and yes people could

empathize with my experience but no one

truly understood it did also lead me

into some very interesting situations i

remember being in a room with my friend

and she

she turned to me and she said gosh the

insects in the room are driving

me nuts i thought she told me that the

incest in the room was driving her nuts

you can imagine we went on completely

different pages for the rest of the

night things were a little awkward

because of this new social anxiety that

was feeling at the core of my being

i stopped going out there was no joy for

me there anymore

i stayed alone and home on and i didn’t

have to face off with my hearing loss

and something that i loved doing when i

was a kid but i haven’t done it for so


was drawing so i started drawing

i had a little piece of paper and i did

pencil sketches and eventually i went to


and eventually i started drawing a world

of beauty

everything became my canvas because when

i was painting or creating i didn’t have

to face off with the reality that i was

going deaf

my canvases got bigger and bigger

and then this is when angel number one

came into my life

his name was amir magal and he had


a body art marker pen all about the tool

of human connection

now you can imagine this definitely

grabbed my attention

it was all about human connection and

art human connection which i felt like i

completely lost

an art which is something that had just

become my world

and so essentially it’s a marker pen

that you draw on yourself

and so or drawing others so i started

painting on myself and i became my own


and when friends would come visit me as

i hermited in my apartment

i started drawing on them too

eventually over time of drawing on other


i realized that actually not all is lost

93 percent of human communication

is non-verbal so it’s like looking at an


we’ve got 77 above the water that our

five senses pick up on

there’s 93 of the iceberg that sits


the surface level of the water that most

of us are not really even tapping into

i realize that actually words lie

all the time energy

never does remember that feeling

when you picked up on something when you

first met them and something was off but

you didn’t listen to your intuition and

then later you found out that you should

have listened to it

that’s that 93 i’m talking about

i realized that actually through

connecting with tribal markets i didn’t

even need to use a single word

and my connection was restored so this

is me hanging out again with my pup

i never left home without my handy pouch

of tribal markers and in a room full of

people when my social anxiety what is i

was at it peak i’d pull out my markers

and i’d create art on someone

and the human connection was way deeper

than the human connection i was even

experiencing before my hearing loss

leaving myself with the question was i

really even connecting before

so albert einstein once said energy can

never be created nor destroyed only

changed in form so if my energy was no

longer being sent towards my hearing

it’s got to go somewhere else and i

started realizing that it was actually

being funneled into my extra sensory

perception of feeling

and maya angelou once said i have

learned that people will forget what you


people will forget what you did but

people will never forget how you made

them feel

and through being able to draw and

create art on others and restoring my

human connection

i left something with them a piece of


realizing that actually giving and

receiving is the same energy

and even though i was long gone out of

the room

my energy of my gift still lingered

so this sort of excited me a little bit

the very thing that started to scare me

the most

actually when i leaned into it there was

gold on the other side

and because of my hearing loss i didn’t

know what was going to happen tomorrow i

don’t know what was going to happen in

10 years time

so my fear being in the driving seat of

all the things that i wanted to do but i

was far too afraid to do it didn’t seem

to make any more sense

so i went into the core of the things

that scared me the most and i made a

list in my journal

one of the things shaving my head

so i did it

and for most people i look completely

crazy but for me it seemed to make sense

realizing actually on the other side of

the thing that scared me the most

it’s the very thing that set me free

and so people said to me oh you’ve

actually lost your mind at this point

and i’m thinking i haven’t lost my mind

i know exactly where it is i just placed

it over there for a second start living

with my heart

because i have not got anything

guaranteed but this moment

for the rest of my life all i have is

right now

another thing that would scare me was to

travel solo

so i packed my bags and i went to nepal

went backpacking through the himalayas

and i walked through the streets of

kathmandu barefoot

i bought paint supplies

and went to the orphanages and connected

with the children

i painted murals i brought beauty to

places where there was just gray walls

and realizing actually that when i was

in service

i was no longer suffering and i didn’t

speak the same language as any of these


but service and love is a universal


i then found myself in the heart of the

amazon jungle studying with a 2000 year

old lineage called the shipibo tribe

learning all about the intelligence of

the plant worlds the master

plant teaches and then this is when

angel number two came into my life

a book called the gene keys created by a

man named richard rudd who is an

incredible human being

now according to the gene keys this is a

technology that helps us to access the

dormant potential within our dna

so there are 7.8 billion different

people on this planet there are 7.8

billion different realities happening


our reality is a byproduct of the lens

in which we see life through

our lens is created by all of the

stories that have happened up into this


and how we have responded to them

so there’s a bunch of people in this

room right now and all of you having a

completely different experience with the

same talk

some of you could be thinking wow she’s

a hippie off the deep end she’s not even

wearing any shoes

and some of you can be genuinely

inspired by what i’ve got to share today

your perception creates your reality

and so according to the gene keys

there’s three different frequencies that

we can operate as human beings

we have the shadow life is happening to


i am a victim of my external


i blame outside of myself as to why

things the way that they are

there’s nothing i can do about it

because when i blame something external

i give all my power away

i am living someone else’s story and i

am not fulfilled

there’s the gift life is happening for


i may not understand it in this moment

but a hundred percent of the time

it’s worked out

and the reason why this is happening for

me is to prepare me for something

even greater than what is present right


and then there’s the city the clearest

lenses these are the sages

the gurus the people that have left

legacies on this planet long after they

have passed

this is where synchronicity becomes a


life is happening through me i am a

conduit of the divine will

so when i studied into the gene keys the

gene keys you can create your own

individual hologenetic profile

and it’s created from two technologies

the iching and astrology

and when i was diving deep into this

text wanting to understand what is my

superpower on the other side of my


i saw that i have deafness in my chart

i’ll never forget that moment sitting in

my little cabin in the forest

open up my book and realize that there

was a superpower hidden

in this challenge i have been given a

truth filter

the ability to feel energy and read far

beyond the words

neil strauss once said how you respond

to the inevitable pain of existence

determines the happiness and the

fulfillment of your life

and the dalai lama once said pain is


suffering is optional and i like to add

a little bit on to that

pain is inevitable suffering is optional

suffering is a byproduct of resisting

what is

and my dear sister brianna says the most

sacred thing

is what is because remember a hundred

percent of the time

it’s worked out up until this point

and then this is when i came across the

story of beethoven

now i’m sure all of you are familiar

with beethoven’s music of course

yet will you we are you familiar that

beethoven was a hundred percent deaf

he created some of the most incredible

music that didn’t just touch people’s

hearts it made people

feel something on the core of their

being this man translated vibration into


that left a legacy long after his past

his story reinforced what i was

discovering and realizing

that our lenses create our reality

we think 60 000 thoughts a day

and for the most part they’re

disempowering thoughts

our thoughts are like a frame around our


all of you are an exquisite piece of


and now you take that piece of artwork

and you put it in the garage

behind the sofa with a blanket covered

over it covered in dust

now it’s lost all of its value now you

take that same piece of artwork and you

put it in the getty museum

with a gold frame around it a red tape

in front of it and you can’t sell them

to five feet in front of it

now it’s worth 10 million dollars same

piece of artwork

different frame what story

are you telling yourself around your


your weakness that achilles heel

because the story is the perception that

creates your reality

we can either be a victim of


or we can be a creator of circumstance

but if it wasn’t for my deafness i

wouldn’t have discovered all of these


i’m curious what is your deafness what

is your challenge what is your achilles

heel what is your limitation

because it might just well be the

greatest gift and your service to the


and if we want to heal the planet the

division that’s happening

where everyone’s pointing the blame and

hoping that something

outside of us is going to save us we’re

fooling ourselves

the only way we’re going to see a shift

on this planet is if we take ownership

of our internal reality

self-awareness is one of the greatest

gifts you could give yourself

because i’m standing here today telling

you this story from the core of my wound

i’m 70 deaf right now and you can

imagine with the masks things get really


i don’t know what’s going to happen

tomorrow i don’t know what’s going to

happen in 10 years from now

but what i can carry with me is the

shift of perception that life is

happening for me and i’m always looking

for the gift in the challenge

and so i want to share with you today a

gift that i found

i was so afraid to sing in public before

my hearing diagnosis the thought of

singing and expressing myself shut me

down my body would physically

shake my face would go red my palms

would go sweaty they’re kind of sweaty

right now as well

and i let fear limit my self-expression

but because nothing was guaranteed and i

didn’t even know if i was going to be

able to hear my own voice

ever again i started thinking

and just like beethoven i don’t hear the

sound i feel it

and so i want to invite you don’t hear


feel it because i believe that the voice

is the vibration of our soul

and so i invite you for your soul

to be mine














may we liberate ourselves so that we can

liberate the world

and so it is thank you

