Authentic Learning as a Vehicle for Change

isn’t it amazing

that an entire oak tree is sleeping in

the tiniest aquarium like the acorn we

must be fed

and nourished awakened and enlightened

to grow mature and find our way

when i meet my students parents in

september i ask what do you want for

your children

what do you want them to leave this

classroom knowing

thinking doing and being they offer

their sincere hopes

and i make a promise to do everything i

possibly can to guide their children on

the journey to fulfill these dreams

as educators that’s what we do our

intentions are pure and true

we envision the healthy oak tree making

its way from seed

to sapling and beyond but we encounter


that often make it difficult for the

seeds to sprout

many students inner class the first day

of school with heads down

little energy and no motivation to begin

a new academic year

they’re sad they’re angry they are

disconnected they feel lost

yet we as teachers are expected to

trudge ahead with the curricular focus

adhering to prescribed guidelines and


knowing that this does not serve the

best interest of the children in our


we must connect with them establish


and foster genuine relationships in

order to provide what they really need

if we don’t we crush the hopes dreams

and possibilities of a bright future for

so many of our young people

at their earliest stages of growth

we cannot change the extenuating

circumstances our students face in their

lives outside of school

but we can and must think about what we


in school and how we can be part of the


school systems around the globe struggle

to educate students in a way that will


responsible empathetic resilient problem

solvers who enter the workforce and make

the world a better place

it’s what we all want but don’t achieve

the universal focus

is short-sighted and misaligned

where is the deep meaning in what we

offer our students

many times curriculum is delivered in


detached and unengaging intended to

prepare students

for testing but not relating to real

life in many classrooms little that

students are asked to do makes sense to


or connects them to something meaningful

they ask

why am i learning this and when the

content is far too difficult to


they turn away from instruction the


and the academic institution they give


school is not for them our marginalized

populations are especially vulnerable to

this fate

we must focus on the purpose and process

of learning

and the content must connect the learner

to his world and to life beyond the


how do we unleash the potential of the

individual student

and get to the real learning

we can see what gets in the way

but what feeds the acorn

we should engage our students in ways

that ignite a passion for learning

that enable them to turn on and tune in

to life inside the classroom and out in

the world

authentic experiences lead to meaningful


when there’s a desire to learn or a true

need to learn something

we’re motivated to learn it

presenting curriculum for a real life


just makes sense

why am i here what is my purpose

not only do students feel this way in

school many teachers do as well

helpless hopeless apathetic

helping students find their purpose is

necessary in promoting social and


growth eight-year-old abigail

had so much going on inside her she

needed an

outlet to express her internal struggles

during a writing session when we were

exploring the meaning of longing

abigail wrote these words and shared

them with her class

longing is me heartbroken it’s as if i’m

up in the sky and

my tears make rain i flood the world

my heart has a big hole in it and i do

not have a lot of good times to fill it


all my crying makes the hole bigger and

bigger i fall

and never get back up

in that moment of sharing abigail


that others felt the same way that she

was not alone

her writing encouraged the rest of the

class to share

their personal stories of sorrow and


we need to change our way of thinking

about teaching and learning

we need to inspire our students by

offering a meaningful path to learning

through real world contexts

creating an original opera is one way to

accomplish this

students spend an entire school year

making their own opera

this creation process serves as an

authentic vehicle to teach academic

social and emotional skills

students form a production company they

apply audition and work in jobs

equivalent to their adult counterparts

in the real world

to produce a collective goal the opera

students are the proprietors of their


solving real life problems on a daily

basis they make decisions that affect

not only the opera process but they’re

learning for the rest of their lives

nothing is contrived or simulated

this is real life

abigail wrote about longing because it

was the theme of the opera

a theme determined by her class the

opera company

as they explored what was really

important to them as a group

there was so much loss in their lives

that year

around this theme they formed a bond

that enabled them to process

their feelings and experiences they

named themselves

fire starters kids opera company they

were the sparks of inspiration

that would unite and start a huge fire

to spread around the world

and ignite others in an effort to better

understand themselves from the inside


just as they themselves were doing their

original opera story

a storm inside illuminated

the struggles and triumphs from their

own storms in life

camilla was a performer in the opera

company who

like everyone else faced her own

internal storm

my storm inside

my head is burning i’m spinning around

lighting is burning me

two strings are pushing me

i don’t know which way to go

i try but i couldn’t understand

flowers are dying blue turns into gray

my heart has no reason

i’m feeling guilty trees are falling

no paradise i’m falling through the


i am so alone i feel lucked out

first i got up then

i go down

my storm only mine

the mistakes i have done

are all over me

camila says my heart has no reason

going through daily social and emotional

experiences with fellow company members

helped camilla process her storm inside

and find her purpose for being

as a society we are devastated by the

growing number of children and teens who

are affected by school dropout

depression eating disorders drugs gangs

pregnancy and suicide

systemic racism and poverty societal

ills that significantly impact the human


greatly contribute to this broken system

and to students

availability for learning

if we shift our thinking and how we

approach education

we will be taking preventative measures

to minimize the mental health crises and

societal ills

that manifest in our young people and

plague us as a society

we need to give our students the tools

and strategies needed

for mental health wellness these skills


be taught via textbook or curriculum

manual but must come from an authentic

classroom culture

where their application is required for

learning to happen

such skills give root to academic

achievement and allow students to


we’re often afraid of storms if storms

are necessary

storms present unique opportunities to

see the future

wind and rain toss turn and scatter the


the acorns that will one day become


oak trees there is so much in our

students lives that they cannot control

we must give them the autonomy to drive

their own academic social and emotional


there will be setbacks in life but


that they can control their attitude

their effort their perspective and their

approach to the difficulties they face

makes a difference in the kind of people

they will become

as adults

as we come to understand ourselves

better and recognize

the barriers that constrain us we begin

to understand others

as well we must help our students sow

the seeds that not

only benefit themselves but will also

serve the greater good

another class named themselves let it

out kids opera company

they realized there was so much going on

inside them that needed to come out in

order for them to grow

their opera story revealed that need and

what happens when we’re unable to

open up and let things out and the


when we finally do let it out

the other side of the campus

no one sees so turn it over

and see where it


it out leads make it better it’s okay to


and change circumstances show the other


the other side of the campus no one sees

so turn it over let it out and

see where it leads laying it out can

make it better







this authentic learning experience

serves as a vehicle to problem solve in

real time

as you saw in the video when students

were confused in the song

performers and composers kept moving

forward and eventually found their

footing together so that the message

would be delivered through reflection

we learn about ourselves our sense of

confidence and courage build as we find

our place within the group

we belong

we learn to speak and write freely

expressing ourselves as we discover our


we learn to make mistakes to fall down

to persevere and push beyond our failed

attempts and perceive limitations

knowing that making mistakes

and accepting imperfections is real


we pick ourselves up and are ready for

what is to come next

we are resilient

what we don’t see in the video behind

the canvas is the entire company working

interdependently in their jobs with no

adult help to bring the story to life

nor do we see the hallway exhibition

highlighting students work over a nine

month period

to show their process of learning

but it doesn’t have to be opera

when learning comes to life and is

connected to real world experiences

students academic social and emotional

aptitudes integrate

naturally and logically in the context

of authentic work

no matter the vehicle we must inspire


interest and passion in our students as


when seven eight and nine-year-olds

convey profound messages that seem way

beyond their years

people listen for the first time

students can feel see and understand

a world beyond themselves

and empathy is born so

we open the world to our students and

give them access

through relevant veritable experiences

and they are transformed by being part

of something

bigger than themselves

these are the production managers final

words to her company

on the last day of school june 12 2015

manuela so today we say goodbye

for today is our last gathering as

harness the stars kids opera company

in the beginning we had a rare spark

that no other company had

our intelligence came together and took

us far beyond what we know

and finally we’ve landed in a land where

nothing is impossible

when we leave this class we will plant a

seed in someone else until we change the

world together

sooner or later ms mcginn will start

hearing that that ryan solved cancer

star stopped global warming and natanya

is reducing co2

ms mcginn will say these are my kids in

such proudness

we are expected to do good in the world

we need to show

who we are in fourth grade don’t let

negative thoughts collide you

but let positive thoughts change your


i leave you with this reflection by


a former student who is now 23 years old

thank you