Importance of building connections for climate action

thank you for welcoming me here this

evening it’s truly a pleasure to be with

you all

we find ourselves in this epic moment a

moment of enormous

challenge of loss of immense opportunity

and of awakening otherwise known as the

year 2020

where a collective re-realization of our

kinship to the natural world is


that is good news for the climate crisis

if we can do one thing

connect imagine a world where we are all


around the climate crisis where we are

unified for a healthy just

and sustainable future for all it starts

with you

and it starts with me and it starts with

our power in this time of incredible


during the course of my career i have

experienced uniquely different company


i have found myself in a rather

unpleasant company culture

one that struck fear where the where

results were inspired with intimidation

instead of inclusiveness

an overall air of distrust and

separateness prevailed

cover your butt was our team’s

unofficial motto

it made the work difficult and the time

spent there heavy and stressful for many

it broke my heart to feel the impacts of

the disconnection

not only on the work but on the people

i knew in order to be successful in my

role i needed to step

into the headwinds it was

in these moments i realized how strongly

i believe it is the right of employees

to come to a workplace that is built on


to feel valued for their contribution to

feel included

and respected building a better

workplace for people was that the heart

of me

when putting forward a strategy that

would unify environment

social and governance issues within my


i was incredibly confident in my ideas

but i was also unsure how they’d be met

the following i offer are four broad


based on the learnings both from my

success and my failures that can help


step into climate conversations a little

more easily both personally and


first find your authenticity be genuine

and seek the truth for yourself

the human passion to pursue activities

which makes us who we are

most often arise in moments of purpose

or ambiguity

and for me it was both

identify how climate change and your

passions are connected

we are all great at talking about what

we love what we know and what we believe


and if you’re not sure what you’re

passionate about that’s

okay start with what you’re interested

in and follow it

follow that thing where time seems to

vanish because you’re so engaged

and follow the heck yes moments maybe

that’s what brought you here this


identify your values and write them down

realize that climate conversations

aren’t always about climate explicitly

social justice diversity and equity as i


animal rights access to clean water

sustainable forestry

religion and spirituality sustainable


famine your children humanity’s physical

well-being and mental health

the circular economy energy and clean


these are all connected to climate if we

do better in

all of these things and more

the climate will thrive again and it

takes everyone working

on them all at the same time your voice


if you’re not sure how your passion and


and the climate intersect i encourage

you to check out the un sustainable

development goals or the good life goals

for inspiration

all of the goals directly or indirectly

support the climate fight

and talking about climate isn’t always

easy it seems to be more and more

connected with where we sit on a


spectrum than it does with actual

science but fear not you do not need to

be a climate scientist to speak about

the climate crisis with your passion

your values and your authenticity you

are ready

so number two start the conversation go

talk to people it doesn’t matter how

you’re connected to them just that you


find the formal and informal leaders

speak with your within your existing

network your friends your family and

your colleagues

seek out new contacts in your

organization seek out new contacts

outside of your organization

you’ll find your allies in places you

didn’t expect

ask the people you know to introduce you

to someone in their network that may

align with something that you spoke

or asked about ask a lot of questions

ask why

what they see are challenges and gaps in

your company or community

what’s really bugging them what do they

wish could be better

and why if your experience is anything

like mine you’ll have pages and pages of

feedback and likely you’ll get a lot of

people excited too

what do the conversations have in common

do you share a similar passion

do you share some similar values what’s

the common ground

three develop and refine your vision

share it if you’re not sure ask yourself

what does it look like to be better

how will you know when things are better

where you are

share this vision with others along with

your values and your passions

and share with them why you started

having these conversations in the first


and four dare to lead

embody your vision have tough

conversations remember your passion and

your values when the conversations

are tough reconnect with people through

those values first

and data and facts later use your heart

and be brave

recognize the potential in ideas and in


stay curious use your empathy and

courage to forge connections

keep going momentum is everything

keep building keep refining keep

learning about yourself

your passions the climate other people

keep the conversation going

keep speaking about what better looks

like and most importantly encourage

others to speak about climate issues

as well imagine a world

where we are all connected to our shared

values and unique purpose for a healthy

just sustainable future for

all it starts with you it starts with me

and our great power in this time of


remember it’s about the people people

like you and me

like your neighbor your colleague your

hairdresser your aunt

you and all of us here tonight are

incredibly centric to the climate crisis


your voice is urgently needed

as are the people that you will connect

with the ones that are just

waiting to hear your voice to be

inspired by your story

and your unique perspective