How to Apply Yourself

what do you want to be when you grow up

which college are you going to

what’s your major are you going to grad


where are you going to work after


these questions might mean well but

they’re distracting

my talk today is on what these questions

are getting in the way of

and how to fix it my perspective comes

from professional experience for example

college and career counselor working

with students also as a professor

but it also comes from personal

experience in high school and college i


fixated on the career itself not on the

life that came with it

and whether that life was what i wanted

and that was a mistake you know how

parents like to tell students to find

their passion

well my passion was to be a news

reporter i was obsessed with

it and i chose my college mostly for its

journalism program

when i got this fabulous internship at

nbc in new york city the summer after my

freshman year

i could have powered manhattan with my


but several weeks in i overheard a phone

call between

the reporter i was interning for and her


she was kind of tucking them into bed

over the phone because she wasn’t going

to be able to make it home in time

and that was very obviously a routine

my heart sank i never really articulated

it before but

i always knew that i wanted to be a very

present mother one day

and so in that moment i just felt the

rug being yanked out from under me

this was the wrong fit and it was really


so i looked at college and i thought

it would just be a waste to stay here so

i graduated early and just

left the problem is millennials like me

and gen zeirs are searching for more

fulfillment and more meaning out of life

but they’re not getting it in our

high-speed world we are just staring at

what is immediately in front of us

putting out the fires of college apps

and job hunting and it is stressful and

it is overwhelming

and to me it is no wonder why mental

illness on high school and college


is now an epidemic there’s so much to do

but what’s the point and college should

be this

remarkable awesome purposeful time in a

person’s life

but for many students today it can be a

huge letdown

we are spending more money and more time

on higher education than ever before

and we’re getting worse results clearly

we have not been adequate in guiding our


so what’s the solution we need to coach

our students on applying themselves

but the emphasis should not be on

applying the emphasis should be on

applying themselves

their values their goals their lives

when going through the college and

career planning process

and i’m not just talking about career

interest inventories and aptitude tests

i’m talking about more

as parents educators and mentors we know

there’s a much bigger picture to who

these students are

and we can do a better job helping them


who they are what makes them unique what

makes them happy

what their personalities are like how to


success and work-life balance according

to them

tell your students don’t just apply to


see how that college applies to you and


rather than being at the mercy of the

application process

young adults can be empowered they can

feel grounded and in control of their

own lives

and that can be on campus and at work

they’ll be living with purpose

we shouldn’t just be asking students

which college are you getting

into or what line of work are you

getting into

we should be asking also what are you

going to get out of this

i wish i had guidance like that when i

was in high school it would have saved

me a lot of strife

but at least it’s what drives my work

today and

that really has become my new passion i

hope you’ll join me in helping students

adopt a healthier

more holistic perspective one about how

colleges and careers fit into their


not the other way around thank you