How to Succeed Every Moment Even When Youre Failing


it’s something we think about a lot that


desperately want and strive for so much

so there are already over a thousand

other ted talks on the subject

but i’m not here today to talk to you

about traditional

notions of success i’m here to talk to

you about

how you can succeed even when you’re


when you think about what traditional

success looks like

it might conjure images of wealthy


who build leadership academies for girls

first ladies

who write the best selling memoirs of

all time

or activists who fight to equalize the


if achieving monumental goals like this

is what it takes to be considered a


well i don’t know about you but it makes

me feel destined to be a spectacular

failure and while we might not be quite

holding ourselves to the standard of


oprah michelle or a mighty suffragette

we do in many cultures hyper focus

on goal achievement as the measure of


these might be professional goals like

getting a degree

or promotion parenting goals like

getting a kid into a good college

creative goals like having a painting


or citizenship goals of getting women

equal pay

for equal work you set a goal

you take steps to achieve it if you do

so you’re a success

by this definition though on the flip


if you don’t achieve the goal you’re a


i think we have this all wrong now

some will argue that failure is good

that the one thing the most successful

people in the world have in common

is that they’ve experienced failure more

often than others

but i’d like to argue that failure to

achieve their goals is not

really the thing that these successful

people likely have in common

for those of you who play sports if i

were on the pitch or the court or the

field and i offered up a magic

spell that would give you the victory

without ever having to touch a ball

would you take me up on it the goal is

to win after all

and this would make you a success for

all you parents

what is the goal of parenting i know i’d

like my two children to become

kind loving independent contributing


what if my magic spell could turn your

kids into exactly the humans you’d like

them to be

your goal of having your kids turn out

to be great adults

would be achieved you’d be a success as

a parent

there’s just one catch you have to hand

them over and poof

i will give them back to you when

they’re 30 year olds

now maybe if you have two-year-olds or a

teenager you might

take me up on this but in general most

parents would not

and why is that because the whole point


playing the game and going through the

process of parenting

not just achieving the goal of winning

or having kids who turn out to be great


we can want those things and work in

ways to make them more likely

but perhaps we need a shift in focus

here now i’m not just repackaging it’s

not whether you win or lose it’s how you

play the game or

life is about the journey and not the

destination i mean that

is partly what i’m saying but there’s

more to it than this

allow me to share an example of my own i

love writing and i have a couple

professional psychology books that i’ve

published but what i’m talking about is

creative and personal writing and i have


a dozen pieces at varying stages of


children’s picture books and poems

personal essays

even the beginning of a ya novel and


and so my goal for my creative writing

the outcome i desire

is to get published now

i have submitted many of these pieces

for publication

and i’ve been doing this for over 10


can you guess how many of those pieces

i’ve had published

exactly one and that was just this past


so by our earlier definition of success

i have a goal i set out to achieve it

um i would be a spectacular

failure of a writer so maybe it’s time

to hang up the typewriter

but this is the exact problem with an

over focus on goal achievement

as the measure of success when we don’t

get the outcome we desire

we stop moving forward even if what

we’re doing

deeply matters to us and most


we’re playing a rigged game because

goals are outcomes and outcomes are

almost entirely outside of our control

so for example you might have a goal of

getting a new job

getting married or changing

discriminatory practices at your kids

elementary school just to

pull an example out of thin air and you

can certainly take steps to make that

more likely

but whether or when it ultimately

happens is kind of out of your hands

so what happens after you send out 20

resumes spend

six months doing online dating or make a

stellar presentation to the school


and you don’t land the job find the

perfect mate

or affect meaningful change if you see

these as

failures you very well may give up

you may stop moving forward what if

there was a better way

now as both a therapist and a writer i

would never just

tell a client or a reader what that

better way was

what’s the fun in that they say show

don’t tell

so i would show them because that’s

really the best way to

get a concept is to experience it

personally firsthand

so what i’d like to ask you to do is get

a pen or a pencil anything you can hold

in your hand it doesn’t have to write

now seriously go get a pen or a pencil

really go get a pen or a pencil

okay now i want you to think about a


that you’ve been working hard to achieve

something that you’ve been putting a ton

of energy into attention effort

both physically and mentally and when

you have those details in your mind i

want you to grasp the pen

as tightly as would represent all that

you’ve been putting toward achieving

that goal

this could be the worries the

researching any

planning or problem solving getting

reassurance from other people

and and then of course whatever actions

or tasks you’ve actually

engaged in squeeze that pen and notice

how hard you’re holding it

give it a number zero to ten and just

notice how it feels

now i want you to release your grip by

about 50 so

you know if you’re holding it in at

eight try holding it at a four

and notice how that feels how it’s

changed how it feels differently than


and now hold the pen as lightly as

possible without letting it drop

and notice how that feels and how it’s

different from before

now what’s the one thing that hasn’t


you’re still holding the pen so maybe

instead of hyper focusing on goal

achievement as our

main or even only measure of success we

can continue to move forward with the

actions that make realizing our goals

more likely

but while holding the outcomes more

lightly now

of course when we pursue a goal like

getting a job or finding a spouse or

writing an organizational wrong

if we don’t get the outcome we desire

rejection is painful

let’s think about why that is i would

argue it’s because

what we’re pursuing is important to us

pain is like a bright red neon arrow

pointing at exactly what matters in your


consider what keeps you up at night is

it worry about whether

netflix or hbo is going to stay in


you may enjoy binge watching the vow as

much as the next person i know i do

but unless you have a loved one in an

actual sex cult

i bet you’re not losing sleep over it

the worry that keeps you up at night

is about your family friends health

career the things you really care about

and while you may not be able to control

the outcome of getting the job finding

the spouse

changing discriminatory practices or in

my case getting published

you can decide who shows up to each life


each present moment offers a new

opportunity to choose what you do

and how you do it you can write an

online dating profile and show up to

coffee dates openly

authentically or playfully you can

participate in job interviews

enthusiastically and well prepared

you can fight the status quo with

courage and figure

and you can write because you value


skill building and perseverance

we’re never done being authentic playful


creative or persistent these are

qualities of being in doing that we can

choose to embody in each moment

whether we achieve the goals and

outcomes we desire

or not in our current reality we have

very little control over the outcomes of

a global pandemic

other people’s behavior or the results

of important elections

but we can choose the types of humans

and citizens

we want to be as we navigate our

challenging world

as you consider who this me might be for


fear uncertainty or the ever-present

imposter syndrome

may very well accompany you every step

of the way

this is because you care remember

and you could allow those passengers to

sneak into the driver’s seat of your


where you could call upon the wisdom of

those who have gone before us

like oprah michelle or a mighty


i know when my inner critic gets loud i

think wwod

what would oprah do not because oprah

has achieved some incredibly impressive

goals which of course she has

but because when she faced poverty abuse

racism sexism body shamers

she embodied determination courage

perseverance and authenticity and it is

inside the embodiment of these qualities

that we can succeed

even when we may be failing if we choose

to focus

on how we show up to each moment we’ll

be more likely to persist

even when we don’t achieve our desired

goals or outcomes

and if we keep showing up in these ways

life is better

may not be less painful or easier but we

certainly feel more alive

so the question is not what goal or

outcome must you achieve to be a success

the question is who is the me you most

desire to be

in this one moment maybe it’s no

coincidence that me

sits right inside moment

thank you