3 Ways To Turn Your Passions Into A Successful Career

again my name is david p

jones i am a serial entrepreneur with

businesses in real estate

brand management and consulting i’ve

been featured in publications like

thrive global

medium authority magazine women in


delaware business times and delaware

today for

my work in business and with single

mimes today i’d like to share with you

how i turned my passions

into a successful career growing up

i remember loving animals i really loved

animals i had stuffed animals all over

my bed

and my family we were pet people we had

hamsters guinea pigs gerbils

rabbits cats dogs and birds

one of my favorite pets was our bird

named tweedy

now tweety was special to me because

tweety could talk and

although tweedy could only say tweety

she was special to me because tweety was

a house pet

she remained in her cage for long hours

and this

used to bother me so one morning

i woke up and i wanted to give tweety an

equal opportunity as the other birds and

allow her to stretch her wings

so i opened the door and i allowed

tweety to fly away

thinking that she would return at the

end of the night but we all know how the

story ends

tweety never returns and i’m the villain

in the house

i know you’ll be at you know you may be

asking where am i going with this

but just hold on i’m going somewhere

i also remember traveling down the

highway with my dad and we would go from

delaware to philadelphia often

and i would see animals left on the side

of the road

that got mixed into traffic seeing this

would really

break my heart i would cry and cry and

cry this is how much

i felt for animals i love them they were

people to me

i even thought that i could talk to

animals that i could look at animal

right in his face and know exactly what

it wanted

this was my super power i decided to

share my super power with the world and

was met with

great criticism i was called weird

people said normal people don’t go

around talking to animals

and because their opinions meant so much

to me

i decided to let my animal dreams go

has this happened to you have you had a


a dream a business plan or idea that you

share with family and friends

and was met with discouragement so

because of that you decided to give it


well i’m sure we all have fell victim to

this and for me that was my animal story

today in social media there are hundreds

of people that get paid to talk to


and when i found this out i was so upset

not only i could have continued my

passion but i could have got paid for it

one of my favorite comedians tony baker


a animal voice over and i love him for


take on cat skippity pat when i was

looking through his page i stumbled upon

some comments

of people giving him gratitude for his


one of the comments read you know what i

was having a really bad day

and reading and watching one of your

funny animal posts gave me the joy and

laughter that i needed

i also could relate tony baker’s content

makes me happy every day then i thought


not only could i follow my passions

and then got compensated for it but i

could have impacted others in a powerful


it dawned on me that not only are

passions for us

they’re for others as well see i look at

it like this

the human body the human body is full of

trillions of cells and depending on

where they’re located in

the body they have different jobs and

different functions some of the obvious

ones that sticks out to me

are the red blood cells that brings our

body oxygen the white blood cells

that fights off and kills bacteria and

the nerve cells that allows us to think

and move

now although these cells have different


they share one common goal to add to the

overall health of the body and make sure


functioning properly this reminds me of

the human race mankind

i look at it like we’re a big giant body

and inside the body there are billions

of people

from different backgrounds different

races different cultures we have

different beliefs in different religions

depending on where we’re located

we have different gifts and talents and

skills and career paths but we too

share a common goal that is to add to

the overall health

of mankind but some of us

get distracted chasing power and money

and status

see the way that i was able to create a

successful career was by changing my

perspective from

what i could get to what i could give

so you may be asking well how do we do

that how do i

build a successful career and how do i

impact mankind

well i’m going to share three ways that

i was able to do that

number one identify your passions

like the story that i mentioned earlier

about me loving animal

can you relate is there something that

you used to love to do as a child as a

teenager as a young adult that

you decided to put away maybe you can

start there

see passions are the things that we love

we enjoy

doing these things but for some of us

identifying our passions may not be so

easy and that was my story

for 10 years i jumped from job to job

and career to career trying to find the

perfect fit

i couldn’t find it typically i would


a job based on this pay and because of

that i often

was never satisfied because of the

instabilities and jobs and

or remaining at a position that i did

not like i experienced depression and

anxiety and sadness see sometimes the

society will pressure us to get it right

early in life

they tell us to go to school and pick a

major and that’s what we’re supposed to


at the age of 18 but that may not always


the case and that sure enough was not my


see the way that i was able to identify

my passions

was first identifying the things that i

did not like first

and when i was able to identify the

things that i did not like first i was

able to

to gain a clearer picture of the things

that i did like which leads me to my

next point

align your passions with your career

i was able to realize that i enjoyed


writing for me is like an artist with a

blank canvas

and once the artist starts to paint by

the time that they’re finished it’s this

beautiful mural this beautiful painting

well that’s

how i look at a blank document whether

i’m writing a article

or a biography or a blog once i’m

finished it’s this beautiful piece of


not only i loved writing i realized i

was good at it so i was able to start

searching for jobs

with that same description

now this is not easy at that time

i just had my child i became a single

mother and i was struggling

financially and if you’ve ever been in a

financial bond

you know that this is not the fun part

of life life actually

sucks when you have to wake up in the

morning and think about how you’re just

going to pay the bills

so i was torn between passion and


i came to a crossroad where i was

offered two job positions

one was a six figure job paying more

with a laundry list of tasks that i did

not like

the other job was a entry level position

paying less

but the descriptions matched my passions

so you guessed it

i chose my passion job now people called

me crazy they didn’t understand why i

didn’t choose the higher paying job

but i knew that if i would have chose

that management position

that i would have gone right back on the

rat waist the rat race

that ended me up in unhappiness in the

first place

so i chose my passion job and because of


i was able to allow my passions to grow

i started working for a global ceo

branding firm and i worked alongside the

ceo for many

years and i learned so much about

business and leadership

i quickly excelled to director of

operations overseeing

the day-to-day tasks pr social media

and book publishing i was able to

utilize my passions and write for

fortune 500 companies and

forbes level ceos i was able to


these ceos and gain how they became so


it was my own think and grow rich


i oversaw a 55 business growth at this

company while creating

scalable brands all because i decided to

follow my passions

because i was able to identify my


make the sacrifice to align it with my


and then allow it to grow i was able to

accomplish my lifelong dream

to become an entrepreneur a


today i’m a real estate investor with

four properties

serving low-income communities i have a

brand management and writing company

for small businesses and i am a mentor

for single moms who have experienced a

single pregnancy

or going through single motherhood see

what i learned is that

not only i was able to create a

successful career but i was able to

create a fulfilling life by helping

others along the way

see your passions are important

they are your inner guiders to how you

should live your life

they are not just hobbies and things

that you do on your pastime

but they are the big flashing lights on

how you can create a successful career

and also a fulfilling one

recently i lost my father to covet 19.

he died at the age of 60.

if i could compare my life to his for a

moment i’m 33

so that means my life is halfway over

what i learned from this tragic loss is

that life truly is

short if you’re spending any amount of


doing anything that brings the worst out

of you

that causes you depression or anxiety or


you’re not fulfilled

it’s not worth it before i close

i would like to recite a poem that i


see not everyone understands my dreams i

call myself the manifestation queen

because everything that i think i write

and i speak

i see and because of that i’ll continue

to believe

see we all have that same power within

i’m talking about

mankind to do what we love and create

fulfilling lives

so make the decision today to follow

your passions

follow your dreams because one day


impact the world and your community and


is my wish for you all mankind again my

name is david p jones

thank you