Crafting a new myth.





how does one begin to

remain optimistic in the face

of so much

hitting the fan right there is so


reason for fatalistic doom and gloom

these days it feels like if it bleeds it

leads it feels like our

frontal cortex is being hijacked by this

constant stream

of anxiety and fear and

fatalism and the collapse of

civilization just feels

imminent this this is a an existential

bummer like no other to feel the weight

of the world on your shoulders each of


being sort of intravenously fed social


frenetically parsed social news

like like information drowning in an


array of vitriol and negativity it is no

wonder why so many of us are are

suffering are

agitated it is no wonder why depression

and anxiety is running

rampant and it is no wonder why it feels

like there is no hope

in sight but something has to be done

about this situation it is an untenable

situation and so we need to turn to our

to the story that we tell ourselves

about ourselves right a friend of mine

once told me that a personal crisis


when the story you tell yourself about

yourself is no longer convincing

this is happening collectively you know

the story society tells itself about

itself is no longer

convincing in fact the only narratives

that are that are making the

five o’clock news these days are the

ones that that say that the end is near

and so we need i think a new story

we need a story about human resilience

we need a story about human possibility

and the story about human imagination

what stephen johnson refers to as the

adjacent possible he wrote about this in

his book where good ideas

come from he said the adjacent possible

is like a shadow from the future

that hovers over the present and

provides a map of all the ways in which

the present

can reinvent itself so what we need is

to probe the perimeters

of possibility what we need is to move

beyond what michael pollan refers to as

the bin bears and seeing that of the

adult mind with our

brooding resignation and our nihilism no

you know what we need to instead is is


craft heroic narratives in which we

overcome in which we

sing the songs that orchestrate the

universe we need to exercise what my


my friend jun yoon describes this

homeostatic capacity right

how quickly we can get back to center

you know how quickly we can

recover from all these existential side

linings you know and get

back to center right instead of thinking

of ourselves as creatures in a do or die

world or in a zero-sum game right

homeostatic capacity is about recovering

from the punches we didn’t see

coming right it’s not how many punches

you give as rocky said it’s how many

punches you receive and get back up

again but remember it’s not a zero-sum

game it’s not a win

or lose game it’s it’s it’s so much more

guys it’s

it’s what james p cars wrote about when

he talked about finite and infinite

games he said

finite games are played to win or lose

but infinite games

they’re played to keep the game going

how do we keep the game going how do we

come together to address the grand

challenges of humanity how do we

extend our hands towards one another

right how do we

incarnate the south africans saying

ubuntu i am because you are how do we

expand our compassion and empathy right

because it is said that empathy rarely

extends beyond our

line of sight so how do we increase


our line of sight of empathy how do we

grow our hearts how do we

open our hearts right how do we make

empathy go

viral how do we make kindness go viral

how do we make

possibility go viral how do we make


go viral how do we make these things be

the ethos

uh by which we live right how do we turn

our passing illuminations into

abiding light as that wonderful quote

talks about and so that’s

what is needed some kind of scaled

globalized version of the astronaut

overview effect you know when astronauts

go to space

they see the earth from space they have

a a massive re

shifting in who they are from that

change in perspective and then they’re


compassionate empathetic and they want

to make more meaningful contribution in

the world so we all need

to be like the astronauts we all need to

see the big picture we all need

to go into orbit we all need an


awakening we all need a force with what

is we all need to contemplate space and

time on a scale

just shy of the infant we need to go


our sounds beyond our tribe beyond our

ethnicity beyond our skin color beyond


religion beyond all the

and instead see the big picture the pale

blue the only home

we’ve ever known

so do we have it

in us to meet this moment to rise to the


to drop into our training

to show up to grow up

get to work
