Why Do I Need to Learn This A Student Approach to Redefining Education

when we think of the meaning

of education we often think of an

acquirement of knowledge

we see ourselves as these jars meant to

receive and hold on to information

sometimes this information is simple

facts to memorize and

other times it is understanding

difficult concepts

ideally this information is acquired

over a steady period of time

and sometimes it’s crammed the night

before an exam you may or may not have

done too well on

to contrast let’s look at the etymology

of the word

education education comes from the latin


educare which roughly translates to

lead forward or to bring forth

with this we can see that we are not

just jars meant to

hold onto information rather

we are vessels by which information


is processed and is then given back

bringing forth a better version of


i want us to really focus on that last


education is meant to bring forth

a better version of ourselves

now do we really live by this meaning

look i’m a college student and i can

tell you that this is not always the way

i approach my own education

and my time in a university setting has

shown me that

not many students do for this reason

i want to call on us all to redefine

what it means to receive an education

and how we can use

this new framework to better ourselves

and our world most discussions around

education are geared towards educators

and what they can do to better develop

their methods however the purpose of

this discussion

is to empower the student in all of us

to look at our education

a little differently to help with this i

asked a group of high school students to

tell me what they thought education was

in about one word

and you’ll see some of their responses

behind me as we go through this talk

so let’s set up our lesson plan first

we’ll look at why

education often seems so burdening then

we’ll see how learning

is a natural way and a powerful tool

to bring ourselves closer to our

passions and

each other then we’ll move to look at

how education is not just a tool

to help people but can be the motivation

to help people education is not just

a vehicle it’s not just the car we take

to change

education is the reason we get in the


in the first place and lastly we’ll look

at the social responsibility that comes

with education

if we are to truly see 2020 then

we ought to be seeing as both students

and citizens

we must be students in our classrooms

but we also must be students

in the broader world likewise we need to


citizens in the broader world but we


need to be citizens in our classrooms

and in our classrooms we often see

education as

very frustrating this rigid and

burdening institution in our lives now

is this because of the rigor of the


or something more pervasive like the way

we define ourselves and our capacity for


we grew up in a culture that loves to

use the word

smart when we use this word we instantly

define ourselves as either having an

innate capability to succeed or not

i want us to do away with the word

smart when we use words like this

we instantly put a cap on our potential

in fact there isn’t really such thing as

inherited intelligence

the concept of inherited intelligence

was pushed by researchers ernstein and

murray in their book

the bell curve intelligence and class

structure in american life

in which they pushed the idea that the

socio-economic structure of american


as well as its intersections with race

are the way they are because people in

poverty are

naturally less intelligent this theory


since then been debunked as research has

shown that environmental factors play a

much larger role in intelligence and


than an inherited set of genes so why do

we still define ourselves this way

if a student seems to grasp a concept

quicker than other students

this does not necessarily mean they are

smarter than their peers but

rather that they likely were exposed to

similar thinking or concepts

somewhere earlier in their lives

likewise in angela duckworth’s 2013 ted

talk titled grit

the power of passion she found in her

research that

iq had little correlation with student


rather it was their grit and resilience

that did

it’s not smart it’s effort

these same ideas pushed the research of

dr carol dwecks of mindworks coining the


fixed and growth mindsets students with

a growth mindset see their education as

flexible dependent on what they put in

whereas students operating from a fixed


see their capacity for learning as

limited by an innate ability they also

found that

students that operate from a growth

mindset are more likely to take on


even with the fear of failure

this is important because if we tell


we are smart if we fix ourselves to

these words

then we shy away from opportunities that

could bring failure

because it would threaten that title


if we tell ourselves that our capacity

for growth is in our own hands

we don’t fear failure we embrace it

many of my teachers in high school

especially in our science department


always trying to encourage us to adopt a

growth mindset

they taught us to love struggle

because that means that we’ve reached an

opportunity to learn

so when our education feels frustrating

and it will

sometimes we’ll feel like we just can’t

get it no matter how hard we try

don’t let this limit you rather

struggle but as my teachers would always


struggle well because

when we struggle well when we build from

what we do not yet know

we see growth and

who doesn’t love to grow right i mean i

know i would love to grow

these are heels and

similar to our love of growth believe it

or not

we actually love learning learning is an

essential part of human nature we often

think of learning and education as only

being possible within the institutions

of a classroom

but if we take a step back we can see

just how natural it really is

early on in our lives it is learning and

exploring the world around us that

allows us to

understand our own existence

contextualize our environment

discover what we love and build


in fact this is evident even in our

language for example when

we are describing a close relationship

we have with someone

we say that we know them this

shows that learning is precisely what

unites us

and if this is true what if we take this

idea a step further

if learning is what unites us then this

translates easily to the way that we

often sit in our classrooms

together if we begin to look at


recognizing it in these more intimate

and everyday forms

we can begin to appreciate it in the

classroom as well

oftentimes we see education in the

outside world and the classroom as

two completely different things and

while i definitely can’t claim that our

education system is structured perfectly

it is still possible to enjoy both

because they’re fundamentally about

something that we

naturally enjoy doing learning

and i know a lot of us also struggle

with another burning question

well what if i like learning but i just

don’t really care about what i’m


and this is very understandable but

in cal newport’s book be so good they

can’t ignore you

he finds that passion is not always a

prerequisite for enjoying the work we do

in fact it’s often the hard work and

determination we put in towards

mastering a concept or developing a


that engenders within us a passion and

love of the work we’re doing

that means that the same work that can

get us past frustration

as we mentioned before is the same work

that can get us past

disinterest this is a powerful thing

especially when we are learning about

each other or

how the world works or why in history

this happened

or happens or will happen education

allows us to tap into this expansive

network of collected growth and

experiences of the world around us

further uniting us the moment our

ancestors began to record their history

they created a bridge that spans

centuries and continents

because now we can learn from them too

connecting their past and our future

if we approach our lecture halls even

the ones that feel like

dungeons like mausoleums or like the dmv

if we approach our lecture halls with

these ideas then suddenly

sitting there becomes so much more than

listening into a professor drone on

and on it becomes you and everyone

sitting there with you

expanding your shared network of


so now that we have examined a new

framework of education that frees us

from our own limitations

and looked at how learning can be

natural and uniting

let’s elevate this idea to a concept

that is especially

critical today social responsibility

education is a mechanism not only to

gain knowledge about a cause we can grow

to care about

but also gain the tools to bring about


and bringing about change takes us back

to what we discussed as the original

meaning of education

to bring forth education is not meant to

end with us

in many ways it starts with us

this idea of social responsibility is

also greatly influenced by the fact that

most things that i’m talking about today

are due to the fact that

not everyone in the world has the same

opportunities with education

those of us here who are lucky enough to

receive or have received quality


are incredibly privileged on a national

and international level when we look at

the sheer inequality of educational

opportunities based on race

class gender geography among other


this alone can make us instantly

appreciate what we

have again i cannot ignore that almost

everything i have said on this stage

today still only applies to a handful of


let that be motivation to be

and do better and to be

and do better again we must see as both


and citizens because when we have the

eyes of a student

we have the heart of a learner and we

combine this

with the eyes of a citizen we have the

mind of someone who is ready to take

that knowledge

outside of the classroom and it’s

interesting to be giving this talk today

when this tedx event was originally

scheduled to take place in

january of 2020 with the idea of looking

into this new decade with

20 20 vision

when in reality a lot of the ideas

presented today

not only by me but by most of the

speakers here

are better understood because hindsight

is 20 20.

i think we can all agree that the events

we have seen

unfold in our world this year

demonstrate the importance of public

consciousness better than

any speech ever could we saw experts in

so many different fields come together

in this critical moment

with the coven 19 pandemic we saw public

health officials and health care

providers fighting

on the front lines of this pandemic

political leaders

ideally setting mandates and bringing

our communities together

economists looking at the impacts this

can have on our economy and people’s

livelihoods for years to come artists

and designers

making informational graphics that we

all spread to get protective knowledge

to the masses

with the black lives matter protests we

long overdue began to examine

racism particularly anti-blackness in


every sphere how does racism

affect medical education and care or

hiring practices

or barriers in academia or the way we

see ourselves in arts and media

we began to look at race both


and genetically we saw how

even artificial intelligence can adopt

racial biases

ultimately we live in such a connected


that every way or discipline of learning

is related to someone’s way of living

likewise when we watch events unfold in

our homes

our communities nations and world

we must be ready to engage as citizens

and learn and listen but we also must be


to mobilize as citizens

education gives us the power

to do both

our time here today has consisted of

looking at how

education and our culture around it has

created a mindset

in us that limits our potential we then

looked at a new framework to be able to

unleash our potential in these


then we looked at how learning exists in

so many forms in our lives many of which

we already enjoy

making it easier for us to appreciate

them even

in more structured contexts lastly we

looked at how

education not only enables us and

empowers us

but requires us to make change if we are

to live by its true

meaning so education can seem

frustrating but in reality it is that


and that struggle that allows us to

achieve growth

and this growth is essential in building

a better future

for us and our world and to make that

change education gives us that power

for my family education has meant


my uncle was an incredibly hard working

man who

used his education to bring the rest of

my family to the united states decades


education is the way that my siblings

and i

are able to honor the sacrifices my

parents made as immigrants

it’s the reason we have had every

opportunity we have been given

education is for many reasons

why i am on this stage today so i hope


in any of its many forms enables

us all to find fulfillment in every form

thank you
