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wear your mask

and maintain physical distancing those

are the two most common precautionary


we should take in order to lower our

chances and contracting the corona virus

as the whole world came into a southern

halt and efforts became focused on

finding the pandemic

another one broke with this one

preventive measures didn’t work

communication has been profoundly

compromised amid the pandemic

today i’ll be classifying the

communicative ramifications

that have been materializing and

thereafter i’ll

be recommending a transcendent from it

the communicative ramifications can be

classified into three main aspects

one inequitable and confrontational


by by creating negative rhetoric


and character assassination primarily

based on age segmentation

ethnic discrimination and

confrontational context

at one end of the age segmentation


as the pandemic started to further

propagate several data sets

revealed that the elderly are arguably

more prone to mortality

meanwhile at the other end of the same


a label surfaced and was tagged to


super spreaders such discourse

showcased unequal valuation of lives and

augmented a sense of anxiety

another unlawful rhetoric would be that

of an ethnic hate speech

which has stigmatized an entire country

and or population

for the pandemics outbreak such as the


or the chinese files similarly

confrontational context by incorporating

hostile frameworks

metaphors and wordings like conquering

combating and biological warfare were

all used to fight the pandemic

inequitable and confrontational

narrative only served to add to people’s

worries by obstructing any individual on

communal initiative and offsetting the


as people became hesitant to disclose

the contraction of the virus

two ambiguity and false promises data

concerning the pandemic keep on

servicing in an ambiguous manner

it is important to balance between

communicating the potential risks as

they are

and simultaneously offer practical means

to alleviate them

it has been clear by now that the virus

won’t vanish by tomorrow

yet it won’t last forever therefore

communication should always propose hope

rather than

unrealistic expectation or false


three impractical best practices

communicating preventive measures has

elevated several anxieties

as some of these measures are

unattainable privileges

according to the yuan’s sustainable

development goal

sdg number six clean water and


water scarcity could displace 700

million people

by 2030 in parallel 3 billion

people lack basic hand washing


which is the most effective prevention

method in order to fight the virus

similarly another preventive measure is

physical distancing

being at social gatherings practicing

religious beliefs

exercising going to work or simply

visiting family members and parents

all have been suspended due to the


when it comes to underserved individuals

and communities

even the simplest form of physical


isn’t fully attainable therefore

the ongoing narrative is clearly not

taking into account

existing inequalities who would have


that at the time we need each other the

most our words would only set us apart

today more than ever we need to initiate


and share experiences that unite us

accordingly i want to share with you a

transcendent remedy

what we need is a tool as old as

humanity itself

storytelling it’s not about fairy tales

and myth

it’s about connecting humanely with each


hence i prefer to coin and share it

as story sharing rather than


why story sharing has an intrinsic value

as it transcends the average

entertainment and liberal arts dimension

it involves the profound comprehension

of humans thought processes

emotions and actions who is the greatest

story sharer of all time

we are each one of us is by nature it’s

in our dna

from where do we derive content content

originates from within

how to apply this ramen

one rationalize the experience

when things are left unspoken people are

likely to convey all sorts of

misconceptions about certain experiences

and even might be labeled as a taboo

such as contracting the coronavirus

in order to rationalize this experience

we need to share our personal encounter

many will find comfort knowing that

other have faced a similar situation

and have sought support when they’ve


two narrate mitigate

and liberate naturally we feel daunted

talking about our traumatic experiences

and the more we resist sharing them

the more burn out our psyche becomes

sharing them for the first time

will trigger unpleasant emotional and

physical reactions

however the recurrent story sharing

of our traumatic experiences in a candid


will make us feel less detained once


we start to observe its various features

such as the beginning the ending the


and the setting they become more

tangible and clearer

narration will aid in analyzing the

events that have accumulated

and the reactions that have emerged in

the aftermath

hence it medicates the intensity

initially it had

and ideally replaces it with the feeling

of liberation

ultimately story sharing

is fundamental in preserving a

collective memory as an integral


for identity building

three transform the meaning from less

to full acknowledge

and eventually make sense of the

experience by transforming it from a


into a meaningful one so to


when communicating the pandemic story


needs to take into account social

economic and cultural concerns

it requires a multi-disciplinary

approach in order to refine a public

discourse and optimally

aims towards advocacy

when it comes to communication and

particularly story sharing

i personally resort to what i like to

call as use

unique sharing experience

how by embracing a mix of rhetorical


logos pathos and ethos

in other words i choose to juggle

between logical reasoning

and scientific data emotions and ethics

all in order to convey a humane and

methodical message

then i recommend an attainable communal

call to action

always bearing in mind self-awareness

which is the nucleus of an ethical story


story sharing has made my content

and any endeavor that i pursue more

resonant and transcendent

by sparking a generational connection


story sharing has enabled me to provide


to information to people by transforming

knowledge and experience in order for

them to make responsible decisions

second it granted me the opportunity in

helping others to fulfill their human


and third it empowered me to contribute

to the overall societal

well-being as we speak keep in mind

that your survival rate is a perfect 100


meanwhile let’s honor those who are gone

but not forgotten

due to a pandemic or not keep

in mind and take a minute and think

about all the stories that are being

generated around you

to be shared later on don’t suppress

your attitudes values

and ideas let adversity ignite your


draft each chapter as you go

and live your story to the fullest

what’s your story i’ve shared mine

tell us share more this is the power of

story sharing

thank you