Auditory Experience in Autistic People




hi everyone

i’m elisa husband and today i will talk

about the auditory experience in

autistic people


i don’t know you but i am very needed

that all the stars

finally died away because as an autistic


i get more stressed and tense with a lot

of auditory stream at the same time

than you who is not on autism spectrum

this occurs because

as an autistic person i have a totally

different auditory experience

than you which is not a doctrinal

spectrum so

before talking about belgium experience

in autism

people i want to talk about the autism

spectrum disorder

itself autism is a developmental


a condition related to the brain

development that affects

how a person perceives and interacts

with others

and that also affects the person’s


and behavior autism is expected because

each autistic person has a different

group of symptoms

that can derive from yield to several

according to the dsm high diagnostic and

statistical manual of

mental disorders fifth edition people

with autism can have

with social communication interaction


interests repetitive behaviors strengths

and symptoms that can affect people’s

ability to function well

in many areas of their lives nowadays

specialists are trying to divide the

autism spectrum to three levels

according to the social capacity and

strict repetitive behavior so according

to this division

people with level 1 autism have immune


and may not require so much substantial


but on the other hand people with level

2 on free autism

have moderate severe symptoms

and may require a much more substantial


i will start talking about the auditory

experience noticing people

giving our personal experience as an


so when i was a baby i used to stay in


mother’s house as an old house it was


up of wood floor which one made some

noise when someone walked

on it when my mom finally made me sleep


most part of the autistic people have

troubles to sleep

she took him to her room and let me


javad wake me up she hatched walk very

carefully through the bed

because each little knot is that wood

floor made

out of a cup even now i have troubles to

speak because of

christ so how i have already mentioned


autistic people can be more less

sensitive than other people

just censoring it soon study shows

that more than 90 percent of people from


have sensorial purposes but let’s focus


how people are affected by authority

in most part of their cases autistic


are more sensitive to our stars too

because of this we can have our behavior

affected by what we call

meltdown an intense response to the

release of

stimulant that can cause temporary loss

of behavior control

because of the stress that the sensorial

system can cause

autistic people can have a really bad

auditory experience because of the way

that we process

all them tutoring information we can


much more outstanding information than

who is not allowed in spectrum

this overloads our auditory processing

system and we get very stressed

because of this the outstanding

experience in autistic people can be

very bad

efficient solutions should be developed

the existing solutions

are sound isolators expo

therapy computer assistant exposed


and auditory integration therapists

thank you