Wishing Wells



have you ever thought that a problem was

too big to solve or that one person

can’t make a difference

well i’m here to tell you that every

person can make a difference

it just takes faith hope and


how do i know this well in second grade

four of my friends and i decided to make

camp on boardwalks for rural villages in


you may be asking why india well

my family and i moved to mumbai india

for the first six years of my primary

school experience

there were a lot of surprises in india

from the very best to the very worst

i saw some of it was really fascinating

and beautiful

but we also saw a lot of poverty in

school we partnered up with many ngos to

explore how we can make a difference and

how we can help people in these

challenging situations

it could just be giving local school

children supplies

feeding stranals or just giving a

helping hand one day in my second grade


my teacher showed us the movie ryan’s

well ryan’s well is about a young boy

who decides to save up all of his pocket


to build wealth in africa

after the movie my friends and i were

thinking and we

wanted to make this possible for where

we live in india

so after a great deal of thinking our

company wishing well was born from the

heart of five seven-year-old girls who

wanted to make a difference in this


so we got to work with the help of our

parents we found an ngo who decided

who found where the location was of

villages and where they could drill a

hole to build a well

we built we made a company to work with


we made posters organized bake sales and

even made a logo

then word got out and people in churches

started donating

we ended up with over 100 000 rupees

that’s nearly

5 000 us dollars

our first one was built in the village

of matassagar

in matassagar they drove and drunk and

at 170 feet

they finally reached water this process

took up to one or two months to complete

our second well was a big one it was

built in the village of

flor nagar fulham nagar is home to

a school and village our third well

was is in mar hall which is also home to

a school and a village

so do you still think that a problem is

too big to solve or that one person

can’t make a difference

my friends and i never expected for our

company to grow to this size

but with the with help and determination

from our community

we made as possible now that my family

and i

live in china and my friends and i are


out all over the world we are still

hoping to continue this and gain access

to new teams and communities

thank you