Changing Perspectives


uh i

believe that most of you have heard of

god am i right

yes what you basically try to do is hit

the little white ball into the hole with

golf clubs

you try to finish talk with as few


as possible i play golf

and i am very good at it

trust me goth is very fun and

interesting golf

doesn’t just help your body it also

helps you improve your mental health

golf is not just a sport it’s more like

a way

to express yourself

before i started playing golf

i was a very rough person

i don’t even think about the results of

my actions

before i did them that

all changed after my first golf class

my mom brought me there because she

believes that

goth is a gentle spore

she was right goth changed me

goth totally changed me

my mom is right 90 of the time

but if you ask her she is right

200 of the time

it took some time to improve

in fact when i first started playing


i was terrible i

couldn’t even hold the golf club


i got so frustrated after my first golf


that i eventually broke one of my new

golf clubs

but i kept going through these lessons

four times a week this started one year


one of my golf coaches taught me the

angles and goth

if you look at the ball from different

angles you start seeing things in

different perspectives

my dad who is also right

200 of the time

one said that playing golf is a waste of

money and time but that’s

not true in my perspective

after playing golf my life

changed a lot i start knowing

what is right what is wrong i start


how to be a good kid how to be a kid

that everybody

loves and respects

if i haven’t played golf my life

would be a disaster sometimes

playing golf can be frustrating

for example if you miss a pot or the

ball cannot land where you want it to


you can get upset or you can choose to

calm down

if you calm down you

have the chance to see a bigger picture



knowing that sometimes life don’t go as


calming down can really help you focus

and concentrate on your game

focusing on the little white ball can

help you forget about problems in your


thinking positive stuffs can help you a


thank you very much