How virtual reality turns students into scientists Jessica Ochoa Hendrix

How did you discover your passion

or find your career?

Were you exposed to it?

Or was it trial and error?

As child rights advocate
Marian Wright Edelman said,

“You can’t be what you can’t see.”

Fortunately, we now live in a time

when emerging technologies
may help us to solve this problem.

For the past two years,

I’ve been developing
an extended reality program

that enables middle school students
from across the country

to take on the role
of a marine biologist –

even if they’ve never seen the ocean.

As one seventh grader
who recently completed our program said,

“I could see myself as a scientist,

because I enjoyed this game.”

This feedback really excited me,

because too few students
do see themselves as scientists.

A 2014 study showed that 57 percent
of eighth- and ninth-grade students

said, “Science isn’t me.”

Coincidentally, also in 2014,

I met Mandë Holford, a marine biochemist,

and Lindsay Portnoy,
an educational psychologist.

The three of us shared a passion

for getting students excited by
and comfortable with science.

We thought about how
we could give children

the most realistic experience
of a scientific career.

We discussed the research;

it showed that students felt comfortable
taking risks when playing games.

So the three of us started
an educational games company

to bring science to life.

Virtual reality seemed like
a low-cost way of increasing access.

In addition, academic research has shown

that virtual reality may lead
to increases in learning retention.

This was perfect for us,
as we wanted to be in schools

so that we could reach
the most number of students possible,

particularly students who have
been underrepresented in science.

So, with funding from
the National Science Foundation,

we began developing
our extended reality program

that combined virtual reality

with personalized digital journaling.

We worked with teachers
while developing it

to ensure that it would fit seamlessly
into existing curricula

and empower teachers to use cutting-edge
technology in their classroom.

We designed the virtual reality
for Google Cardboard,

which requires only a smartphone

and a 10 dollar VR viewer
made of cardboard.

With this inexpensive headset,

students are transported
to an underwater expedition.

Students use their digital journal

to write down their notes,

to answer questions,

to construct models

and to develop hypotheses.

Students then go to the virtual world
to test their hypotheses

and see if they’re accurate,

much as scientists go to the field

in their careers.

When students return
to their digital journal,

they share their observations, claims,

reasoning and evidence.

The students' written answers
and virtual interactions

are all updated live

in an educator assessment dashboard,

so that teachers can follow their progress

and support them as needed.

To give you a better sense,
I’m going to show you

a little bit of what students see.

This is the virtual reality
when they’re underwater

observing the flora and fauna.

This is the digital journal
where they’re constructing their models

based on this abiotic data
to show what they expect to see.

Here, they’re supporting that
with qualitative statements.

And this is the educator dashboard
that shows progress

and enables [teachers]
to see the students' answers as they go.

When we were creating BioDive,

again, we really wanted
to focus on access,

so we designed it to require
only one phone for every four students.

We also knew how collaborative
science work is,

so we constructed the experience
to only be solved

through collaborative teamwork,

as each student is an expert
in a different geographic location.

Given that these children’s brains
are still developing,

we limited each experience to last
a maximum of two minutes.

And finally, because we know
the importance of repeated exposure

for internalizing knowledge,

we constructed BioDive to take place
over five class periods.

We started piloting BioDive in 2017

in 20 schools in New York and New Jersey.

We wanted to see students
as they were using this new technology.

In 2019, now,

we are now piloting in 26 states.

What we have heard from teachers
who have taught our program:

“It was a nice way to show ocean dynamics
without the luxury of actually being there

since we are in Ohio.”


“It’s pretty mind-blowing.”

“The students were totally engaged.”

But what really gives us hope
is what we’re hearing from students.

“I liked how it felt like I was there.”

“It’s interactive and a fun way to learn.”

“It really gave me realistic examples
of how these organisms appear.”

“I could see myself as a scientist
because it seems really fun.”

Our feedback wasn’t always so positive.

When we began developing,

we started off by asking students

what they liked,

what they didn’t like

and what they found confusing.

Eventually we began asking
what they wished they could do.

Their feedback gave us
concrete items to build in

to be sure that we were including
student voices in what we were designing.

Overall, what we have learned is that this
is the beginning of a new platform

for giving students
both voice and ownership

in deciding how they want to have impact

in their careers.

We focused on science,

because we know we need scientists

to help us solve our current
and future challenges.

But virtual reality could support
students in any area.

How could we support students
in exploring all of their desires

with these eye-opening experiences
and chances to learn from primary sources?

Could we create VR
for inexpensive headsets

that lets them be immersed
in oral literature

or in critical moments of human history?

Extended reality has the potential
to change the trajectory

of our children’s lives

and lead them to careers
they never imagined

by giving them the chance
to see what they can be.

Thank you.
