Believe In The Power Of Success Fate And Luck

hello friends i’m mahesh thakur i’m an


i’ve been around for a very long time

you must have seen me

in movies television shows cereals

ad films the list is endless

yes i’ve been around for a long time and

do i consider myself successful

number one am i successful do i consider

myself successful

do you correct do you

consider me successful is the question

do i consider myself successful yes

do you maybe maybe not success the word


is measured by different yardsticks by

different people everybody has a

different way of looking at success

okay i’ll give you an example when you

were young

success for your mother was when you

took your first step

when she let go of that little finger

which you were holding and you took that

first step by yourself

she considered that successful and she

must have clapped you must have clapped

you must have been so exuberant so happy

that was successful i’ll give you

another example

when you were little and when you were

potty trained for the first time

that was successful you were successful

you see my friends the word success can

be applied to

varied timelines issues

but you yourself have to consider


successful to be alive just to be alive

just to take those

fantastic breaths which god has given

you it keeps you alive

that is successful to be successful in

my eyes at least

everything else is man-made it’s created


we use those yardsticks to measure


but yes those yardsticks also do make


of course because they give you a place

in the society

and we must always try to strive to

achieve to move ahead

that’s what life is about isn’t it

well so how do we approach

our successes in life we approach them


setting goals everybody has a goal in


but sometimes don’t keep your goals so

far that by the time you reach it you’re

too old to even enjoy it i used to keep

my goals

very small whatever i did i did with

complete passion

with complete energy because that was my


and when i achieved it i felt successful

feeling feeling successful is very

important if you don’t feel successful

you cannot achieve you will not strive

so set your goals small achievable

but when you set out with complete

passion put your best foot forward

that’s what i did that’s what i’ve

always been doing

and then there is something which is

beyond comprehension of

anybody it’s called the power of the


the power of the universe so in layman’s

language we call it luck

that plays out in such a it’s such a


system that you you won’t even know why

you’re doing the things you’re doing and

before you know you’ve

done the greater things in life without

even setting out to achieve them

that’s purely because something called

luck plays out so as long as you’re

doing your little

little things in life focusing on your

little things the bigger things

come by themselves so remember that’s

the best way

to approach your life i would say

now coming back to me yes

who am i who am i

i didn’t actually have a goal in life

the goal of being an actor

i had a goal in life of uh doing things

which made me happy

acting was one of them yes

when i was uh i’m i’m not uh told you

where i’m from originally i am from

america central america panama and i’ll

give you a little example of how luck

plays out since i was on that topic

uh i was working in panama and my

company was

doing well but we needed this one big


you know because when the orders come in

your you execute those orders

there’s more movement of merchandise you

make more money and

the company grows you know how it works

so uh

it happened when i hit a flat tire

now you wonder how a flat tire is going

to be connected to the story i’m going

to tell you this is exactly what

happened so i was driving

and in panama where we live we have the

curbside where there’s a metal plate

and i made a turn of my car on the front

wheel climbed over it i’m sorry the back

wheel climbed over that metal plate and

it cut my tire

my father was angry with me he says you

know you’ve cut you’ve got a tire these

tires cost a lot of money

it’s a good 25 you’re going to be paying

i said yeah well i’m sorry you said well

you go and get it

fix it so when i went to the market to

search for the tires

they were expensive but there was this


in uh the free zone that’s where you

know you don’t pay taxes you know it’s

it’s like

an enclosure a free port there’s this

big company over there called trangulo

and i walked into that company to buy

one tire now mind you these places only

sell wholesale they they sell

it’s it’s a wholesaling whether they

sell a container load of tires

or you want anything to do with

merchandise it’s always going to be a

container load when you talk a container

load it’s like

one tire about if you talk about a tire

about more than

8 000 tires fit in a container so just

to give you an idea so when i went over


thinking they will sell me one piece i

went and inquired for the price

obviously they thought i was going to

purchase a lot they gave me a fantastic

price something like 13

i said okay can i have one

a person’s expression was something else

altogether he says we don’t sell one

i said i know but i’ve hit a flat tire

and you know it’s very expensive to buy

it outside the free zone so can you sell

me one

he says no yeah take it for free i don’t

need to sell you one

now when he said take it for free it

struck me that

a person who says take it for free

obviously is not someone who works in

the company the owner of the company

i asked him his designation he happened

to be the owner’s son he said yeah i own

the company

when i looked around he had merchandise


my company used to sell okay and

uh in those times there’s something

called the the fan with lights you know

it was called in spanish they called it


i speak spanish just a little so i said

what price you selling that at he said

at so and surprise

and i said i could deliver this to you

much cheaper and that was my first deal

i cracked with a very big company

purely because i had a flat tire and i

wanted to get a good price

i walked into the free zone the time

when i went there the person i met

and things just worked out and that

person became the biggest

client for my company which i was

working for so just to give you an idea

similarly when i was in india when i

come to india i was i came here to meet

my grandmother to be with her and acting

just happened to me it happened because


friend of mine satla he is a

he’s a person from the industry he took

me for his

ad campaign i did one one thing led to

another that’s another story so anyway

coming back to my story over here where

i said luck played out

this story is a little bit more shocking

the reason being because uh

when i when i reached bombay i i used to

live with my family

and unfortunately uh we were living in

joint family

there were property issues and whatever


and believe it or not in the year 1996

my father had passed away and the

property had

been taken away by his rest of his

family i was left with nothing

and that same year i won a property

i was the recipient of the first prize

of the home tv family contest

but it’s about the timing it happened

precisely in the same

three months which i was

to be there in three months of losing a

property i won a property

luck that’s what luck is so uh

you you can search it up over there well

moving ahead

uh there’s lots to discuss with you

people but yes very important

luck is an important factor in life

never let go of it values are important

factor of like never

never let go of it and success success

is very important

to measure success everybody does it

with their own yardstick anyway

i shall speak to you more on this later

but i hope you enjoy the other speakers

i leave you with this factor that

there’s nothing greater than luck luck

is the most important factor in one life

keep your

goals focused keep it short keep it

steady and the big things will happen to

you automatically

much love to you always bye